How to Control Fighting Felines

The Reasons Cats in a Household Fight:
Jealousy or Resentment
In some instances, when another cat is introduced into a household, a once
docile feline can suddenly turn ferocious. If the new cat receives extra
attention from family members too, then your once placid kitty may take on a
snarly demeanor or develop a cattitude. Therefore, if you do include another cat
in your home, make sure that your other pet receives an equal amount of
attention as well.

Territorial Issues
In addition, the new family member may make your cat feel threatened
territorially. Therefore, the new cat’s arrival may be seen as a form of
intrusion. To avoid this issue, it’s important to get your cat used to the scent
of the other cat. Encourage a harmonious relationship then by rubbing each cat
with a towel and interchanging it between the two. Also, to discourage any
fighting, you may want to supply the new member of your household with his own
domicile in the house. That will assist in clearing up any issues with respect
to territory.
Methods for Breaking Up Skirmishes:
Distract the Two Foes
 If your cats still resist you efforts toward peaceful relations, then you’ll
need to distract the two cats and stop the fracas immediately. You can prevent
any skirmishes before they escalate by either squirting a water gun at the two
feline foes or shaking a can filled with pennies. Banging any of your pots or
pans will stop disagreements too.
Separate the Cats if Nothing Else Works
If your cats still continue to wage war with one another, then you’ll have to
take more drastic measures.

In some cases, you may have to resort to buying a
large cage. Place one of the offenders into the cat cell after locating it away
from the main area of the house. Make him comfortable by placing his bed and cat
litter inside the confinement. Alternate the two rivals inside and outside the
cage for approximately a week. By that point, your cats should be acting more
amiable toward each other.
Patience is a Virtue When It Comes to Calming Cats
If one of the cats starts a fight, place him, once more, inside the cage.
Continue this process until the two felines can cohabitate with one another
peacefully. When they behave, reward them each with healthy cat treats or toys.
Usually this measure works, if patiently followed, after a month’s time.
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