Business -
15 Cases of Extreme Brand Protection
- Big Corporations make great effort to protect their brands. Sometimes they go
to extremes, often with humorous results. Here’s a few examples. |
McDonald’s -
15 Little Known Facts About McDonald’s
- As recognizable as the brand McDonald’s is, there’s a lot people that
don’t know about the company. Here’s a number of little known facts.
Bacteria -
15 Remarkable Facts About Bacteria
- Most people regard bacteria as bad. In reality, bacteria is much more
complicated than that. Here’s a few little known but astounding facts why. |
Soda -
15 Surprising Facts About Soda
- Soda is one of the most beloved beverages in the world. Here are some
surprising facts about the drink itself and the business of soda.
Jellyfish -
15 Remarkable Facts About Jellyfish
- Jellyfish might not seem that remarkable, but there are some weird, little
known astounding facts about this creature. |
Coca-Cola -
15 Little Known Facts About Coca-Cola
- Coca-Cola is perhaps the most recognizable brand in the world. Here
are some surprising facts you may not know about Coca-Cola.
Beer -
10 Surprising Facts About the History of Brewing Beer
- The historical practice of beer making has a number of curious facts behind
it. Here are some little known stories from the history of brewing.
Elephants -
15 Little Known Facts About Elephants
- Most people are already aware that elephants are remarkable animals, with a
number of amazing characteristics. Here’s some more amazing facts about them. |
Fast Food -
15 Surprising Facts About the History of Fast Food
- The fast food industry is ingrained in our culture. Here's some
surprising and curious facts about its long history.
Divorce -
20 Surprising Facts About Divorce
- This article details a number of surprising facts about the history and the
circumstances that surround divorce. |
History -
Surprising Facts About the History of Recipes - Recipes are a part of all
cultures. While many cultural dishes are well known, they often have surprising
histories. |
Weddings -
Strange Facts About Wedding Traditions - Details a number of strange facts
about the origins of wedding traditions and odd superstitions.
Magic -
15 Ways Magicians Fool Us
- Details a number of ways magicians seamlessly pull off their various magic
tricks. |
Diamonds -
15 Remarkable Facts About Diamonds
- Details remarkable facts that make the diamond one of the most incredible
substances on Earth and in space. |
Australia -
15 Little Known Facts About Australia
- Australia is a unique nation. There is more to the country than what most
people realize. Here are some little known facts about the continent. |
Celebrities -
20 Celebrities Who Invented Amazing Things
- Details a number of celebrities who have invented useful products or devices
in their free time. |
Valuables -
Top 15 Worthless "Valuables"
- Details a number of collectible items that people often think will appreciate
in value, but most likely won’t. |
Savants -
25 Individuals Who Thrived with Savant Syndrome
- These individuals have, or have had, savant syndrome. They have thrived well
despite the inherent problems associated with the condition. |
Monkeys -
15 Odd And Interesting Facts about Monkeys
- Monkeys are one of the most beloved creatures in the animal kingdom. Here are
some odd and interesting facts about them that are little known. |
Cities -
10 of China's Ghost Cities Explained
- Here are reasons and examples behind the strange problem China has regarding
numerous cities that are practically uninhabited. |
Religions -
20 Little Known Religions and Cults
- The article details a variety of surprising religions and cults that most
people have never heard of. |
Appliances -
15 Germ
Riddled Household Items - Details a variety of items, appliances and areas
in the average household that pose a risk when it comes to germ exposure. |
Marketing -
20 Horrible Social Media Mistakes Made by Companies
- Because tweets and Facebook comments are so notably short and succinct,
companies can say a lot and do so unwittingly. |
Legal -
Top 20 Most Ridiculous Lawsuits
- Here we discuss some of the craziest and absurd lawsuits of all time. |
Legal -
25 Funny & Crazy Arrest Stories
- The following are 25 examples of funny and crazy arrest stories of all time
that will shock you. |
History -
20 Little Known Facts About the Titanic
- There are still many surprising facts about the Titanic and its disaster that
are largely unknown to the world that you will discover here. |
Talent -
44 Examples of the Extreme History of Method Acting
- The article details 44 examples of the extreme measures actors and actresses
have gone to for method acting. |
Basketball -
The Difference Between Streetball and The NBA
- The article details the differences between street basketball and the
professional league, the NBA. |
Pets -
18 Richest Animals in the World
- Details some of the richest animals in the world, and describes
situations where their owners have left them sizable fortunes.
Nutrition -
24 Food Additives That You Should Consider Avoiding
- Details 24 alarming additives in everyday food that you may want to think
twice about putting in your mouth. |
People -
55 Celebrities With Physical Imperfections
- Covers a surprisingly large number of celebrities who have various physical
imperfections, despite their social status and standing as being viewed as
examples of perfection. |
Basketball -
8 Mediocre Players Who Made It Big (Financially) in the NBA
- Details a number of players who made a lot of money in the NBA, without
actually doing much in the league. |
Henry Ford -
26 Interesting Facts About Henry Ford
- Details of a variety of facts – good, bad and surprising – about Henry Ford. |
Music - 9 Remarkable but Underappreciated Musicians
- Details and profiles of musicians who, despite their talent and influence,
were or are still unappreciated. |
Movies -
14 Bleak Aspects of the “Golden” Age of Hollywood
- Details the dark side of the often romanticized Golden Age of cinema. |
Television -
10 Actors Who Prove Smart People Make the Best Dumb Characters
- Lists 10 smart actors who played dumb characters in various television series. |
Television -
8 Lovable Villains from Film and Television
- A list of lovable villains from film and television over the years. |
Bands -
10 Ridiculous Feuds Between Bands
- Gives details about completely ridiculous, horrible hostility and violent
feuds between various music groups. |
General -
10 Health Problems Caused By Bad Teeth
- Details 10 surprising ways your teeth could harm your health – and maybe even
ultimately kill you.
Relationships - 15 Crazy Marriage Proposal Incident Stories
- Check out these shocking marriage proposal stories that ended up badly. |
Relationships - Top 15 Epic Romantic Gestures
- Details a variety of bold and strange gestures people have made in an attempt
at romance. |
Billionaires -
10 Billionaires as Wasteful or Fanciful as They are Wealthy
- About 10 billionaires and how they often wildly spend their money on
extravagant purchases. |