Top 15 Foods for Fighting Cancer
Cancer is the second most common cause of death in the United States and it
is high up on the list of causes of death for the rest of the western world. The
American Cancer Society says that about 1,660,290 new cases of cancer are
expected to occur in 2013 and 580,350 Americans are expected to die, which
averages to about 1,600 people a day.
The exact cause of cancer is unknown, genetics, radiation, lifestyle factors,
pollution, and other factors have all been attributed to causing the disease.
Many toxins in everyday life, including those in food packaging, water, the
atmosphere, and more can cause cancer. You don't need medicine or anything fancy
in order to fight against cancer, you just need the right diet and lifestyle
choices. The body's immune system is powerful and can protect you from many
diseases if given the right fuel. When you eat a healthy diet full of fruits,
vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and seeds, you will provide your body with the
building blocks it needs to remain healthy. Here is a list of some foods that
are powerful in the battle against cancer.
15) Tea
Many people enjoy having a cup of tea every day and now you can feel good
about that habit. Both black and green teas contain important phytochemicals
that help protect the body against many cancers. Tea is rich in polyphenols,
flavonoids and kaempferol, which are basically very powerful antioxidants. These
flavonoids help to reduce the oxidative level that can damage cells, promoting
longevity and health. Tea is the best source of catechins, another type of
flavonoid, which is also a powerful cancer fighter. Green tea has three times as
much catechins as black tea, making green tea the best type of tea in fighting
cancer. Lab studies have demonstrated that green tea can slow and even prevent
cancer development in the colon, liver, breast and prostate cells. Other studies
have shown similar effects in tissues of the lung, skin, and digestive tract.
Although both black and green teas have these powerful antioxidants and other
phytochemicals, when you add milk to your tea it can damage the antioxidants and
lessen their power to fight toxins as well as the carcinogens that cause cancer.
Next time you are looking for a nice relaxing warm beverage, just brew yourself
some tea and aid your body's fight against cancer as well as other diseases. You
can go here to
learn how to make green tea healthy.

14) Figs
Figs are a very nutritious food and make for a great snack. They have
benzaldehyde, which shrinks tumors, and they are rich in vitamins A, C, calcium,
magnesium as well as potassium. Vitamins A and C are antioxidants that fight
free radicals, which cause cancer in cells, as well as boost the immune system.
Figs have a lot of fiber that helps rid the body of waste and toxins, which
prevents colon cancer. They been shown to lower blood pressure, improve heart
health, help with diabetes, fight against bacteria, aid with eye health, help
with digestion and more. Most figs are found dried, which make them an easy
snack. Figs have long been considered a treat in many parts of the world due to
their sweet taste, so you can feel like you are eating candy but still have a
nutritious snack at the same time. If you eat a fig once a day your body will
thank you and you will decrease your chances of getting cancer.

13) Carrots
Carrots have been praised as being good for your eyes for ages but they are also
good for fighting against cancer. Drinking carrot juice has been shown to raise
the levels of carotenoids in the system, which may keep cancer from recurring.
Carrots contain zeaxanthin and lutein, which are powerful caratoenoid relatives
that prevent damage to healthy cells. They are extremely rich in an antioxidant
called beta carotene that is a precursor to vitamin A. Beta carotene is the same
antioxidant that improves your eye health and has been shown to reduce many
types of cancer through fighting the free radicals that can cause damage to
cells. In addition to beta carotene, carrots contain fiber that has been shown
to prevent colon cancer. By eating carrots you will also be getting lots of
important vitamins and minerals for your overall health, such as: your eyes and
mucus membranes. Vitamin A is important for overall eye health, it helps prevent
macular degeneration, it helps keep your skin youthful and prevents aging. You
can get all these powerful antioxidants and other phytochemicals easily through
eating carrots. You can also drink carrot juice and still get many of the same
benefits as long as it is pure carrot juice that does not have a lot of
additives, especially sugar. Add carrots to salads, cook them in a dish, munch
on them as a midday snack and they go great with a bit of hummus in place of
unhealthy veggie dips.

12) Mushrooms
Another cancer fighting food is the mushroom and almost any kind of edible
mushroom will help prevent cancer due to lentinan, a polysaccharide that helps
your immunity. Polysaccharide provides your immune system with the power to
prevent cell damage as well as kill off any cancerous cells before they have a
chance to cause damage. Another compound in mushrooms is lectin, which attacks
cancerous cells and prevents them from multiplying. Mushrooms are rich in
antioxidants, which fight free radicals and toxins that can cause many types of
cancers. They are high levels of vitamin D, which is an essential vitamin that
has been shown to aid in fighting cancer. In addition to cancer-fighting
properties, mushrooms have been shown to help with your cognitive function and
keep you healthy. Every variety has particular health benefits but they all
share similar compounds that will help fight disease and keep you healthy. You
can easily add mushrooms to your diet via salads, pizza, pasta, and many other
dishes. Just be sure not to pick these fungal plants yourself unless you are an
expert on mushrooms because some varieties are poisonous.

11) Sweet Potatoes
Sweet potatoes have become popular recently for their numerous health benefits
and they are a great source of beta-carotene, folate, vitamin C as well as
fiber; all of these important nutrients have powerful cancer-fighting abilities.
Folate protects the DNA in the cell nucleus, keeping the cell healthy. Cancer
occurs when cells become damaged, often through the DNA. If you protect the DNA
then you protect the cell from becoming cancerous. Vitamin C is an antioxidant
essential for your overall immune health that includes fighting against any
carcinogens. Sweet potatoes are full of fiber and studies have shown that an
increase in fiber intake can reduce the risk of developing colon cancer. You can
eat them in a variety of ways much in the same manner as any potatoe even though
they have a different taste. You can make fries out of them, eat them as a baked
potato, make many casserole dishes, and more. During the winter, sweet-potato
soup makes for a healthy and delicious way to warm yourself up.

10) Avocados
Avocados are truly an amazing super food. They contain many important vitamins,
minerals and micronutrients that prevent as well as fight cancer. Glutathione, a
powerful antioxidant, fights against the creation of cancer cells and blocks the
intestinal absorption of fats. Avocados also contain a large number of carotenoids, which have been shown to prevent cancer. The healthy fat levels in
avocados improve the absorption of the carotenoids, increasing the
bioavailabity and allowing them to work better. The fat levels also increase the
absorption of all antioxidants, which are necessary for fighting oxidative
stress and free radicals in the body. Avocados are rich in lutein, oleic acid,
vitamin E and fiber, all of which aid in the body's fight against cancer.
Studies have linked vitamin E with lowering the risk of prostate and breast
cancer because it turns off the ability to reproduce, so cancer cells cannot
replicate. Additionally, vitamin E forces cancer cells to go through apoptosis,
where they die, while keeping normal cells alive. The nutrients in avocadoes do
not just prevent and treat cancer, they also help to keep you healthy. You
should add avocados to your diet because they are easy to prepare and are
nutritious. Slice up a fresh avocado and add it to sandwiches, salads, egg
dishes, vegetable dishes and so much more. Fresh homemade guacamole also has
cancer fighting properties, especially if it includes peppers and tomatoes
because those are other powerful cancer fighters.

9) Peppers
Peppers aid the fight against cancer due to capsaicin that neutralizes
cancer-causing substances and prevents cancers, including stomach cancer.
Capsaicin also causes cancer cells to die, and inhibits the growth of tumors.
The capsaicin in peppers also provides an anti-inflammatory effect on the body,
inflammation is the body's signal for disease and problems. Chronic inflammation
can sometimes lead to cancer and other diseases. Through eating foods rich in
anti-inflammatory properties, like peppers, you can prevent inflammation
problems. Bell peppers, the peppers with the least amount of capsaicin, are also
rich sources of vitamin C that helps boost the immune system. Believe it or not,
eating peppers also improves your digestive system. With so many health
benefits, you should definitely find a way to add peppers to your diet. You do
not have to get too spicy because there are many varieties, like the bell
pepper, that are not spicy but have some capsaicin. You can add peppers to a
variety of dishes and give a little kick to the taste while preventing cancer.

8) Grapes
The antioxidants in grapes, like flavonoids and resveratrol, have recently
made the news. Red grapes are the richest source of resveratrol, which inhibits
enzymes that stimulate cancer growth and suppresses immune response. Ellagic
acid, another important compound found in grapes and many other fruits, blocks
enzymes that are necessary to the formation of cancer cells and can slow the
growth of tumors. You can find these important antioxidants in fresh grapes,
grape juice and wine. However, the grape juice has to be real juice and not
concentrate that is mainly sugar. Grapes are so easy to add to your diet, you
eat them as a snack by themselves or add them to a salad. You can also get
creative with grapes, by adding them to pastas and other dishes. All types of
grapes are rich in cancer-fighting antioxidants but red grapes are the best.

7) Oranges
Oranges are another fruit that help fight cancer and they are well known for
their high level of vitamin C. Vitamin C is an important antioxidant for the
body's immune system, which helps to fight any carcinogens. Additionally,
vitamin C is great for the skin. Oranges are rich in limonene, which stimulates
the cancer-killing immune cells and stimulates the natural detoxification of the
body that gets rid of any toxins or carcinogens before they have a chance to
cause real harm. Through eating oranges you are giving your own immune system
the power it needs to fight the cancer invaders, while keeping your own cells
healthy and alive. Oranges are not the only citrus fruit with such powerful
abilities; lemons, limes, grapefruit and other fruits in the citrus family also
demonstrate similar abilities.

6) Flaxseed
Flaxseed caught on recently as an important part of your diet because is a rich
source of plant protein along with other important nutrients like lignans.
Lignans are antioxidants that block or suppress cancerous changes, meaning they
do not allow your cells to turn into cancerous cells. Flaxseed is a rich source
of omega-3 fatty acids, which have been shown to protect against colon cancer
and heart disease. It is also high in vitamin E that turns off a cancer cells’
ability to reproduce and replicate, causing it to die. Flaxseed contains a bunch
of fiber, which helps fight against cancers of the digestive system. It contains
many other vitamins, minerals, and essential nutrients for your body. Adding
flaxseed to your diet will aid in overall health and well-being. You can easily
add flaxseed by sprinkling ground flaxseed on cereal, in an organic smoothie,
into a peanut butter sandwich or as an alternative to flour for baking recipies.

5) Kale
Kale is another popular super food, it has more iron and calcium per calorie
than milk and is also a good source of vegetable protein. Leafy green vegitables
and kale are full of essential vitamins, minerals and micronutrients. Kale is a
rich source of indoles, which are nitrogen compounds that stop some estrogen
sensitive tissues from converting into cancerous cells. Indoles are great at
preventing cancers that are estrogen sensitive, like breast cancer. An important
photochemical in kale, isothiocyanates, suppresses tumor growth and blocks the
cancer-causing chemicals from reaching their targets. Kale is rich in vitamin A,
vitamin C, fiber, folate and carotenoids like lutein, zeaxanthin, as well as
flavonoids. All of these compounds help to strengthen the immune system and
fight against free radicals plus toxins, which can cause cancer in the body.
Although kale is the favorite in fighting cancer, any leafy green vegitable will
have a similar effect. In fact, leafy greens like kale, collard greens, chard,
spinach and more are some of the most nutrient dense foods you can eat. You
should find ways to incorporate leafy greens into your diet daily, the easiest
way is through eating a salad but you can also add them to many vegetable dishes
and more. Many people add kale and other greens to smoothies to boost the
nutrient quality. You can also juice kale even though you will lose some of the
nutrients, like the fiber, through juicing.

4) Raspberries
Raspberries are another important fighter against cancer, numerous studies have
shown that eating a diet rich in raspberries shrinks tumors, prevents
cancer and treats it. A study at Clemson University demonstrated that raspberry
extracts destroyed 90 percent of cancer cells. Most of the studies attribute the
antioxidants found in raspberries for their success in fighting and preventing
cancer. Raspberries are one of the richest sources of anthocyanins, powerful
antioxidants that protect the body against cancer. Raspberries are also rich in
ellagic acid, which has also been shown to successfully fight against cancer.
Other berries offer similar cancer fighting properties due to having the same
antioxidants in different levels however, raspberries have been shown to have
the best cancer fighting abilities. You can eat raspberries plain as
a snack, add them to cereal, salads, healthy baked goods and smoothies.

3) Garlic
Garlic contains many important compounds that strengthen your immune system,
helping to fight against cancer and numerous diseasesr. It is a rich source of
the immune enhancing allium compounds called diallyl sulfides, which increase
the number of immune cells that can fight the cancerous cells. It also ends up
indirectly breaking down the cancer causing substances as well as preventing
cancer cells from taking hold in your body. Diallyl sulfides, which are found in
garlic oil, make any carcinogens in the liver inactive, so that they do not harm
the liver or any other part of the body. In fact, many of the properties in
garlic actually block carcinogens from entering your cells. Eating garlic has
been shown to slow tumor growth, fighting cancer that might already be in your
system. Studies have also shown a lower risk of stomach and colon cancer in
those who eat garlic in a direct proportion where the more garlic eaten, the
less risk of cancer. Garlic also contains other powerful cancer fighting
phytochemicals, such as: quercetin, allixin. It also contains organosulfur
compunds, including alicin, alliin as well as allyl sulfades that have been
shown to slow or stop the growth of tumors. Eating garlic will not only help
prevent cancer or slow the growth and help treat any existing cancer, it also
helps to ward off other diseases. Garlic is easy to add to many dishes, although
you want to be sure to use real garlic and not just a garlic flavoring.

2) Tomatoes
Tomatoes are truly a super food that should be added to your diet because they
have so many different nutritional benefits due to their high amounts of
lycopene, a vitamin A derivative, and powerful antioxidants that attack free
radicals. They also prevent oxidative stress that can lead to cell damage and
cancer. Studies have shown that you can cut the risk of cancer by 70 percent
through eating at least seven servings of tomatoes a week, largely thanks to
their high amounts of lycopene. They also are rich in vitamin C, which prevents
cellular damage. Tomatoes have numerous other important vitamins and minerals
and they are easy to add to your diet. They do more than prevent cancer, they
help with heart health, diabetes, osteoporosis and protect your skin from the
damaging rays of the sun. You can add tomatoes to salads and sandwiches although
lycopene is concentrated by cooking it. Additionally, the redder the tomato is
the more lycopene it has.

1) Broccoli
Broccoli is one of the best foods to fight against cancer because it contains
indole-3-carbinol, which can actually convert cancer-promoting estrogen into a
protective variety that helps with breast cancer. Broccoli is full of the
photochemical called sulfroraphane, which induces production of the enzymes that
stop the growth of tumors, deactivate free radicals and stop carcinogens that
can cause cancer. Just like kale and other leafy greens, broccoli is a rich
source of numerous vitamins, like: vitamin A, vitamin C as well as various
minerals. With all the powerful nutrients in broccoli, you should definitely add
it to your meals via eating it raw with hummus, in salads, steamed or in
vegetable dishes.

Final Words
Eating foods rich in antioxidants, anti-inflammatory properties, minerals,
folate, vitamin D, vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin E will aid you in the fight
against cancer. In addition to eating these fifteen powerful cancer-fighting
foods, look to cut out food that could cause cancer, such as: unnatural red
meat, chemicals and other carcinogens can be harmful to your health.
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