Top 15 Foods That Help Relieve Arthritis
Arthritis is known as the pain, inflammation, and the stiffening of joints. There
are many different types of arthritis, and these various forms of arthritis
affect the body in different ways. However, one common trait of all forms of arthritis is
that they cause those who suffer from it an excruciating amount of pain. There are
countless drugs out there to help alleviate the symptoms of arthritis. What
some people aren’t aware of is that there are also several foods that can help manage,
as well as prevent, different types of arthritis. Whether or not you
already have arthritis, adding these foods to your diet can either help prevent
or reduce the pain and inflammation associated with it.

Foods rich in
antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids are great for people with arthritis. These
foods contain different types of vitamins and minerals that slow down the
production of the chemicals that cause pain and inflammation in the body. Many
of the foods that are responsible for helping to decrease pain and inflammation
can be purchased in local food stores and supermarkets. These foods are typically
inexpensive, healthy, and taste great. If you have a green thumb, some of them
you can even grow in your own backyard.
15) Yogurt
Although known for its abilities to aid in supporting a healthy digestive
tract, this probiotic-rich food also does its part to combat against arthritis
pain. According to a report found in the World Journal of Gastroenterology, when
consumed, the bacteria in yogurt caused a noticeable decrease in C-reactive
protein levels found in the body. C-reactive proteins are known blood markers
for inflammation. Eating yogurt decreases inflammation, and decreasing
inflammation means decreasing pain. The helpful bacteria found in yogurt are
also responsible for lowering the amount of cytokines produced in body chemicals
that activate joint inflammation. Yogurt is also related to leveling glucose
and insulin surges. These surges can cause various levels of inflammation in
your arteries, but yogurt fights them by slowing down the digestion process.
Yogurt and Honey

Some types of yogurt may even contain vitamin D, which is an added benefit.
There are many brands and flavors of yogurt to choose from, but be careful. You
should choose unsweetened, plain, yogurt and avoid any yogurt that has added
sugars, sweeteners, chemicals, and other additives. Selecting any of these
yogurts will destroy the effectives of the good bacteria found in yogurt and
will not aid in fighting the painful symptoms of arthritis.
14) Ginger
Ginger is a popular spice used in everything from savory and spicy dishes to
delicious desserts. It is also an extremely powerful aid used for fighting the
pain and inflammation caused by arthritis. Gingerols and phytonutrients are
substances that fight pain and inflammation in the body, and ginger contains
dozens of these potent substances. Studies found in the Journal of Medicine and
Food suggest that the effects of using ginger to combat arthritis pain and
inflammation is similar to the effects of taking NSAID’s such as Motrin, Aleve,
Advil, and other related drugs. Like NSAIDs, ginger inhibits certain genes and
enzymes that contribute to pain and inflammation caused by arthritis. Ginger can
be used and prepared in various ways.
Raw, Powdered, and Grated Ginger

You can purchase it fresh or as a powder
to add flavor to your favorite soups, chilies, or other dishes. You can even
chop and boil fresh ginger to prepare your very own homemade ginger tea. Not
only is ginger a powerful spice used to tackle arthritis pain and inflammation,
it is also contains hundreds of minerals and nutrients that can be used for
digestive issues. In fact, studies show that ginger may also be helpful for
combating nausea and even migraine headaches.
13) Carrots
You’ve probably heard that carrots are good for your vision all of your life,
but did you also know that carrots can combat that harmful effects of arthritis?
Carrots are full of both vitamin A and beta-carotene, the pigment that gives a
carrot its color. Both vitamin A and beta-carotene are heavily believed to
combat inflammation, and if prepared correctly, cooked carrots provide even more
of these compounds. Carrots are known for their orange color, but if you happen
to spot some purple carrots at the supermarket, grab them!
Seemingly Strange, Purple Carrots Are Amazing for Combating
Arthritis Pain

Purple carrots have
almost thirty times the anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant levels of the orange
carrots, according to Sky News. Carrots are inexpensive, easily accessible, and
a definite plus for arthritis suffers. They can be prepared in hundreds of meals
and even some desserts. Add shredded carrots to your salad, use them in stew,
roast them, eat them raw, or add them to a quiche. If you don’t like the texture
of carrots, you can even juice them to make carrot juice. In the mood for
something sweet? Try mini carrot cakes or carrot-walnut cookies. Remember to
make sure that the desserts you choose do not counteract the helpful pain and
inflammation fighting properties of the carrots, though.
12) Green Tea
Green tea is becoming more and more popular all over the world. This
delicious tea can be prepared at home or purchased in stores. You can get a
bottle of ice cold green tea, or you can enjoy the flavor and fragrance of hot green tea while sipping it from your favorite mug. Scientists from
the University of Michigan Medical School claim that a certain compound in green
tea may lower joint damage, inflammation, and pain associated with arthritis. A
natural antioxidant by the name of epigallocatechin-3-gallate is found in green
tea, and that is why green tea is so effective for arthritis sufferers. The
antioxidants contained in green tea work to lower the production of certain
chemicals found in the body that produce arthritis inflammation.
Loose Green Tea

Some studies even suggest that these antioxidants combined with other
substances in tea may do their part in preventing the breakdown of cartilage,
extending and preserving the joints longer. Green tea is extremely accessible.
You can buy it prepackaged in tea bags or in loose tea leaf form. You can
purchase plain green tea, or try one of
the hundreds of flavors that many supermarkets and specialty stores have to
offer. Some tea stores even allow you to sample the tea before you buy it and
sell it by weight, allowing you to buy just a little bit of tea or a whole bunch
if it is to your liking.
11) Sweet Potatoes
Already healthier than the white potato, the sweet potato is a great food for
arthritis sufferers. Sweet potatoes contain carotenoids, a nutrient found in
many different fruits and vegetables. These carotenoids are powerful
antioxidants that help to fight pain and inflammation associated with different
types of arthritis. Like carrots, sweet potatoes have certain beta-carotenes
that, when eaten, supply the body with minerals and other nutrients that fend
off pain and inflammation. Sweet potatoes are fairly inexpensive and can be
purchased at local supermarkets, or generally anywhere where a variety of produce
and vegetables are sold. Sweet potatoes can be cooked in numerous ways. Instead
of consuming
French fries all of the time, give sweet potato fries a try instead.
Sweet Potato Fries

For an even healthier tip,
prepare them in the oven instead of the deep fryer. Have a baked sweet potato
instead of a russet potato. In the mood for something sweet? Make yourself a
serving of candied yams. Make sure to use sugars, sweetener, or any other added
ingredient sparingly. You want to absorb the minerals and nutrients of the sweet
potato and too many added sugars will lessen the effect. If you’re worried about
starch, sweet potatoes are said to be a friendly type of starch, and best of
all, they’re tasty.
10) Olive Oil
You can enjoy the benefits of reducing the pain and inflammation associated
with arthritis with something that is probably already in your kitchen. Olive
oil contains tons of monounsatured fats (the healthy ones), but it also contains
oleocanthal, a natural compound that may aid in preventing inflammation related
to arthritis. Much like ginger, olive oil contains compounds that block
inflammatory pain in a similar manner as NSAIDs. Many arthritis suffers have
claimed to feel some relief from pain after eating foods prepared with olive

Not only is olive oil great for fighting the pain and inflammation associated
with arthritis, it’s also tasty and much lighter and healthier than using butter
or vegetable oils. You can use olive oil to enhance the flavors of your favorite
dishes or dipping sauces. You can also use it in addition to other foods used to
fight arthritis pain. Even though olive oil is better for you than other oils,
use it sparingly if you’re trying to lose weight, as it is high in calories. If
you want olive oil with the highest amount of antioxidants, select extra virgin
olive oil and enjoy its stronger flavor.
9) Oranges
Oranges and other fruits and vegetables that contain high amounts of vitamin C,
are great foods for combating the pain and inflammation associated with
arthritis. Vitamin C is a nutrient that supports collagen, and collagen is found
in cartilage. If you have a diet rich in vitamin C, you have a better chance of
increasing the health of collagen, strengthening your body’s cartilage.
While oranges can be used in preparation of several dishes and desserts, you
should consider eating them whole or drinking natural orange juice to preserve
the flavor, vitamins, and minerals found in oranges.

Don’t like oranges? You are
still in luck. There are several other foods that you can eat that are high in
vitamin C. These foods include: bell peppers, broccoli, papayas, kidney beans,
kiwi, and pineapples. Choose a food rich in vitamin C as a healthy alternative
to a sugary snack. Oranges and other foods containing high amounts vitamin C
also have other health benefits. Not only does vitamin C help combat the pain
and inflammation caused by arthritis, it also helps aids in the support of the
absorption of iron. Healthy teeth, gums, and a stronger immune system are just
some of the effects of adding more vitamin C to your diet.
8) Kale
Kale is a dark, leafy vegetable with green or purple leaves that can be
purchased fresh from the produce aisle. Though the genetic makeup of kale is
similar to collard and spring greens, the taste of kale is quite different. Kale
contains plenty of vitamins and minerals that have been known to alleviate some
of the pain and inflammation associated with certain types of arthritis,
especially rheumatoid arthritis. Kale contains a high amount of vitamin C and
has a high concentration of beta-carotene. Kale is full of powerful antioxidants and
supports a healthier cardiovascular system by lowering the levels of cholesterol
found in your body.
Kale With Pine Nuts and Cranberries

Kale is also high in iron, which supports healthy
hemoglobin and carries oxygen throughout your body. Vitamin K and vitamin A are
found in kale, which can help prevent some forms of cancer, prevent blood clots,
and supports the health of your vision and skin. Eating kale helps lower your
chance of inflammation and fights not only against arthritis, but autoimmune
disorders as well as asthma. This flavorful leafy vegetable is high in calcium, low in
calories, and considered to be a great food for detoxing your body. Best of all,
it’s inexpensive and can be used in various types of dishes from salads to
7) Spinach
Popeye must have known the secrets of spinach because this flowering plant is
chock-full of helpful benefits, especially to those who suffer from arthritis
pain and inflammation. Spinach contains plenty of antioxidants, vitamins, and
minerals that help to slow down or stop the molecules that destroy tissue and
cartilage of arthritis sufferers. It contains certain fatty acids that help to
ease the pain and inflammation of arthritis. It reacts to the body much in the
same way as NSAIDs like aspirin, reliving the pain caused from arthritis without
the worry of the risk of internal bleeding or other bodily damage like liver and
kidney damage commonly associated with taking NSAIDs.
Spinach and Avocado Salad

Spinach contains plenty of vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin E, all of which
also aid in alleviating the inflammation and pain associated with arthritis.
Spinach also contains heaps of vitamin K, which works to lower the pain in the
joints. You can grow spinach in your home garden or purchase it from local stores
and markets. There are plenty of ways to prepare spinach, from salads to more
complicated dishes. If you’re buying fresh spinach, remember to put it in your
refrigerator's crisper to preserve the vitamins and nutrients of the vegetable.
If left sitting too long, spinach begins to leech away its nutrients, including
many of its pain and inflammation fighting antioxidants
6) Berries
There are several health benefits that come from adding berries to your diet.
Berries contain antioxidants that help fight off illness and pain. There are
many different minerals and nutrients found in berries, and eating foods that
contain lots of antioxidants can aid in keeping you healthy. Even your hair and
skin can benefit from the natural health properties of eating berries. Some of
the antioxidants found in berries include anthocyanins. Anthocyanins help to
reduce inflammation from arthritis. Berries are full of vitamin C. Vitamin C
supports the health of collagen, which supports the health and cartilage as well
as the
flexibility of joints. Eating berries can help lower the risk and effects of
arthritis, and even the incidence of cataracts.

If you’re looking to lose weight, adding berries to your diet is a great
idea. Berries contain mostly water, which after consumed, help to fill you up
quicker. They also contain lots of fiber, which aids in the support of a healthy
digestive tract. Some of the berries that help to lower the pain and inflammation
caused by arthritis include strawberries, blueberries, blackberries,
raspberries, and boysenberries. Most berries are easy to find in your local
supermarkets. They can be used for baking, cooking, juicing, or can be eaten whole.
5) Cantaloupe
The cantaloupe is a delicious and flavorful fruit that contains carotenoids,
which are known for their potent antioxidants. Cantaloupe also contains
beta-carotene, which works to fight the pain and inflammation that many
arthritis sufferers face. This fleshy fruit has a distinct pale orange color and
a natural sweetness that does over power your taste buds. Both vitamin C and
vitamin A can be found in cantaloupes, aiding the support of a healthy immune and cardiovascular system. While easily accessible, the freshness of a
cantaloupe doesn’t last forever.

Some cantaloupes keep their flavor and
nutrients for up to two weeks, but others only lasts a few days. You can
purchase cantaloupe either whole or in packaged slices. If purchasing a whole
cantaloupe, make sure to introduce it into your diet every day to avoid losing
some of the powerful inflammatory fighting antioxidants within its shell.
Cantaloupes typically grow in warm, tropical areas. Therefore, depending on
where you live, you may find it a little more difficult to find them during
certain seasons.
4) Sunflower Seeds
Many of us know what sunflowers are, but did you know that sunflower seeds
contain numerous health benefits for people suffering from the pain and
inflammation of arthritis? Sunflower seeds are inexpensive and easily obtainable
regardless of the season. They contain powerful agents that help to control the
damage of cells and help to prevent several different forms of cancer due to the
fact that they contain selenium, which fights cancer. Sunflower seeds also
contain minerals that support the strengthening and health of bones. Copper and
magnesium are both found in sunflower seeds as well as vitamin E, which have
compounds that help to reduce the inflammation of arthritis and support healthy

But it’s not just arthritis pain and inflammation that sunflower seeds
combat. Other painful disorders such as gastric ulcers and asthma are also
lowered when you add sunflower seeds to your diet. Finally, sunflower seeds can
help reduce the risk of heart disease by lowering cholesterol, preventing it
from clogging up your artery walls and helping to lower your risk of heart
attacks. Add sunflower seeds to your salad, add them to sandwiches, or mix them
in your granola.
3) Salmon
Salmon is one of the richest forms of fats that are healthy for you. It is a
great source for the ever healthy and popular omega-3 fatty acid. Its chances of
containing high traces of toxic mercury that can be found in other types of fish
are also slim to none. Along with omega-3 fatty acids, salmon also contains
vitamins such as vitamin D as well as calcium. The nutrients found in salmon
work to combat the pain and inflammation of arthritis and other inflammatory
disorders. You can support a healthy cardiovascular system, lowering your risk
of dangerous blood clots and artery damage, by adding salmon to your diet.
Eating salmon also does its part in decreasing blood pressure.
Salmon Steak

Salmon may be a little more difficult and expensive than some of the other
foods mentioned. You must take caution when purchasing salmon from supermarkets.
Make sure to check for expiration dates of fresh salmon. Salmon should never be
slimy to the touch and should be prepared quickly to avoid spoiling. While
salmon is good for you, if you’re trying to lose weight, it is also full of
calories. Make sure to eat it sparingly and when you do, and make sure not use additives
that will only add more calories. Salmon can be prepared several different ways
and tastes wonderful.
2) Flaxseed
Flaxseeds are a tiny seeds with huge health benefits. Like salmon, flaxseeds
contain omega-3 fatty acids that combat inflammatory and pain caused from
arthritis. The omega-3 fatty acids found in flaxseed help your body to
manufacture prostaglandins, which decrease inflammation and pain. They also help
your body to produce its own natural anti-inflammatory compounds known as
resolvins. The nutrients found in flaxseed contain selenium and zinc, which
fight the pain of rheumatoid arthritis. Flaxseeds help to support and strengthen
the body and its connective tissue because of the amount copper they contain.
This copper aids in manufacturing certain ligaments and tendons that cushion the

Some studies show that people who suffer from osteoarthritis or rheumatoid
arthritis have less inflammatory pain when their diets included foods with lots
of omega-3 fatty acids. Flaxseeds fight against cancer, help to regulate blood
sugar, and lower cholesterol. While flaxseeds definitely help to fight off the
pain and inflammation of arthritis, you must use caution when adding them to
your diet. Flax can interact with and counteract certain drugs, and is also a
natural blood thinner. Make sure to speak with your doctor if you’re on certain
medications before adding flaxseeds to your diet.
1) Rosemary
Rosemary is a type of herb that is often seen in cooking and different types
of aromatic fragrances such as air fresheners, candles, and soaps. There are
several different uses for rosemary, but one of the best uses is to combat
inflammation and pain of arthritis. Rosmarinic acid is found in rosemary and
rosmarinic acid seems to help reduce some of the painful symptoms associated
with rheumatoid arthritis.

The rosmarinic acid found in rosemary also has
powerful antioxidants that fight the inflammation of joints. There are several
different ways to use rosemary when trying to fight off pain and inflammation
caused by arthritis. You can use rosemary to flavor meats and fish. You can also
add it to different types of sauces or fruits, especially citrus ones. If you
prefer, purchase or make your own rosemary tea.
Final Thoughts
The foods listed here are just a few of the foods that can help to relive the
pain and inflammation associated with arthritis. There are countless ways to
prepare the foods mentioned here and other foods that help reduce pain and
inflammation. Start with the foods that already appeal with you, and experiment
with different meals and snacks using them. Be sure to try some of the other
foods, though. You may be surprised by what pleases your palate and eases your
pain the most.
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