Homemade Fabric Softener Recipe
How much do you spend each month on laundry products? Think about it and add
up the amount of money your detergent and fabric softener costs you. Now total
that for one year. The answer may shock you. I know it shocked me! In my quest
to save money, I have used some great recipes, for
homemade laundry
detergent and now for fabric softener too! By making these yourself you
can save a lot of money and the homemade versions work just as well as the
commercial brands. Although doing laundry is a necessary evil, that does not
mean you have to spend a fortune on it. Below are two recipes for homemade
fabric softener - one is for a liquid and the other is for crystals which is also
very popular.
Homemade Liquid Fabric Softener
This is the recipe I personally use. It is the least expensive recipe and only
costs about $3.00 to make. If you purchase a gallon of vinegar you will have
enough ingredients left over to make 2 batches of this fabric softener.
What You Will Need
2 cups of scented hair conditioner - I buy Vo5 because it’s only $.79 a bottle
but you may use whatever brand or scent you prefer.
- 3 cups of white vinegar
- 6 cups of hot water
- 1 container to mix everything
- A funnel or pitcher to pour the mixture into a bottle
- An old laundry detergent or fabric softener bottle
The Process
Pour the conditioner, water and vinegar into a container. Mix well until all
lumps have disappeared and the mixture is smooth in texture. Do not shake. Once
the mixture is smooth, use your funnel or pitcher to fill your detergent or
fabric softener bottle. Voila! Homemade fabric softener that smells great and
takes almost no time to make. This recipe yields about 11 cups of fabric
softener per batch. Use ¼ cup for each load of laundry.
Homemade Fabric Softener Crystals
This recipe uses essential oils to give the crystals a pleasant scent. Essential
oils are a bit on the expensive side and range from $5-$15 per bottle. However,
you have a much wider range of scents to choose from and the bottle of essential
oil lasts for a long time. You may also be able to find less expensive essential
oils online.
What You Will Need
4 cups of Sea salt
- 4 cups of Epsom Salt
- 20-30 drops of essential oil - Pick your favorite scent or combine scents such
as lavender and vanilla to create your own unique scent. If you desire a
stronger scent, simply add more essential oils.
- 1 container with a lid
- That's it!
The Process
Mix all of the ingredients together in your container. Place the lid on the
container and you are finished. Depending on the size of your laundry load you
will need 1/4 to ½ cup of crystals per load. This recipe for homemade fabric
softener crystals leaves your clothes feeling soft and smelling wonderful.

Homemade fabric softeners are inexpensive, easy to make and these recipes can
be easily increased to make larger quantities.
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