44 Examples of the Extreme History of Method Acting
Method acting is an umbrella term for a variety of techniques utilized by
actors and actresses to produce within themselves the feelings and thoughts of
the characters they are portraying in order to deliver an authentic performance.
The key aspect of method acting is the complete immersion of an actor into a
role, thereby essentially becoming the character that they are depicting –
usually both on and off camera or the stage. Many actors and actresses, past and
present, have prescribed to the approach.

For some, their commitment to a role
involves losing or gaining a significant portion of weight. For others, their
devotion, while somewhat admirable, is extreme by anyone’s standards except the
actor or actress in question.
Method acting dates back to the 1930s, specifically to a theater group in New
York City who would employ various methods to obtain realism for their
performances. It was initially based on the ideas of Constantin Stanislavski,
who emphasized the importance of having truth in performances that was the
result of an
actor or actress focusing inwards, in order to maintain true emotion for the
duration of a scene.
Lee Strasberg would add to the practice during the 1940s and 1950s when he
advised performers to draw upon their respective memories and emotions to
produce authentic results for the characters they were depicting. Many of
Strasberg's students would go on to become icons of the film industry, including
Marlon Brando, Robert De Niro, Marilyn Monroe, Al Pacino, James Dean, Jane Fonda
and Jack Nicholson to name just a few.
Since its early days, method acting has evolved and continues to change with
the various interpretations and approaches from acting teachers, their students,
and established actors.
Extreme Weight Loss
44) Natalie
Portman Devoted to Restrictive Diet and Training
For her role as a mentally unstable ballet dancer in ‘Black Swan’ (2010),
Natalie Portman dropped 20 pounds. She also took intense strength and ballet
training, working five to eight hours a day, which started a year before
Natalie Portman at the Premier of 'Black Swan'

John Steven Fernandez [CC-BY-2.0],
via Wikimedia Commons
Her strict diet, which consisted of minute portions, was overseen by a
43) Anne
Hathaway Withered Away
For her role as Fantine in ‘Les Miserables’ (2012), Anne Hathaway lost 25 pounds
– 10 before filming began, then another 15 over a two week break to
authentically depict the tuberculosis-afflicted character. Hathaway’s diet of
dried oatmeal paste involved less than 500 calories per day. She said that the
experience affected her emotionally as well as physically.
Anne Hathaway in Costume for 'Les Miserables'

She said it
took her weeks to get out of the mindset of her character.
42) Matthew
McConaughey Lost Weight Safely
Matthew McConaughey has often been criticized and ridiculed for his apparent
lack of commitment to role. However, for ‘The Dallas Buyers Club’ (2013), in
which McConaughey plays real-life AIDS sufferer Ron Woodroof, McConaughey lost
38 pounds in six months. Unlike many actors and actresses, he lost the weight
relatively safely. He coupled a strict diet with daily cardio workouts.
Ultimately, he dropped down to 143 pounds.
Matthew McConaughey Running Marathon:

By LD Cross [CC-BY-2.0],
via Wikimedia Commons
41) Matthew Fox
Got Extremely Lean
Matthew Fox dropped 44 pounds to transform himself into serial killer Picasso
for the film ‘Alex Cross’ (2012). Fox’s motivation was to authentically portray Picasso’s energy by being disturbingly “tendony,” and vascular.
Screenshot From 'Alex Cross'

He achieved
his goal through eating just diet shakes and vegetables. Fox didn’t enjoy the
experience, but was pleased with the result as he hardly recognized himself when
he saw the film.
40) 50 Cent’s
Fast Liquid Diet Weight-Loss
For his role in ‘All Things Fall Apart’ (2011), rapper 50 Cent went from 214 to
160 pounds over the course of just nine weeks. He was playing a footballer who
becomes terminally ill. He dropped the weight with a liquid diet, coupled with
walking three hours a day.
50 Cent Pictured With Val Kilmer

By Keith HInkle [CC-BY-2.0],
via Wikimedia Commons
Unfortunately for 50 Cent the film failed both commercially and critically.
39) Antonia
Campbell-Hughes Suffered as She Lost Weight
For her role as an Austrian kidnap victim, Natascha Kampusch, in the film ‘3096
Days’ (2013) actress Antonia Campbell-Hughes lost an extreme amount of weight.
Her character was based on a real life person who had been held hostage in a
dungeon for eight and a half years. Hughes would later explain that she made the
decision to lose so much weight because she wanted to suffer as much as the
real-life person she was portraying had.
Antonia Campbell-Hughes:

38) Jonah Hill
Lost the Weight but It Returned
Before filming for ’21 Jump Street’ (2012) began, Jonah Hill dropped 40 pounds.
Officially, he stated that it was motivated by health. He’d been asked to drop
some weight for the role, though only around 20 pounds.
Jonah Hill Wearing His Costume From '21 Jump Street'

By Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ (Jonah HillUploaded by maybeMaybeMaybe) [CC-BY-SA-2.0],
via Wikimedia Commons
He hated the health
measures that were involved in losing the weight and didn’t keep up with them
long-term as he’d initially planned.
37) Ewan
McGregor Went on a Restrictive Diet
Depicting a drug addict in ‘Trainspotting’ (1996), Ewan McGregor went on a
no-dairy and no-alcohol diet over the course of two months to achieve the
desired look of a heroin addict.
Ewan McGregor at the Berlin Film Festival

By Siebbi (cropped version of ipernity.com) [CC-BY-3.0],
via Wikimedia Commons
36) Gary
Oldman’s Fish and Melon Diet
In order to authentically represent the notorious musician and drug
addict Sid Vicious in the biopic ‘Sid and Nancy’ (1986), Gary Oldman lost so
much weight for the movie that he ultimately ended up hospitalized for his
commitment to the role. He’d been eating nothing but steamed fish and melons.
Gary Oldman as Sid Vicious

35) Emile
Hirsch Got Lean
For her role in ‘Into the Wild’ (2007), Emile Hirsch went from 156 pound to just
115, losing over 40 pounds.
Emile Hirsch at the 2008 Tribeca Film Festival

By David Shankbone (David Shankbone) [GFDL or CC-BY-SA-3.0],
via Wikimedia Commons
Extreme Weight Gain
34) Sally Field
Gained 25 Pounds
For her role as Abraham Lincoln’s wife, Mary Todd Lincoln, in ‘Lincoln’ (2012),
Sally Fields read a number of biographies, visited the Lincoln’s home as well as
various private collections of Lincoln memorabilia. She also put on 25 pounds
for her performance to play Abraham Lincoln's psychotic, but lovable wife.
Sally Field as Mary Todd Lincoln in 'Lincoln'

Mary Todd had lost a child and would ultimately lose another sickly one, and
Mrs. Lincoln unfortunately battles spells of depression very similar to what in
today's medical community would be considered schizophrenic episodes. This used
to be called hysteria during the mid 1900s especially if this sort of behavior
was exhibited by a female patient.
33) Toni
Collette Ballooned
For the role that introduced Australia and Australians to the global film industry, Toni
Collette packed on 40 pounds over just seven weeks for the role as the main
character in ‘Muriel’s Wedding’ (1994).
Toni Collette at the 2010 Golden Globe Awards
Obviously by taking a quick look at the photograph above,
Collette has lost all of the weight and is absolutely stunning more than 15
years later. Method acting requires actors and actresses to remove themselves
from their typical weight and appearance, to truly become the character they are
32) Charlize
Theron Plumped Up
For the lead role as serial killer, Aileen Wuornos, in the biopic ‘Monster’
(2003), Charlize Theron gained 30 pounds. She packed on the weight with
potato-chips and Krispy Kreme donuts. Theron also shaved off her eyebrows for
the role.
Charlize Theron Playing Female Serial Killer Aileen Wuornos
Who Went on a Killing Spree as a Truck Stop Prostitute

31) Christina
Ricci Plumped Up Too
Christina Ricci added 10 pounds for her role in ‘Monster’ for her portrayal of
Wuornos’ partner.
Christina Ricci - Before and After

30) George
Clooney’s Weight-Gain Caused Injury
Indulging in a diet consisting of almost entirely pasta, George Clooney packed
on up to 35 pounds in just a single month for his role in ‘Syriana’ (2005).
George Clooney at the 'Men Who Stare at Goats' Screening

By Michael Vlasaty (DSC_3319Uploaded by Diaa_abdelmoneim) [CC-BY-2.0],
via Wikimedia Commons
While Clooney would go on to win an Oscar for Best Supporting Actor for his
performance, he also ended up tearing his dura mater due to the sudden weight
gain, leading to spinal cord leakage.
29) Sylvester
Stallone Ate Loads of Pancakes
For his role in ‘Cop Land’ (1997), Sylvester Stallone packed on 40 pounds of
fat, in order to remain true to the role of a veteran police officer. Stallone
scoffed down pancakes in order to quickly gain the necessary weight.
Sylvester Stallone at the Festival de Venise

By nicolas genin from Paris, France (66ème Festival de Venise (Mostra)) [CC-BY-SA-2.0],
via Wikimedia Commons
28) Rob
McElhenney Gained for Comedy
Creator and star of ‘It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia’ (2005 – present), Rob McElhenney sacrificed his health and athletic physique purely for the sake of
comedy, right before season number seven of his television series. McElhenney
packed on an astounding 52 pounds.
Rob McElhenney at the 2011 San Diego Comic-Con

By Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States
of America [CC-BY-SA-2.0],
via Wikimedia Commons
He went from an athletic 160 pounds all the way to a whopping 212 pounds.
27) Vincent
D’Onofrio Big Gainer
Vincent D’Onofrio gained 70 pounds over the course of seven months for his role
in ‘Full Metal Jacket’ (1987). His weight spiked at 280 pounds. It took him nine
months to take off the excess weight. D’Onofrio also gained 45 pounds for his
performance in ‘The Salton Sea’ (2002).
Vincent D'Onofrio at the Premiere of 'Speed Racer' at the
2008 Tribeca Film Festival

By David Shankbone (David Shankbone) [GFDL or CC-BY-SA-3.0],
via Wikimedia Commons
26) Renee
Zellweger Put on Pounds Twice
For her role as the main character in ‘Bridget Jones’ Diary’ (2001), Renee
Zellweger was required to gain 28 pounds. Just a few years later, she did it
again for the film’s sequel, ‘Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason’ (2004).
Renee Zellweger at the Harvard Hasty Pudding Woman of the
Year Parade

John Harrison [CC-BY-SA-3.0],
via Wikimedia Commons
Extreme Weight Loss AND Gain
25) Matt
Damon’s Junk Food Weight-Gain
Matt Damon has gained and lost weight for various roles. For ‘The Informant’
(2009) he gained more than 30 pounds. He achieved the goal by gorging on pizza,
hamburgers and beer. He also lost 40 pounds for his performance in ‘Courage
Under Fire’ (1996), nearly killing himself in the process.
Matt Damon in 2009 at the Festival du Cinema de Venise

By nicolas genin from Paris, France (66ème Festival de Venise (Mostra)) [CC-BY-SA-2.0],
via Wikimedia Commons
24) Jennifer
Hudson Weight-Loss Queen
When Jennifer Hudson starred in ‘Dreamgirls’ (2006), she was required to gain 20
pounds for her role. Years later, when she starred in ‘Winnie’ (2011) as Winnie
Mandela, Hudson was required to lose 56 pounds.
Jennifer Hudson at the 83rd Academy Awards

David Torcivia [CC-BY-SA-3.0],
via Wikimedia Commons
23) Tom Hanks
Altered his Appearance
Before filming ‘Cast Away’ (2000) Tom Hanks let himself go by ceasing exercising
in order to look like an average middle-aged man. With the first half of the
film recorded, Hanks then took an entire year to drop around 55 pounds and grow
out his hair for the second half of the movie.
Tom Hanks in 2009 at a Ceremony at the Hollywood Walk of
Fame to Honor George Harrison With a Star

Angela George [CC-BY-SA-3.0],
via Wikimedia Commons
For his role as an AIDS sufferer, Hanks dropped 26 pounds for the film
‘Philadelphia’ (1993). For his role just before that he’d packed on 30 pounds
for ‘A League of Their Own’ (1992).
22) Michael
Fassbender Went from Slim to Fit
For his role in ‘Hunger’ (2008), Michael Fassbender dropped 30 pounds
over just 10 weeks, in order to depict the 1981 head of an IRA hunger strike.
Michael Fassbender Pictured With Charlize Theron at
WonderCon 2012

By Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America [CC-BY-SA-2.0],
via Wikimedia Commons
Before ‘Hunger’ Fassbender got into incredible shape after 10 grueling weeks of
exercise in preparation for his role in “300” (2006).
21) Mark
Wahlberg Took Time to Get in Shape
For the film ‘The Fighter’ (2010) Mark Wahlberg took almost four years to get in
fighting shape to authentically depict a professional. He then had to gain 30
pounds for the latter scenes in the film, when his character went into
Mark Wahlberg at the 'Contraband' Movie Premiere in Sydney,

By Eva Rinaldi from Sydney Australia (Mark WahlbergUploaded by russavia) [CC-BY-SA-2.0],
via Wikimedia Commons
Worse still, five months after principle photography, extra scenes –
pick-ups – were needed to be filmed, which therefore required Wahlberg to get
back into shape.
20) Mila Kunis
Got Super Skinny
In preparation for her role in ‘Black Swan’ (2010), Mila Kunis dropped down to
95 pounds, over five months. Just a couple of years later, Kunis gained both the
weight she’d lost and a bit more for her role in ‘Blood Ties’ (2013).
Mila Kunis at Comic-Con 2012

By Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States
of America [CC-BY-SA-2.0],
via Wikimedia Commons
19) Christian
Bale’s Weight Rollercoaster
Although the director for the ‘The Machinist’ (2004) only asked Christian Bale
to lose around 10 to 15 pounds for his role, Bale instead lost over 60 pounds,
going from a healthy 185 pounds to approximately 120 pounds.
Christian Bale at 'The Dark Knight' Premiere

By Cristiano Betta [CC-BY-2.0],
via Wikimedia Commons
Following the film, Bale then got back to around a muscular 220 pounds for
‘Batman Begins’ (2005). He then dropped to 135 pounds for ‘Rescue Dawn’ (2006).
He was required to get to around 220 again for ‘The Dark Knight’ (2008). Bale
then dropped down to 145 pounds for ‘The Fighter’ (2010).
For the third installment of the Batman franchise, Bale was again required to
get back up to 220 for ‘The Dark Knight Rises’ (2012).
18) Russell
Crowe Went from Fit to Fat
After gaining a herculean physique for ‘Gladiator’ (2000), Russell Crowe was
required to gain 63 pounds of excess body weight in order to play an overweight
CIA agent for ‘Body of Lies’ (2008).
Russell Crowe While Filming 'A Good Year' at London's
Piccadilly Circus

Caroline Bonarde Ucci [GFDL or CC-BY-3.0],
via Wikimedia Commons
17) Jared Leto
Did Extreme Diets
For the film ‘Requiem for a Dream’ (2000), Jared Leto not only lost 25 pounds
but also befriended a number of real-life heroin addicts.
For his role in ‘Chapter 27’ (2007) Leto gained 67 pounds for his portrayal
of John Lennon’s assassin, Mark David Chapman. Leto reportedly suffered numerous
health issues due to the weight gain, with the sudden strain on his body
restricting him to a wheelchair on occasions, while he was also prescribed
Lipitor, a cholesterol-lowering medication, to deal with the extra weight.
Jaret Leto at the 2009 Festival du Cinema de Venise

By nicolas genin from Paris, France (66ème Festival de Venise (Mostra)) [CC-BY-SA-2.0],
via Wikimedia Commons
In dramatic contrast to his weight gain, Leto put his health at great risk
for his role as a transgender woman suffering from HIV in ‘The Dallas Buyers
Club’ (2013). Leto only had a few weeks to drop weight and opted to starve
himself for a month.
16) Colin
Farrell Ate Tuna
Colin Farrell dropped 44 pounds for his performance as, photojournalist Mark
Walsh in the film ‘Triage’ (2009). Farrell achieved the loss by only consuming
tins of tuna, diet drinks, and black coffee. He ate only about 300 calories a
day. Farrell previously added pounds of muscle for his roles in ‘Alexander’
(2004) and ‘Miami Vice’ (2006).
Colin Farrell at the Premiere of 'Seven Psychopaths' -
Toronto Film Festival 2012

By Tony ShekUploaded by MyCanon (Colin Farrell) [CC-BY-SA-2.0],
via Wikimedia Commons
15) Adrien
Brody Quickly Dropped Weight
In order to depict a Polish-Jewish musician during World War II in ‘The
Pianist’, Adrien Brody dropped 31 pounds over a six week period, taking him to
129 pounds overall.
Adrien Brody at the Toronto International Film Festival in

By Tony Shek (Adrien Brody) [CC-BY-SA-2.0],
via Wikimedia Commons
A number of years later, he was conversely required to gain
weight for his role in ‘Predators’ (2010), for which he was added 25 pounds of
muscle, to depict a mercenary in the movie.
Muscle Gain
14) Mickey
Rourke Builds
For his role in ‘The Wrestler’ (2008), Mickey Rouke built up 27 pounds of pure
muscle over seven and a half months. He achieved the goal by extreme weight
training and consuming up to seven meals per day.
Mickey Rourke Leaving a Jean Paul Gaultier Fashion Show

By nicogenin (Flickr) [CC-BY-SA-2.0],
via Wikimedia Commons
13) Edward
Norton Pumps Iron
For his role in ‘American History X’ (1996) as a brutal white-supremacist,
Edward Norton worked out for two and a half months straight to gain 35 pounds of
muscle for his adrenaline filled performance.
Edward Norton in Paramus, New Jersey 2010

By Bridget Laudien.Panyd at en.wikipedia [CC-BY-SA-3.0],
from Wikimedia Commons
12) Tom Hardy
Beefed Up
Tom Hardy was originally quit skinny when he started acting. However, for his
role in the film ‘Bronson’ (2008) he was required to gain 42 pounds of muscle.
He achieved the feat by doing 2,500 press-ups every single day over the course
of five weeks.
Tom Hardy at the London Premiere of 'Tinker Tailor Soldier

By Sam from UK (Flickr) [CC-BY-2.0],
via Wikimedia Commons
11) Vincent
Cassel Gained 44 Pounds
For his role as Jacques Mesrine in “Mesrine: Public Enemy #1” (2008) Vincent
Cassel gained 44 pounds of muscle over four months.
Vincent Cassel in 2011

By BemDevassa (Vincent Cassel) [CC-BY-2.0],
via Wikimedia Commons
10) Will Smith
Trained Intensely
Will Smith had to train for six hours every day before filming began for ‘Ali’
(2001) in which Smith depicted the boxing champion, Muhammad Ali. Smith built up
35 pounds of muscle to reach the champion’s weight of 220 pounds.
Will Smith

By Taís Melillo from New York, USA (Celebrity sighting) [CC-BY-SA-2.0],
via Wikimedia Commons
Intense Method Acting
9) Daniel
Day-Lewis Intense Researcher
For his role in as Abraham Lincoln in the film ‘Lincoln’, notorious method actor
Daniel Day-Lewis researched Lincoln for an entire year, learning as much as was
humanly possible. He would also sign text messages to co-stars as "The Commander
in Chief" or just "A". Furthermore, he refused to discuss any current events
while filming.
Oscar Night in 2008 When Daniel Day-Lewis Won Best Actor in
'There Will Be Blood'

By Siebbi (Daniel Day-Lewis) [CC-BY-3.0],
via Wikimedia Commons
Earlier in Lewis’ career, while depicting disabled Irish artist, Christy
Brown, for ‘My Left Foot’ (1989), Lewis spent eight weeks in a hospital for
sufferers of cerebral palsy. He also insisted on using a wheelchair while
filming and had crew members carry him and even spoon-feed him on occasions
while off camera.
8) Heath Ledger
Developed Sleeping Disorders
Determined to bring something totally new to the fairly clichéd character of The
Joker in ‘The Dark Knight’ (2008), Heath ledger closed himself off in his
apartment for an entire month, so that he could develop paranoia and insomnia
along the way. He often only allowed himself to sleep a couple of hours a night.
He also maintained a journal written as his character The Joker, filling it with
nonsensical writing.
Heath Ledger January 2008 in New York

By Howie (Flickr) [CC-BY-SA-2.0],
via Wikimedia Commons
There’s speculation that Ledger’s extreme measures for the
role led to his sleep difficulties that ultimately saw him require sleeping
pills on which he would later overdose.
7) Marlon
Brando Stayed in Bed
Although Marlon Brando would often express contempt for film as both an industry
and an art form, he is considered the master of method acting. In his later
years, he was often accused of showing up for film roles (simply for the
paycheck) rather than ever making any effort to act. His early cinematic
efforts, however, were more respectful to the medium.
Marlon Brando in 'Streetcar Named Desire'

Before production began for ‘The Men’ (1950), Brando stayed in bed for a
month at the Birmingham Army Hospital in Van Nuys in preparation for his
performance as a paraplegic war veteran.
6) Joaquin
Phoenix Pulls a Prank
The mockumentary ‘I'm Still Here’ (2010) purported to depict Joaquin Phoenix
after he’d given up acting to pursue a career in rap music. Phoenix committed to
the prank entirely. With the motivation behind the film being about exploring
the relationship of celebrity, the media and the public. Phoenix publicly made
a fool of himself; with very few people in on the joke.

By David Shankbone (//www.flickr.com/photos/shankbone/4946404141/) [CC-BY-2.0],
via Wikimedia Commons
Phoenix grew out his
beard and hair and often wore distinguishing sunglasses and suits. He also
frequently spoke incoherently, much to the delight of the tabloid media.
5) Dustin
Hoffman Didn’t Sleep
While starring in ‘Marathon Man’ (1976), Dustin Hoffman wanted to truly
understand the character of Thomas "Babe" Levy and as such deprived himself of
sleep. Consequently, Hoffman once showed up on set after staying awake for two
days straight.
Hoffman at the 2012 Premiere of 'Quartet'

He was in such a state that co-star and film legend Laurence
Olivier is reported to have suggested to Hoffman that he should give up on
method acting and just try straight up acting – as it is much easier.
4) Jim Carrey
Became Andy Kaufman
While depicting comedy legend Andy Kaufman in ‘Man on the Moon’ (1999) Jim
Carrey never broke character, ignoring his co-stars and crew if they referred to
him as anything but Andy or Tony (in reference to Kaufman’s alter ego, Tony
Clifton). Consequently, Carrey’s commitment to the role infuriated a number of
people involved in the production.
Jim Carrey at the Premios 40 Principales Awards

By Noemi Nuñez [CC-BY-SA-2.0],
via Wikimedia Commons
Adding to the authenticity of his
performance, Carrey researched and developed specific eccentricities that
Kaufman possessed, even though they were never mentioned in the script. Although
reviews for Carrey’s performance were mixed, he did receive a Golden Globe for
the role.
3) Kate Winslet
Absorbed in Her Role
Kate Winslet invested so much of herself into her role in ‘The Reader’ (2008),
in which she played a former Nazi concentration camp guard. Winslet struggled to
get out of her character’s mindset – even after filming was complete.
Kate Winslet at the 2007 Palm Film Festival

By Maggie (Maggiejumps) from Palm Springs, United States (Flickr) [CC-BY-2.0],
via Wikimedia Commons
Reportedly, she had been so fixated on an accurately depicting the role that she
struggled for several months to find her old self.
2) Shia Lebeouf
Goes Nude
For the film ‘Nymphomaniac’ (2013) Shia Labeouf reportedly had actual
intercourse rather than simulating sex scenes with his co-star, Mia Goth. The
two actors were dating at the time. While it was a shocking revelation to the
American media and public, actual sex scenes in feature films is commonplace in
European and Asian cinema.
Shia Lebeouf at the 2009 Premiere of 'Transformers 2'

By nicolas genin from Paris, France (Transformers 2, Megan Fox & Shia Labeouf) [CC-BY-SA-2.0],
via Wikimedia Commons
This marked the first time a high-profile American
actor had taken such extremes.
1) Robert De
Niro the Extreme Method Actor
Robert De Niro is a vocal proponent of method acting, committing to whatever
will deliver the best possible performance from himself and his co-stars. He has
been known to insult co-stars just to get them genuinely angry for a scene. In
preparation for his iconic role in 'Taxi Driver’ (1976), De Niro performed 12
hour shifts as a taxi driver for a month in order to understand the isolation of
the job and mindset of the drivers.
Publicity Photo of Robert De Niro for 'The Last Tycoon'

For his role as rapist Max Cady in ‘Cape Fear’ (1991) De Niro had a dentist
file down his teeth just to have them look decayed.
Years earlier, for ‘Raging Bull’ (1980) De Niro gained 60 pounds of excess
weight to depict Jake LaMotta. Consequently, De Niro suffered difficulty
breathing during filming. The production was even shut down at one point as
director, Martin Scorcese reportedly feared for De Niro's well-being.
Actor and actress’ can have various motivations behind the extreme actions that
they take in preparation for their respective roles. It can be a legitimate
commitment to their role, out of respect for the art of film, or a desire to win
critical praise or an award. Whatever the case may be, the objective is always
the same – to deliver an authentic performance.
Ultimately it doesn’t really matter what a performer’s core motivation is.
It’s their personal choice and sacrifice to make for the sake of their art. The
only real question is, given the impact such extreme measures can and almost
invariably do have on their bodies and overall health, whether it’s really worth
15 Ways Magicians Fool Us
44 Examples of the Extreme History of Method Acting |