How to Win at Fair and Carnival Games: Get that Stuffed Prize!
A carnival or fair is always a fun way to celebrate summer. And, what makes
the excursion even more exciting is the Midway Entertainment. The following tips
can give you some insights on some of the techniques you can use to play
carnival games and win.

10) Ring Toss Games
Ring toss games along boardwalks or at carnivals typically feature such prizes
as pricey electronics or big stuffed animals. Naturally, these games, like all
carnival or fair games, present a challenge. In some ring toss games, the idea
of the exercise is to toss a plastic ring on the top of a bottle. Naturally, the
bottles in the game are set up close enough so the feat seems next to
impossible. Therefore, if you don’t aim just right, the ring will bounce off an
adjacent bottle.
To give yourself the extra advantage, you need to snap your wrist and give
the ring as much spin as possible while you are tossing it. Putting more spin on
the ring increases its stability, thereby giving you a better chance for a
landing that is clean.

In some cases, the prizes for the ring toss aren’t displayed above bottles
but are affixed to poles instead. In this instance, you’ll win the prize if the
ring lands squarely at the bottom of the pole. However, you can’t angle the ring
as many of the prizes are too large for the ring to land flat. Therefore, you
have to make a direct toss in order to achieve your goal.
9) Balloon Dart Throws
Throwing darts at balloons is a time-honored carnival tradition that is much
harder than it looks. You’d think it’d be a breeze to pop a balloon and win a
prize. However, usually the balloons don’t contain enough air and the tips of
the darts are pretty dull too. Therefore, in order to win, you need to forego
the idea of an accurate aim and, instead, put more muscle into the actual
throwing of the dart instead. Also, direct the dart to the balloons along the
edge instead of the middle. Game operators typically place the tags for the
better prizes in those balloons.

8) Carnival Rope Ladders
If you take on the challenge of climbing up a rope ladder for a prize, increase
your odds of winning by foregoing the rungs and shimmying up the “ladder”
instead. Therefore, concentrate on moving up the ladder along the outer
If you want to keep your balance as well, don’t move up the rope using both
hands or both feet simultaneously. Use the opposite leg and arm during your
ascent to maintain your leverage.
Watch the Technique in the Following Video:
7) Shoot the Star Carnival Game
idea of this carnival game is to use a BB gun to completely annihilate a red
star. To increase your odds of winning, don’t try to shoot at the star but aim
your shot around the emblem. Also, take note that the barrels of the BBs are
usually bowed or bent from use.

Therefore, during your initial shots, you’ll need to determine just how much
off the mark you may be and adjust your shooting accordingly. The game is
downright difficult. Knowing the state of the equipment and the tricks for
winning though, will, at least, give you a better advantage.
6) The Peach Basket Toss
The Peach Basket Toss at a carnival or fair involves the use of a softball and
peach basket. To make sure you hit the mark, you’ll need to position yourself as
close as you’re permitted to stand before the target basket. Use a bit of a
backspin while gently throwing the ball.
Get more insight about this game and the tricks used by carnival game
operators by watching the following video:
5) Milk Bottle Throw Toss
The idea of the milk bottle throw is to knock over three bottles, set up pyramid
style, with one well-executed toss. To increase your chances of winning at the
game then, you need to aim at the bottom of the configuration rather than at the
juncture where the three bottles meet.
Therefore, placement of the bottles is key. If one of the bottles on the
bottom is moved slightly ahead of the other then, the force of your throw will
mainly be captured by that one bottle. If that is the case, then it will be very
difficult for you to knock down all three. Nevertheless, that being said, it’s
still better to aim for the base of the two bottom bottles if you want to have
the best shot of winning at the game.
Watch the Following Video to See How it’s Done:
4) The Test Your Strength or Hammer Game
Carnivals and fairs also feature games where you can supposedly test your
strength in order to win a prize. The idea of the hammer game then is to take a
mallet and hit a mark, which, in turn, causes a weight to shoot upwards toward a
bell. If the weight hits the bell and it rings, you win a prize. However, in
order to win at this game, it’s better to focus on accuracy over muscle or
Therefore, take the mallet and firmly grip it at the lower portion of the
handle. Extend the hammer overhead with outstretched arms before hitting the
center of the mark. You may want to make a few slow-motion practice swings
before you hit the base of the contraption.
Watch the following video to see a winning strike:
3) Basketball Throw
If you try your skill at a carnival’s basketball throw, you’ll indeed be facing
a challenge. The game is usually set up so the hoop is not circular or
regulation-sized. Typically, the basket is smaller than a regular basketball
hoop and is oval rather than rounded. The backboard is generally made of plywood
as well, which gives the ball an extra amount of unwanted bounce. Therefore,
anyone trying to make a free-throw shot will not usually succeed.

In order to make a shot then, you have to employ a high arc when you’re
shooting the ball and stay away from the bouncy backboard. So, arc the ball high
into the basket and make it your goal to avoid the back of the board altogether.
Swish the ball in the basket instead.
2) Stand Up The Bottle
Stand Up The Bottle game makes use of a fishing pole line with a ring on its
end. Using the pole, you’re supposed to lift a bottle upright that is lying on
its side. The game operator places the ring over the bottle’s neck. You’d think
it would be an easy process until, of course, you begin to try it.
However, you can win at the game if you practice pushing rather than pulling
the bottle up with the line. That’s because the bottles for the game are
typically designed with a lighter and heavier side. Therefore, the heavier side
of the bottle is the side you’re usually required to lift. If you try to pull up
the bottle then, you’ll usually see the ring slip away rather than the bottle
1) Guess Your Age, Weight or Birth Date
you feel you can win at this game, then you probably look a lot younger, older,
thinner, or heavier than your actual age or weight. To increase your chances of
winning though, it’s best to have the guesser guess your weight rather than your
age or birth date.
Guessers use a number of methods to guess your weight, and must assess you on
your build and height. Good guessers know that muscle weighs more than fat and
that people who are lighter have a different way of carrying themselves as well.
Still, the margin of error is still greater for guessing one’s weight than it is
for deducing one’s years.
Typical Weight Guessing Game:

People who become accustomed to guessing age can go beyond appearance and get
an in-the-ballpark estimate of a person’s years by observing speech, movements,
and overall attitude. For example, a guesser may make jokes about dated events
to scrutinize the response of the person whose age he is predicting to help him
with his guess.
Your Goal, in The Long Run, is to Have Fun
Regardless of whether you win or lose, fun is the main goal in playing a
carnival game. Aside from learning some of the methods you can use to win, you
can always ask the game operator how much he'll charge you for buying a prize
instead. However, you'll still miss out on all the fun you'll have of testing
your new-found techniques.
And as promised, here are your stuff prizes :)

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Win at Fair and Carnival Games: Get that Stuffed Prize! |