Why We Need to Validate Our Children�s Feelings
you ever heard a parent say to their child "stop crying" or "big boys and girls
don't cry?� Maybe you have heard someone say "shut your mouth" or "you're
irritating me". I know I certainly have heard those words said at a store or
public place from a parent. When I asked different parents have they said these
phrases before to their children, most parents said yes. I also asked them where
they learned to say those things, and a lot of people said that they were raised
hearing those phrases from their parents. I know having children can be
frustrating at times, and as a parent myself, I can say being a mom has its
challenges. Parents do the best they can with the knowledge they were giving
from their parents. Should we really brush off the reason why our child has
emotions? No, we should not. Instead, we should encourage and embrace those
emotions, and prevent our child from holding in feelings. When you allow your
child to show how they feel, you can really get to know them and who they really
are. The connection you will have with your child will grant you endless rewards
in the future.
Learn About Your Child's Emotions
When you tell a child to stop crying, or you can�t cry, it teaches them that
emotions aren't accepted and therefore validation won�t be given. You as a
parent don't intentionally do this, it is just what you may have learned from
your parent or role model. Believe me, I know all too well about hearing this as
a kid. Now I see the effects of this on me and I am determined to change this
pattern. How can this way of teaching be broken for a more successful effect on
your child? How can these patterns that imprint you from the past be broken
today? One way is when the next time your child cries or is down about
something, instead of getting upset or frustrated, ask them questions. You may
ask them "how do you feel right now?" "Why are you crying?" You could also tell
them that it is ok to be emotional and you understand why they are crying.
Another way is positive physical contact or affection. Hugging and kissing
them are very good was to console your children; even when you are mad or angry
with them. By doing this, you give your child validation for their feelings and
emotions. Validate calmly and mild-tempered so that you prove your true concern
for them. Let them know that they have the right to feel, and that there isn�t
anything wrong with having feelings. This opens the heartfelt communication that
your child needs. This builds trust within your relationship. This physically
and verbally shows and teaches your child to trust others as well.
Be the Best Role Model You Can Be!
You as the parent are the first teacher your child has, why not show them how to
love, respect, and care for others? When they grow to be adults, they will pass
on that great teaching in love from you. They will have healthier relationships
and know how to express themselves fully from the soul. I have already
experienced success with this, you can too.
Fun Activities to Get Young Kids Active
Validate Your Child's Feelings |