
Family - Parenting
By: anonymous - at April 4, 2013

How to Encourage Confidence in Your Child

Confidence is one of the most important parts of a human being’s personality. Confidence is an attribute that needs to be encouraged and instilled in children so that they can deal with certain situations confidently in their childhood as well as into adulthood. Here are some practical tips to help a child grow with confidence:


Tips to Help Your Child Grow in Confidence
child peekingAlways talk positively about your child to others. Avoid labeling your child as shy or nervous as people tend to view them exactly the way you have portrayed them. Once a label for a child is established, it will not banish easily. So ensure that your child is always left with a positive view of themselves. Give them recognition when they do anything good or try to achieve anything. Recognize their efforts and mention how good they are at doing something. Say things like, “My son is a good listener, and he likes to listen to others when it comes to sharing his views”. Or something like, “My daughter never rushes in doing anything without thinking it through”.

Address Your Child's Feelings
Accept positively the fear, feelings, or disappointment of your child and tell him or her that you understand how they feel. Do not dismiss their inner states of mind by remarking such as “do not be silly, come on, big boys do not get upset”. If you say things like that they might think you are not accepting the validity of their mental state. Therefore, show your support by telling them that they have every reason to feel shy or upset. Your support will lead them to become emotionally strong, secure and confident.

When giving advice or talking about generic topics, use generalized examples from story books or other sources of common ground. Tell them the fear or feelings they have about particular situations are not unusual but everyone feels the same from time to time. Encourage them in facing fears and challenges as well as ways of overcoming them.

You Are A Role Model
Children view their parents as role models and learn manners, skills and behavior from their parents. Your interactions with others will have profound effects on your child. Therefore, help your children learn social skills as they watch you and others when interacting. Help people if you think they will appreciate it, ask people for help, and introduce yourself to people. Make sure to give compliments to friends and relatives, and thank others for their help and time.

reading to children

Trial and Error
Children can get upset or feel worried easily, but by telling them that you have faith in them will boost their ability to cope with anxieties, doubts and other nervousness. For example you can empathize by saying, “I know you might be feeling a bit worried, but I really know that you are able to handle it”. You should let your child experiment and approach new situations or learning new things without interfering. Doing so may make them reluctant and dependable on others which is something you as a parent want to avoid at all costs. Therefore, it is better to allow your children to learn through exploration and trial and error because this will enable your child to develop confidence as well as a sense of personal mastery.

Engage in showing physical attention to your child regularly and repeatedly. Tell your child how much you love him or her and how good your child is at doing things. Praise him or her for every little achievement they make because praise from you will help your child to develop an inner sense of confidence, achievement and pride. These warm, loving and affectionate interactions with your child will fill them with a sense of being accepted and become a valued member of society. Developing inner self-confidence in your child is extremely important.

Final Notes
Remember, what your children learns from you will have a lasting impact on his or her life. As a parent you must ensure that your child grows up through proper care, learning and environment. Show him or her love, affection and support regularly to boost self-confidence. Strive to develop a sense of being valued for your child and always be accepting of your child.





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