10 Unusual Phobias (fears)
is a type of anxiety disorder wherein a person has a persistent fear of an
object or situation. Most people who have a phobia suffer stress and are
sometimes treated poorly because others see their fears as irrational.
Heights, darkness, insects, people - these are some common fears that most
people have. Unfortunately, there are some of us who don’t want to accept the
fact that fears can’t be handled. Overcoming different fears, or phobias, have
different phases of development. Most people who have these conditions struggle
often just to get through the day because of the strange phobias that they have.
Below are some of the unusual phobias that really exist in today's world.
Phobia 10) Fear of
Being Stuck
Domatophobia is the fear of a house or being stuck in a home or room. It’s hard
to treat this kind of fear. A person who has domatophobia sometimes suffers
rapid heartbeat, tunnel vision, dizziness, dry mouth, inability to concentrate
and severe anxiety attacks. Not all people who have domatophobia are affected by
these symptoms and some individuals may also have other reactions. These are
just a variety of some of the disturbing symptoms.

Even though many people who suffer from domatophobia are aware that their
fears are difficult to deal with, some people find themselves in severe anxiety
even just when their fears cross their mind. Some will recommend seeing a
specialist to have some medications like anti-anxiety or anti-depressants
Phobia 9) Fear of
Being Touched
Aphenphosmphobia is the fear of being touched. It is also associated with
chirophobia, which is the fear of hands and agoraphobia, fear of being in a
crowd. People who have this fear avoid having physical contact with other
people, which includes having sexual intercourse. More generally, sufferers from
aphenphosmphobia are often afraid of experiencing sudden panic, and therefore
choose to spend as much time as possible in familiar situations in which they
feel in control like their own home or workplace. They also avoid public places
and less predictable environments such as shopping centers, markets, railway
stations, airports, public meetings and large social gatherings. It may seem
strange but this phobia may be caused by certain life experiences that have
caused trauma to the sufferer.
Fear of Being in a Crowd:

Phobia 8) Fear of
washing or bathing
Ablutophobia is defined as fear of washing, bathing and cleaning. It is
different from being clean. This is a fear of the process of being clean. It is
caused by some emotional trauma related to an event associated with washing,
bathing or cleaning. It may also be developed by seeing someone else experience
suffering related to bathing. Symptoms are breathlessness, nausea, fear of
dying, becoming mad or losing control and excessive sweating among many other
possible symptoms. Most of the treatments for people who have this kind of
phobia take months or years. Sometimes it is even required for the patient to be
visible uninterruptedly to their fear to underrate its strength.

Phobia 7) Fear of
Cathisophobia is the fear of sitting or an exaggerated or absurd fear of sitting
down. This fear depends on the person’s unique life experience. For young ones,
the fear of sitting down is sometimes related to the fear of feeling trapped. It
is because they tend to rebel against control.

People with this phobia will do everything they can to avoid sitting down. We
all know that sitting is a part of our daily lives. When we go to the office,
church or school, we can’t help but to sit down at some point. Thus, living with
this kind of fear affects someone else’s career, studies and daily habits.
Phobia 6) Fear of
Beautiful Women
A continual, extraordinary, and unfounded fear of beautiful women is also known
as caligynephobia. It usually can cause hysterical attacks and hold people away
from their loved ones. Symptoms typically include overall feelings of dread,
shortness of breath, irregular heartbeat, sweating and nausea. Most of the time,
this condition may be caused by events associated with beautiful women. The
condition can also be caused by myriad, benign events like movies and TV shows
or maybe seeing someone else experience trauma. The actual fear demonstrates
itself in different ways. Some suffer it all the time while some don’t.

Phobia 5) Fear of
Cacophobia, commonly known as fear of ugliness or anything that is unpleasant
usually develops during adolescence, when a lot of body changes occur. These
changes in the body can cause someone to become insecure and have a low
self-esteem. This can also be the case to children who have dental or skin
problems that may lead them to thinking that they are ugly. As a result, they
may look in the mirror and see a different reflection of what they really are.
This condition sometimes causes other disorders such as bulimia, anorexia,
emotional eating as well as depression.

Phobia 4) Fear of Money
Chrematophobia refers to abnormal fear or dislike of money. Some symptoms
include light-headedness, shuddering, heart palpitations, and queasiness. Some
people who have this kind of fear also experience fear of losing control. It
leaves the person completely helpless. It is hard for a person to fear money
because money is part of our daily routine. People who suffer from
chrematophobia might not able to see a specialist because discussing bills for
medication and therapy might cause them anxiety. Because this condition is very
complicated, it mostly leads to the death of the sufferer.

Phobia 3) Fear of Food
Cibophobia is also known as abnormal fear of food. People with this phobia
sometimes mistakenly take it as anorexia. The difference is that people with
anorexia fear the effects of food on their body while cibophobia is fear of the
food itself. They are excessively worried about expiration dates of the food. As
a result, foods that easily perish, like mayonnaise, are the most common source
of fear. They also develop some kind of strict eating rules that the condition
eventually leads to obsession. Different people who have fear of food may set
different rules but they are mainly concerned with restaurant foods where the
preparation is out of their control. People with this kind of fear sometimes
feel uneasy in certain gatherings or occasions wherein it is insulting not to
accept the food. If a person is being surrounded by food, for example in a
restaurant, this might cause the person to cry or shake. If left untreated, this
phobia may worsen and cause the sufferer to starve rather than eat food.

Phobia 2) Fear of the
Color White
Fear of the color white is also known as Leukophobia. Most people who have this
phobia had bad experiences with snow, and therefore developed an obsessive
personality of hating the color white. While some had bad experience with this
color, some hate it without any basis.

People who have this phobia have colorful houses and rooms and would never
wear the color white. They would even avoid entering a building painted white.
When they do, they would feel trapped. Other symptoms of Leukophobia are
restlessness, tremors and palpitation.
Phobia 1) Fear of
This phobia is also referred to as Pedophobia. Sufferers would tremble in fear
and start panicking upon seeing a young child (it can be a baby or a toddler).
People develop this phobia when they fear their own childhood or they simply get
easily frustrated with children. These people would even avoid situations that
would remind them of small children.

We find these phobias unusual and unfamiliar but understanding and patience are
all we can give to those individuals who have unusual fears or phobia. The
simplest thing to do is try to get into their shoes at times. It’s not simple
and sometimes it’s critical to understand where people suffering from some of
these strange disorders are coming from.
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