Blogging as a Pedagogical Tool in ESL/EFL Writing Classes
Finding better ways to help students learn a second or foreign language is what
teachers are on the lookout for. One area that has continued to inspire teachers
is the use of advanced technology to support communication. The Internet and
other forms of modern technology have been shown to create impressive results in
teaching compositions to native speakers of English. The rapid developments in
technology have not only shrunk the world but have introduced many applications
that enabled people to communicate across the continents through their mobile
phones. The availability of word processors, email, chats or discussion boards
have been used to support communication practice for many learners of English as
a second or foreign language (ESL/EFL). Additionally, it has expanded the
choices of pedagogy for writing classes.

The teaching approach which focuses more on the processes involved in writing
rather than the finished product became widely acceptable. This might be rooted
on the research done by Flower and Hayes in 1981 and supported by Elbows in
1990. This, however, was designed for L1 writing. They called this the process
approach. It involves a collaborative effort rather than getting ideas solely
from one’s private or solitary view. Furthermore, it was deemed suitable for
social, cooperative or constructivist concepts of learning.
Second language (L2) writing pedagogies were patterned after first language
(L1) writing conventions. In fact, many ESL/EFL teachers were attracted to using
technology for their writing classes. With this trend, professional
organizations like Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)
recognized the role played by Computer Aided Language Learning (CALL) as a
teaching practice. It has proven the claim that technology is not about
computers as machines alone, but as facilitators for communication among
learners and their teachers. Over the past decade, technology has been used to
carry out instructional practices.
What is Blogging?
in 1998, “Weblog” or “blog” is a technological tool that continues to emerge as
a valuable writing tool. The name was derived from the fact that anyone can log
on to the web at any time. Stauffer, in 2002 has defined blogging as the act of
adding articles or updates to a site at regular time intervals. Quite different
from websites that are static, blogs are designed to be dynamic with the use of
computer-mediated-communication. Usually, it includes topics based on the author
or blogger’s personal experiences. It serves as an online-based diary opened for
the worldwide audience to see. Consequently, the blogger might receive comments
from readers. Because it is done with the public as an audience in mind,
reactions can be solicited from sources outside the circle of class members.
Advantages of Blogging
For the past 20 years, virtual spaces and digital file sharing for communication
have grown a lot. Blogs became a medium for communication through the Internet.
In fact, they have inspired countless research on communication, composition and
rhetoric implications. Additionally, educators have adapted the use of weblogs
in their classes as a discussion board for free communication. For many, blogs
offer a wide variety of advantages for second language learning and writing as
it emphasizes content, gives opportunity for quick feedback, combines words and
images for better understanding and makes linking from one page to another
possible. The following are the perceived advantages of blogging for ESL/EFL
writing classes:
1) Promotes and
encourages participation in discussions
inside the classroom should be made as lively and as engaging as possible to
keep the ideas flowing.
many ESL/EFL classes, however, this isn’t the case. In a survey done on the
willingness to participate in class among students in these settings, it has
been found that many non-native speakers have a hard time taking part in
exchanges of ideas. This is connected with the students’ inability to keep up
with processing of meanings for what they heard, and constructing ideas from L1
to L2 before speaking. For them, consuming too much time on this is like wasting
their classmates’ time and opportunities to learn more which do not happen in
discussions online. Additionally, it provides them the chance to learn
collaboratively from each other as they share perspectives. About 80% of ESL/EFL
students believe that it is easier to share ideas or comments online than in the
class where everyone gets to look back at you. Moreover, class members can join
discussions at their own pace while giving them the chance to understand the
contents of the class better. Blogging is helpful as it gives leeway for
students to create coherent thoughts, and revise their sentences before letting
others know what they think. It is well-planned and organized.
2) Combines reading
and writing
be able to join class members’ conversation in a blog, students should
understand the over-all flow of thoughts and exchange of ideas. This will only
be possible when the students get to read the chronology of comments about an
issue or topic. This will challenge their comprehension of what other class
members have to say. To be able to provide accurate feedback, they must read
first. As they go along the lines their classmates have contributed to the
discussion, they discover new vocabulary and expressions that will help sharpen
their reading skills. For many ESL/EFL students, the prescribed time to read and
comprehend texts in the classroom may be too short to get the gist of the
concepts taught. This results to low degree of participation. Blogs, however,
enable students to get involved in literacy activities with less anxiety as it
provides class members with the opportunity to compose, edit and publish their
writing for the audience. With the writing practice they received as
prerequisite for sound commenting on peers’ ideas, they get to discover their
writing styles or adapt them for the type of audience they have. Blogging then
enhances the students’ ability to comprehend and communicate effectively.
3) Serves as source
of information and provides access to previous discussions
Because blog posts are made available even after discussions of a certain topic
is done, ideas contributed by both the teacher and the students can be preserved
and accessed at any time. Since ESL students may need time to digests the ideas,
blog entries provide them with the chance to get into the exchange of thoughts
without feeling helpless or being a distraction in the classroom. Additionally,
when they do not understand a word, they feel comfortable looking up meanings in
the dictionary. Likewise, with the ease in sharing information with students
online, teachers may even provide them with possible links to topics that
elaborate examples and widen their schema. Jumping from one article to another
not only helps students gain insights but it assists them in judging whether
information is helpful for their queries or not. Automatic archiving of posts in
blogs in chronological order enables educators and their students to locate
messages and ideas easily. If they continue to read, they will have a rich
background on the concepts, making it easier for them to compose essays or any
other type of compositions required in writing classes.
4) Supplements
teachers’ lessons and discussions
lectures cannot cover every possible topic as time frames for lessons may hinder
elaboration on certain details. With this, blogs become useful supplementary
aids for teachers. With technological advancement, educators can create, edit,
and upload handouts for additional notes. Similarly, they can provide
clarifications on writing assignments in real time. With modern-day students
being hooked on the screen at almost any time of the day, taking advantage of
technology will not only lessen pressure on teachers but also cater to students’
preferences for communication. Additionally, the teacher’s writing style can
serve as model for students to express ideas, ask questions or clarify concerns.
There is a need for fresh portals to teach in the 21st century and teachers must
be able to keep up with this change. With their effort and time invested, they
are rest assured students will have a comfortable way to learn. Teachers writing
their personal blog can be a powerful source of information as they are likely
to respond to comments or ideas on their students’ level of understanding. With
the personalized touch of the articles or notes posted, teachers and students
are likely to develop teaching and learning styles together.
5) Enables students
to write with confidence
in the field of teaching claim that frequent writing improves the quality of the
writing. Others also say that writing for an audience develops writing skills.
However, this may not always be true in the ESL/EFL settings. For many students
compositions in their L2, frequency of writing does not guarantee
improvement. Rather, writing habitually coupled with the proper use of terms
from a dictionary or online sources will help them express ideas clearly. It
should be noted that with the interference between L1 and L2, many ESL students
may exhibit influence of L1 in their English compositions. Alternately, they may
have a good foundation for vocabulary but would still present thoughts as they
are conveyed in the first language. Because their compositions are published
online and shared with class members, it opens up doors to peer editing.
Teachers can also comment on their writing and, thus, help give their writing
style a new direction. The good thing about blogging is that it provides the
students with the sense of ownership. As they are aware their work will be made
public, they tend to write more carefully and eventually develop as writers,
getting more analytical and critical about their work.
The expanding demands to learn a second or foreign language pushes teachers into
learning and adapting new strategies to teach writing. Second language
pedagogies, especially those that are designed for writing classes, range from
diary writing to journaling and blogging. With professional organizations
recognizing the role and importance of technology in teaching, educators have
found a new way to engage students without sacrificing the perceived curriculum
outcomes. It should be remembered, however, that technology is not meant to be
used as a substitute for teachers, but rather as a medium for communicating
lessons and to spark discussions not possible in the traditional classrooms.
First proven effective in teaching writing to students in their L1, many ESL/EFL
practitioners are now adapting the use of the Internet to foster students’
understanding of topics needed for writing. The changing learning preferences
may also be a contributing factor to this innovation. Instead of making the
students feel inferior in the classroom, blogs paved way to a more organized
response that not only require students to write grammatically correct sentences
but also gives them more chances to edit and perfect their responses. Lastly,
blogging can be an answer to the increasing trend on adapting pedagogy to fit
the social and constructivists’ concepts of learning.
Blogging as a Pedagogical Tool in ESL/EFL Writing Classes
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