Top 10 Jobs that Cause People to Gain Weight

Stress as well as sitting all day can take its toll on one’s ability to
maintain a svelte physique. When you factor in those 3 p.m. snacks too, you may
find it rather daunting to keep from gaining weight. According to research, the
following jobs are more likely to put on the pounds than other occupations.
10) Nurse
Although nurse practitioners (NP's) are in a profession that places an emphasis
on nutritious eating, the stress of the job itself often causes them to gain
weight. Besides the stress that's associated with caring for people who are injured or
sick, NPs must also contend with the possibility of getting sued for
malpractice. Plus, working various hours can wreak havoc on any balanced eating

9) Software Engineer
According to research, IT professionals, such as software engineers, get so
involved in their work that they regularly skip meals and eat junk food as
compensation. Needless to say, working at a computer most of the day has some
dietary drawbacks.

8) Teacher
Apparently, the stresses involved with the teaching profession can lead to poor
eating habits. Educators must not only manage classroom settings that vary with
respect to individual student needs, they also must take work home as well. The
pay they receive is typically not all that substantial too.

7) Network
This IT job involves a lot of activity that isn’t exactly “active”. Staring at a
display for as long as 10 hours causes some people in this profession to become
lax when it comes to eating and exercise.

6) Judge
The kinds of content that judges review is not exactly the kind of material that
you can easily read while walking on a treadmill; such information takes a lot
of time to study and annotate. While people in the legal profession have
well exercised minds, some individuals in the field may not get enough physical

5) Scientist
A scientist is another professional who does not get the opportunity to move
about as much as people in other professions and researchers are often under stress
from the studies they oversee too. If a scientist spends time on a research
project and does not come up with any conclusive findings, it may cause him to
lose his job.

4) Police Officer
A police officer’s job is often marked by long hours of patrolling, surveillance
or dealing with life threatening stresses. As a result, it can be difficult at
times to follow a healthy diet or regular exercise routine.

3) Architect
People in the trade of designing buildings often suffer from weight gain on the
job. Unlike the people who participate in constructing a building, architects
spend hours sitting at the drawing board and poring over every detail of a plan. As
a result, they don’t get much of an opportunity to move around or physically
exert themselves.

2) Machine Operator
Machine operators can have a hard time losing weight as their job does not give
them much chance to stretch or stroll a couple feet to another area
of the building. Staying in the same place for endless hours is a requirement
of the job, it’s easy to see why people in the occupation have a tendency to put
on weight.

1) Administrative
Working at a desk simply does nothing to streamline the figure. As a result,
many administrative assistants now complain about weight gain. Not only is the
work stressful at times, the work environment itself encourages the drinking of
latte or the eating of late afternoon snacks.

Final Words
People in the aforementioned occupations may put on weight because they sit most
of the day or feel that the pressure to eat is just too hard to resist.
Workplace celebrations and break room vending machines do nothing either to
lessen the temptation to eat foods that are calorically dense.
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