By: anonymous - at January 17, 2013 |
Reality Creation and my Story
single human being takes part in creating their own reality. Many of us do it
subconsciously without even knowing. The theory is that when you dedicate all of
your positive energy and thoughts toward something you believe in, it will
happen. Some receive miraculous results from praying to God or a Higher
Power of their choosing. Others lead a happy and fulfilling life simply because they decided that
they will, and made it happen by guiding their energy toward
manifesting that reality.
The media and television are spreading fear which
has a controlling effect on humans. It's hard to accept that you're in control
of your own life when the media's messages are mass-produced and condition our
responses making us passive and
cooperative. Fear will stop you from being able to live the life that you want. Never feed fear, by giving it some of your attention and energy it can
potentially control you.
A little while back I had a large collection of negative and incredibly scary
movies. Most of those movies were very well put together, but after you were
done watching them you never felt good about yourself. I appreciate the movies for what they
are, I just don't want to subject myself to those dark feelings anymore. Instead I'll relax and enjoy a comedic movie that will make me laugh and enjoy things
in my life
more. You can very easily feel the vibes focused in the mind from movies, and
decide whether or not they produce positive or negative energy.
Testing Your Balance of Energy
I thought I might add muscle testing into this article, being that it is an
uncommon practice as far as I know. I'm sure there's more information online
about it. The idea is to test the body for negative and positive responses that
it generates as a reaction to external stimuli. Having a balanced and overall calm
body energy is needed to have the most accurate results.
- Take your middle finger and your thumb.
- Make a circle with them.
- Do the same for your other hand.
- Put one circle inside of the other circle. (Varies if you are left or right
- Now say something as a fact and try to break open the outer circle with the
inner circle. Not too hard, but firmly apply pressure.
Your body should be able to give you a negative or positive response depending
on whether or not the circle you are putting pressure on breaks or stays strong.
(If it breaks, that's a negative responsive, same the other way around.)
EX: I knew somebody who would always test their movies on an
energy scale from 1 to 1000. 1000 being the greatest possible energy and 1 being the
lowest and most lifeless movie. They would say something like, "Batman Begins is a 200 on the energy
scale," and then test it with their muscles. You can deduce what a certain
object's energy level is by guessing until you find the right number. This test
can be done with anything on this earth. You can test the energy of a room, your
music, the people you are around, and even your animals.
The more you know the better, or is it worse to be highly knowledgeable about
the harsh facts of life? Hence the phrase ignorance is bliss. Sometimes the
simplest people are the happiest among us. They set their mind on a few things
and make sure those few things are handled. The simpler people seem to have a
stronger mindset because it is not as fuddled by all the possibilities of other
outside influences. Decide what you want to do,
lay out what you have to do to make it happen.
Only allow happy and good feelings into your energy pool. Everybody, no matter
what, is subjected to constant negative influences every day. There
are always nasty and vile energies waiting for you to allow them into your
energy and to hold your attention. They must be ignored and are not to be focused on. On the
other hand there are beautiful, wonderful things right there around you. They hope you
decide to choose them instead of the negative things, as you should. Feed the
power of good energy
as it flows through you. You will be rewarded, respected, and you will feel the power behind it.
My Reality Creation Story
Here's my story of how I created a reality for myself so that I could stay
alive and avoid a dark path. I escaped from a bad place after about 5 months
of incarceration. I created the reality of myself not being locked up. I believed in
getting out and never going back. Shortly after being adjudicated on some heavy
drug charges I was transferred from a juvenile detention center completely
shackled, to
a haunted inpatient rehabilitation center. Many people had died in the rooms
that we were sleeping in, and most of the kids there were directly out of a
juvenile prison called the
Department of Youth Services (DYS).
While I was in there, the doctors told me there was something wrong with my
liver enzyme count which made me very worried and anxious. I remember thinking I
might die from it, but somehow I knew deep in my heart that everything would be okay. This
difficult experience
is what shaped and brought me to how I feel today. Just knowing that it was going to be
alright and the world was going to keep turning with me on it made the entire
situation easier to deal with.
The boss there had just assembled a "horseshoe meeting" the night before. According to the other juveniles, somebody always got kicked out and sent back
to jail whenever there was one of these meetings. The problem in the institution
was that people were fighting more than normal. I used one of the moves my
friend showed me during a fight with a larger kid and the deputy officer witnessed it. Later in
the day when I was watching TV, the boss of the establishment asked me whether
or not I had done this. I replied that I had. I had very recently witnessed 2
kids get swarmed by probation officers and taken directly to prison for similar
offenses which made me extremely nervous.
My heart told me that he was either going to make me stay inside the
establishment for much longer than necessary, or send me back to jail. If
I was to be sent back to jail I would most likely get more time added to my
sentence. What the doctors had told me gave the impression that I may be
dying and my overall health was in jeopardy. The doctor told me, "If you
continue to drink alcohol, you will not make it past your early 20s." I
was under the impression that I may have contracted hepatitis from tattooing
myself when I was younger. My mind was frantic and racing when I knew that I was
about to be screwed over royally if I didn't use my own free will to change it. I decided that I would rather die than spend the rest of my life locked up in some facility.
If you ran from the facility you would almost definitely be caught because
the facility was extremely isolated. There were a couple stories of people who
escaped by going to the Wal-Mart a few miles away and using the phone to get a
ride. It seemed too risky for me, and I knew if I got caught trying to escape there would be serious
What did I do? That night, half of the group of us were attending an Alcoholics
Anonymous meeting in another city. The whole van ride there, my buddy pointed
out good places to go. At the meeting I asked to use the restroom and walked out
the back door to freedom. It was such an empowering feeling. Everything was
so bright with color and full of energy.
I knew that I had to do something to avoid getting caught. I walked a few miles
to a gas station and used the phone there. None of the people's numbers I
remembered could help me. Nothing would break my determination to get away. The
woman at the gas station told me the last bus for the night would be coming
through soon. I had no money, but I decided to chance it and run over to the bus
station anyway. Something changed in my head at that moment. I just knew I would get
away from there and find a place to stay.
When I arrived at the bus station there was nobody to be found. It did not even
really look like a bus station. So I stood there and waited with no money. I
figured I would ask the bus driver for a free ride or something. I didn't know
exactly what I was going to do, but I knew whatever happened would work out in
the end.
An elderly man walked up to the bus station and was yelling into his cell phone
about how he had changed his decision about wanting to take a greyhound out of
state. After he got off his cell phone, I talked to him briefly and he said that
I would get in trouble for riding the bus with no money. I asked him where he
was staying. He ended up
walking away from me. Just as my hope slightly started to fade, he handed me a
bus pass saying, "You're going to need this more than I do. There's a homeless
shelter in Canton. Go there. They will take care of you. Good luck."
I hopped on the bus when it arrived. It took everybody to the Greyhound station
in Canton. I stepped off of the bus and I was in a pretty bad neighborhood. I
asked a few people at the bus stop if they knew where the homeless shelter was
and finally figured out that it was on Maple Street. After walking a few blocks
up, I smelled the nasty, plastic smell of crack coming out of one of the
garages. That's how I knew I was in a bad place. Right around the corner from
that garage was the homeless shelter.
The homeless shelter I arrived at was full of convicts right out of the
penitentiary. I found who was running the place and waited outside the door for
a while. It was an old plump man who was just trying to help all of the
unfortunate people there. There really was kindness in his heart. I gave them
all fake names, which is why the homeless center wouldn't put me up in an
apartment. The man who owned the place talked to me for a while and ended up
giving me two dollars for a bus pass and a place to stay for the night. I made
my bed in the hallway and laid there thinking about what the hell I was going to
do the next day and whether or not somebody would find me. It was a gut
wrenching feeling. My heart was beating at 100 miles an hour for the next few
A man there who had just gotten out of an Ohio penitentiary approached me and we
talked. He told me to watch my things because the people around there might
steal from me. I could tell that there was much sorrow and despair in his face. He was at least 7 feet tall. He really felt bad that I had no place to go and
was so young. He told me about his involvement with an Islamic prison gang while
he was locked up.
I woke up
and had breakfast. The tall Islamic guy sat next to me and we played
cards. He was trying to find a way to make money. I really hope he did. After eating
I said I had to be on my way soon. I was about to go buy another bus pass and
take it over to Akron attempting to get a foothold on my situation. The man sold me 3 bus passes
and 10 cigarettes for 2 dollars. I ran into him again at the bus station and he
let me have his cell phone. I felt this was another blessing I received just from
having faith, and believing that everything was going to work out.
Upon returning to Akron, I contacted an old friend of mine who said I could stay
with him if I was on the run. My friend was very religious, and living with him
helped me open up to God again. I remember when I was locked up, the other kids
would get mad at me when I was questioning God in front of them. After my experience
I have no doubt that God is very real.
The final problem I had to deal with was my outstanding warrant. I was finally
free but having a warrant out there really increased my chances of getting
hemmed up. Hope was the only thing I had to get me out of my situation. My
mother helped me to get a lawyer and to go to the doctor. Whatever was wrong with
my liver amazingly
disappeared. My grandparents wrote a check so I could go to a
wilderness therapy course, which would eventually relieve my warrant and allow
me to be 100% free. I even quit smoking for a while.
Although some of my old habits have crept back in slightly, it's important to
me to always
keep a positive attitude and continue to move forward with my life. There will always be
setbacks, but you have to learn from them and keep moving on. If you dwell on
something bad that happened to you, it will take you over and stop you from
improving your situation. I've found meditating
helps me to get rid of all the emotions that are attached to difficulties I may
encounter. It's a good way to relax if there's something really bugging you. Enjoy your life as much as you can, it can be a wonderful gift or a terrible
curse. It is up to you to decide whether life will be truly enjoyable or
miserable by
creating your own reality.
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Maintaining a Positive Mindset to Prevent Emotional Turmoil
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Reality Creation and my Story
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