
Health - Physical Fitness
By: - at May 21, 2013

7 Simple Easy Ways to Stay Active

What to Do When You Hate Exercise?
For many people exercise is not a problem. They do everything in their power to train more often and for as long as possible to get the results they are looking for. Many even enjoy it and see exercise as something enjoyable. But for others, exercises is seen as a punishment and a waste of time rather than pleasurable.

attractive family out for exercise

As a coach specialized in weight loss, I can confirm that many people have little interest in regular physical activity. A client once told me that she would feel the need to get up and move around, but she could not. Why is exercise so difficult for some people, while for other people do it with ease? By changing your attitude towards exercise, great physical accomplishments can be achieved.

Everything is a matter of perception
Before embarking on a treadmill, bodybuilding, and any other exercise you need to understand the reasons behind your displeasure with physical activity. When I was morbidly obese, I saw sports and exercise as punishment rather than recreational activities.

Then when I decided to take control of my life, and my vision of physical activity has changed. I now see my workouts as time invested in my overall health and well-being. It was the first time I took on a personal challenge, and with each session I pushed myself harder and harder.

Here are my top 7 which allow you to move and enjoy physical activity.

  1. HikingHiking - With one of the largest fitness centers open in North America, Quebec has a lot to offer. Indeed, it is possible to go walking trails ranging from beginner to intermediate, and regardless of the city in which you live. A little trick, if you do not like sweating, start with walking. The scenic views are a great accompaniment to getting your heart pumping.
  2. Walking in the neighborhood - Who said he had to go away from home to get some exercise? When you get your work or in the evening after dinner, take the opportunity to put on a pair of sneakers and walk twenty or thirty minutes. Listening to music or finding a walking companion will make this activity much more enjoyable.
  3. Group classes - Gyms are not only for people who are heavy body builders. There are all sorts of classes offered at gyms from yoga to spinning classes. Whether a Zumba, step or military cardio, there is sure to be something you will enjoy.
  4. CyclingCycling - This activity can be done alone or with friends and family. It is ideal for all those who hate to do conventional training like trail running or jogging. With a bike you can ride at the speed you want and cycling is a much lower impact exercise than running. Riding a bike to work or up to the supermarket are a couple other great opportunities to get some exercise.
  5. Dance classes - Whether online or in pairs, this activity can burn up to 400 calories per hour. When you dance, almost all of your muscles are being used. In addition, if you dance for a long time, your cardiovascular system will feel the benefits too. Just by having some fun and dancing to some music can extra calories be burned off.
  6. Golf - If you decide to walk instead of taking a cart, a bunch of extra calories can be burned. Also you can get a chance to get some fresh air and some energizing sunlight.
  7. Swimming - Swimming is a great option when you may be struggling with past sports injuries. It is lower impact than running and is easier on the joints and bones. When you're in fresh water, your body consumes an average of 10% more calories. This is because your system must temper your body. For training in the pool, go at your own pace.


    The most important thing is to be in constant motion. Whether the breaststroke, backstroke, or just swimming around the pool, this activity will help you get in shape and burn calories quickly.

How often should I train?
If you are the type to hate exercise, I invite you to start with a week of training to get used to. After a few weeks, if you feel like it, go to two or three weekly workouts. However, if you feel that your body does not allow you to do more, stay motivated and keep on training.  Good luck and get active!





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