How to Properly Motivate Your Employees
As a leader you must contend with the fact that many of the employees you
lead will not be as self motivated as you are. They will benefit from a little
extra motivation that you can help supply them with.

Understanding motivation begins with knowing the difference between intrinsic
and extrinsic motivation.
Intrinsic Motivation
Intrinsic motivation comes from within a person. An employee might have an
internal feeling of motivation driven by, personality, or explained by a quality
fit with the work. Meaning they actually like what they do.
Extrinsic Motivation
Extrinsic motivation refers to motivation resulting from any number of external
things bosses or managers might do in an attempt to stimulate new motivation in others. The vast
majority of writing, thinking and tools in the area of employee
motivation focus on forms of extrinsic motivation.
This is not bad in and of itself, but it is not the most productive view of
motivation. The most effective way to think about motivation is in a balanced
manner that incorporates both intrinsic and extrinsic factors. With a clear
emphasis on supporting intrinsic motivation think of it this way, sometimes we
become so focused on using things such as money and other types of rewards, that
the rewards can become a much bigger focus than the work itself.

Three Types Of Motivation
There are three major approaches to employee motivation. The first two are
the most popular, and they are extrinsic in nature. I am referring to goal
setting and the use of rewards and recognition. These are popular because they
are the easiest to understand and implement. The third approach is somewhat less
popular, but actually far more important.
This one deals with relationships and
the work environment and how they can often bolster and support intrinsic
motivation. Nothing motivates a person more than high quality relationships in a
positive work environment.
The Work Environment And Relationships
So, let us address four key aspects of the work environment and relationships
at work that have been proven, many times, to be great explanations for employee
motivation. Research on motivation is very clear. The quality of relationships
at work matters. And none matters more than the relationship an employee has
with his or her direct supervisor. In fact, the number one reason that
professionals voluntarily leave their jobs, is bad boss relationships.

As a leader, realize that you are not trying to become best friends with the
members of your team. You are trying to develop positive, helpful, and
supportive relationships. Remember, for every employee their view of the quality
of their relationship with you, is the lens through which everything else at
work is seen.

The next motivating aspect, is a feeling of inclusion. You build a sense of
inclusion by genuinely seeking employee input on important matters. Make them
feel like you are partners, not just mere workers. Third is a sense of opportunity.
You create real belief in opportunity when others see that great performance is
justly rewarded. This helps the team see the workplace as a fair place. Last but
not least, you want to build a sense of purpose. You accomplish this by sharing
comments about why the work matters and how the team's work actually helps
the business to grow and make money for everyone involved in the business.
Simple Tips For Properly Motivating Your Employees:
- Ask your employees second opinions. Talk with your
employees and ask them how the team could be doing things differently for the
better. Ask them for suggestions and feedback on the tasks they are
doing. Doing this will encourage them
to think they are actually apart of something important which will increase their
motivation. If they say something that does not seem right to you,
don't say "that sounds like a bad idea", instead say something like, "okay,
I will keep that in mind".
- Reward your employees with praise. Anytime an employee does
something good, congratulate them by saying, "nice job!", or "good thinking!".
Doing this validates that what they are doing is working great, which will
motivate them to continue doing their best.
- Don't be angry. Bosses who are constantly angry creates a
poor work environment. Employees will lose interest in their job and
will most likely want to quit. Instead, try to talk through your
problems in a positive and respectful manner, while keeping a good mood.
- Be generous with your employees. Give gifts to your employees,
such as taking them out to eat, or even mini vacations, such as a taking them on
a small cruise trip. Being generous creates positive friendships between
you and your employees, which will motivate them to respect you and your
business more.
- Have fun with your employees. Take time to talk about
normal life stuff with your employees, doing so will further create
friendship and a trust between you and your team. A friendly work
environment is a positive work environment.
- Make sure you have reliable managers. If you have managers,
make sure they are following the key points above.
Creating A Sense Of Value
Use your comments, notes, or comments from others in the organization
supported by your team, or from customers or clients you ultimately support.
When you build positive relationships with your employees, and build a sense of
inclusion, opportunity and purpose.

You will have done a great deal to support
intrinsic motivation.
Avoid Fear
Here is one additional quick but very important piece of advice. Never rely
on fear as a motivator. It is important to understand that while fear is
effective in obtaining short term compliance from your employees, there are two
huge problems. First, using these tactics causes resentment, which can simmer,
for a long time.

Second, use of fear stops you from achieving the one thing that is much
better than short term compliance which is long-term behavioral commitment. Fear
and negativity, should be very rare in a productive workplace.
Motivating others is not mysterious. You'll need tactics that support both
intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Both are important, but always remember
nothing is more motivational than being a part of positive and supportive
relationships at work.
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