Fish 101 for the Hobbyist: The Fish’s Body and Senses
Getting Acquainted with Aquarium Fish
you are thinking of buying an aquarium or caring for freshwater or marine fish,
then it doesn’t hurt to have a basic understanding of fish anatomy and how fish
use their senses. That way, you’ll have more confidence when the time comes to
selecting your aquarium fish.
The Body of the Fish
The fish’s body primarily features such organs or appendages as gills, a swim
bladder, fins, and a lateral line.
Gills: Gills enable the fish to take in oxygen from water. They are the
fish’s lifeline with respect to respiration much like lungs in human beings.
- The Swim Bladder: The swim bladder is the part of the fish that
enables them maintain their water column which is also referred to as
buoyancy. The air-filled organ is also referred to as an air bladder which
is also called fish maw.
- The Fins: The fins on a fish are used to direct the fish through
the water and are parts of a fish's anatomy which enable them to propel or
steer through water. Bottom fish or slower moving fish possess rounded fins.
Faster moving fish generally display fins that are longer and more pointed.
- The Lateral Line: The lateral line of the fish is a sensory organ
that alerts it to movement. Therefore, this organ helps schools of fish move
in schools with their movement comprised of synchronized movements that aid
a fish in detecting predators.
- The Scales: Scales on a fish are used to protect it as it moves
through the water. The scales actually are translucent and therefore are
devoid of color The source of the vibrant hues you see in tropical fish are
pigment cells called chromatophores. They are located in the dermal layer of
the skin.
- The Skin: A thin layer of epidermal tissue covers the scales
which also produce the fish’s slimy texture. The mucous coating allows the
fish to swim through the water more easily, thereby lessening any friction.
- The Mouth: The mouth on the fish is located at the end of its
snout and determines whether or not the aquatic animal is a bottom feeder or
feeds at the top. An upturned mouth indicates the fish is a surface feeder
while a downward turned mouth represents a fish that feeds at the bottom of
the tank. The size of the fish’s mouth also notes the size of food a fish
will eat as well.
The Eyes: The eyes on a fish are similar to a human eye except a
fish lacks eyelids.
- The Ears: While fish do not, obviously, have an external ear,
they do have an internal ear structure that is not outwardly noticeable.
- The Nares: Instead of a nose, fish have nasal passages called
nares. Water passes in and out of the nares, which are situated above the
mouth and below the eyes. Any odors are communicated through the nares via a
large nerve that travels up to the fish’s brain.
- The Taste Buds: Taste buds on a fish are located in the mouth as
well as external surfaces, such as the skin, fins, and lips.
You Can Take with You to the Pet Store
The above basic overview can help you to get acquainted with your aquarium fish
and assist you in the selection process, including care and feeding.

knowing a little bit about a fish’s anatomy can, no doubt, give you added
self-assurance when you set up your aquarium.
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