Money - Business
By: - at January 27, 2015

Top 15 Low-Budget Business Ideas

Starting up a business may seem like a daunting proposition, and the decisions during the first few years of a firm's existence are absolutely crucial to a firm's long-term financial success. These decisions need to be made by experienced business managers, or at least by members of the young company who understand business issues more than other members of the new company. Delegating responsibilities to the most appropriate members of a staff serves as the single most important priority for a company. This is true for all companies regardless of the specified market a company wishes to penetrate, the proposed market share a company may wish to capture, or the particular unique sales proposition a young company may be choosing. Making business decisions or planning financial decisions that dictate whether the business sinks or floats can be an overwhelming proposition. These managerial decisions can be made even more difficult if the person making these decisions has little or no formal business training or experience. Although starting a company can be a risky proposition, taking risks and making your own way in the world can also be very exciting and fun. There are numerous low-budget business ideas out there so don't focus on the idea that starting a company has to be financially straining. Many small business ideas hinge on activities and hobbies you may already engage in, such as sewing or growing your own organic fruits and vegetables.

Startup Entrepreneur

Planning and formulating a business is going to take a lot of time and effort. Certain training, certifications, or licenses may be required just to begin conducting business. Prior to hiring employees or making any type of business investments due to the extremely time consuming nature of operating any type of business, every would-be manager should sit down and really decide if running their own business is really something they can manifest into a profitable reality. Keep in mind that even though a business may be a low-budget operation, it's still a business and a certain level of professionalism should be maintained. Here are 15 low-budget business ideas that have been successful in the past that help to serve as a starting point and a place to see how the ideas bouncing around in your head may stack up to ones that have been successfully brought to fruition in the past.

15)  Furniture Making
If you’re handy with various carpentry tools and have some practical experience with woodworking, then furniture making could be the right low-budget business idea for you. You can set the prices for the pieces you produce as a function of cost. The variables of the cost function include the price of materials and labor valuation that come directly from your own wood-working experiences. In the twenty-first century it is imperative to have a web presence and likewise it is very important to utilize the Internet to advertise your skills on a website or forum. If you decide to create your own website showcasing your skills, then make sure to place photographs that really sell your mastery of carpentry. Make sure you follow some sort of business plan if people like the furniture you create and want to make additional purchases, don’t take on too many different projects at once. You can contact local furniture stores to see if they would be interested in purchasing a couple of pieces from you if you run into a situation where you have a surplus of stock. Craigslist posts are a great way to unload inventory as Craigslist acts as the classified section of today's digital age. Craigslist is one of the best ways to target local customers. If you do decide to rely on local companies for the source of your materials then make sure you establish a good working relationship with them, before ever relying on them for deliveries. While the Internet allows you to make connections very easily and at your fingertips, most connections originating from the web don't always produce the most trustworthy contacts.

Furniture making at home

14)  Wedding Planning
If you have exceptional organizational skills and happen to love everything there is about weddings, then becoming a wedding planner is a great low-budget business proposition for you. There are many, many details to be ironed out when planning and executing a wedding. Some couples may be too busy or may not even know where to start when it comes to planning their big day. Many couples try to go at it on their own often at their own peril. Couples will break-up as a direct result of issues surrounding wedding plans. An entire industry has boomed out of weddings and wedding planning so trying to go out there to capture some of this emerging market as a wedding planner, could be a good fit for you if you feel very passionately about weddings. If you want to start up your own wedding-planning business then first search online, making sure that your area doesn't already have an exhaustive list of wedding planners. While there aren't any professional certifications associated with being a wedding planner, getting your business incorporated is defiantly a good idea as it is for any small-business plan. Often wedding planners need to work in the evenings or over weekends to meet clients as your schedule must be very flexible.  Figuring out a profitable pricing strategy will probably take time to tweak, coming primarily from your personal experiences with vendors and clients. There are numerous details that go into planning a wedding and many unforeseen variables will emerge. Your main goal will be working to satisfy the couple who hired you and running into a potential "bridezilla" can be an extremely stressful encounter. When encountering a "bridezilla" the single most important thing for any wedding planner to focus on will be bringing a client all of their hopes and dreams, in the form of the wedding they have planned.

13)  Tutoring
Tutoring is another great low-budget business idea that can be a profitable financial solution if you possess mastered knowledge of a specific subject matter. Certain tutoring positions have typically been dominated by the image of graduate students doing most of the tutoring for all levels of students, but the reality is that tutoring instructors come from all walks of life. The assumption that most tutors are graduate students who are looking for extra money comes from most people's limited exposure to tutors. Unifying characteristics of a tutor are mastery of a certain subject matter, and the ability as well as willingness to educate. Generating an income by offering your tutoring services may take a bit of effort as far as finding your niche is concerned. Visiting local schools, universities, museums, and libraries is a great first step as far as weighing how much your services will be in demand. After ascertaining the demand for your specific tutoring services, the next step would be to ask whoever you first inquired about demand if it would be okay for you to post a simple flyer describing your services. Keep your flyers simple, sticking to the most important information like contact information and the amount you’ll charge for services. The idea of these flyers is to keep it as brief as possible, making sure the focus is only on the most important points. Let's assume that your skill of mastery happens to be engineering. Advertising for math and science tutoring at local schools or at the Engineering Departments of local universities will be the best use of your advertising efforts. Traditional tutoring services in the form of person-to-person contact should not be the only source of business for your little tutoring business. If you’re good with a computer you may even be able to offer your tutoring services online. Instant messaging services, scanners, and video chats make it possible to work together even when you’re miles away from your students. There are even websites for tutors that offer specialized resources you can use. To emerge as the most profitable tutor you can possibly be, do some market research and find out what other tutors are charging before selecting a price scale for your own business. This will ensure that your prices are as competitive as possible and to make sure that you keep people interested in your tutoring services. This may seem like a no-brainer but it is imperative that you are in fact mastered at whatever material you are claiming to offer tutoring services for. If people were to find out that you were a fraud, there would be a no way to recapture your perceived credibility in the community.

Teenage Student In Classroom With Tutor

12)  Pet Yard Clean-up
If you live in a residential area with lots of houses and dogs, then starting a business cleaning up pet waste could be a great low-budget business for you. Let’s face it, cleaning up dog droppings is pretty gross. No one really wants to pick up their pets' droppings and the fact that most people do not want to deal with dog droppings, will serve as the "in" for your little business venture. Some people who have multiple jobs or just one very time consuming job, are just too busy or tired to spend their time picking up dog waste. If you have a strong nose and don’t mind picking up the stuff that other people don’t want to pick up, this could be the perfect business for you. Starting up your business won’t cost you a lot either, as the materials you need are very inexpensive. You’ll need to be well stocked with certain items such as disposable bags, plastic gloves, disinfectants, and any necessary tools that may make disposing whatever you pick up easier for you. Advertising your services online and with local flyers posted around neighborhoods, serve as the best promotions strategy for your droppings business. A good source of market research would be to drive around surrounding communities and neighborhoods, looking to see if they happen to have a lot of dogs. If you notice houses that obviously have dogs, make sure to leave fliers on the doors that include your prices and contact information. Make sure to come up with some policies for your clients to follow, like rules and policies about  leaving their dogs out on the days of your clean-up and refund policies. If you’ll be working alone, always tell someone else where you'll be working just to make sure there aren't any psycho killers in the neighborhoods you are working in. Safety first!

Husky pooping in yard

11)  Pet Sitting
Pet sitting is a great business for people who may not have families or simply have a lot of free time on their hands. It costs a lot of money for people to put their pets in kennels or other pet sitting services, and kennel fees for just one dog are almost just as expensive as putting a person up in a hotel. You can start your own kennel of sorts by running a kennel-type operation out of the comfort of your own home as long as you are very comfortable handling all sorts of animals. The best part would be you could decide which animal to board and which ones to turn away. Just remember that if you turn away too many animals, your little pet-sitting business may earn a bad name for itself in the community. This budget business allows you to offer services like dog boarding without requiring a lease on an additional building or hiring full-time staff. The best part of being a pet sitter beside the temporary companionship of all different kinds of pets is that you can set your own hours, and the number pets you are willing to take in. In this budget business situation it is imperative that you understand any of the laws pertaining to sheltering animals for money, as specific laws or bonding requirements vary from region to region. Certain states and municipalities may even have laws pertaining directly to pet-sitting or things like the number of animals you can keep in your house, could be determined by fire code statutes. As with every one of these budget businesses, planning is a central concern. Make sure to advertise your services on local forums, outlining your prices and why clients should choose your services above traditional options like kenneling. You might also want to take classes like animal CPR, and you might also want to make sure you’re well stocked up on first-aid items in case something happens while a dog's owner is away. The beauty of owning and operating your own pet sitting business is that you can choose to accept or decline any pet with your own pet sitting business and if you want to take a day, week, or even a month off, you can.

Pet Sitting

10)  Landscaping
Landscaping is another great low-budget business idea to explore further. If you’re good with your hands and enjoy being outdoors, then a landscaping business could be the perfect business for you. There are few real expenses related to getting started with a landscaping business and most of them cover tools such as a lawnmower, rakes, and shovels. Its really not very appropriate to ask clients to borrow these items and doing so will destroy any sort of professional credibility you are attempting to establish. Doing some research and getting lawn application certifications may be a good way to set yourself apart from other local landscaping companies. The more knowledgeable you may be about lawns, the more likely you will generate sales from potential customers. Its hard to be an expert on a subject like lawns if you have very little practical knowledge in the field. The more experience you have from getting out there and doing projects, the more mastered you will become and appear to current and potential customers. You’ll want people to hire you because you can do something that they cannot. You want to be able to offer your customers a level of work they could never hope to achieve on their own. Landscaping business isn’t for the weak or faint of heart as it can be extremely physically demanding. You might have to spend hours outside in the heat, moving wheelbarrow after wheelbarrow of mulch until the entire job is completed. You may be working with dangerous chemicals or tools especially during lawn fertilizing jobs. Also there are typical hazards associated with working outside like stinging bugs, snakes, and things like rats or mice just to make your job even more demanding. If you are able to see past all of these hazards, then having your own landscaping business could be a great way for you to make money out on your own. Where your business will be generated is simply from the fact that many homeowners out there may desire a beautiful yard, but do not want to or cannot put in the time necessary to have one on their own. And that where you come in and by offering these services at competitive prices, you will be sure to rake in the revenue!

Landscape Multching

9)  Sewing and Alterations
There are thousands of people who look for unique, tailored, and customized clothes that will fit them perfectly. These types of demands make sewing and alterations a fantastic low-budget business idea. Retail-store clothing typically comes in standard sizes and often customers cannot find garments in their size, or that they don’t like the items readily available in their size. General practices dictate for a customer to buy certain garments that do not fit them and then later pay someone else to let them out or take them in, depending on the size considerations for the customer. Demand for sewing services come from resell and retro clothing stores and wardrobe suppliers. Wardrobe suppliers are company's that put together sets of clothing to be used as costumes for plays, re-enactments, and cosplay. Sewing is one of those skills that will always be in demand and even with the growth of the internet, and sewing jobs have still experienced stable growth and still remain a popular skill that is sought after. A good tailor is hard to find, just as a good mechanic is hard to find. Just like the furniture making business idea, prices for a sewing and alteration company are a reflection of time and supplies needed to complete orders. Use the many resources of the internet and advertise your services and skills online. Websites such as Etsy, eBay, and numerous cosplaying websites are easy to sign up for and advertise on. If you’ve made clothing or accessories for friends or family, ask them to spread the word around about your business as word of mouth continues to be the best way to get your name out there. Make sure you have reliable equipment and that you know how much work you can take on and how quick your turnaround will be. Most people do not want to wait months and months for their purchases and you need to be honest about the turn around time on their orders.

Sewing machine and making clothes

8)  Senior Citizen Assistance
Senior citizen assistance is another great low-budget business if you’re looking to make money while simultaneously helping others. Many of the aging baby boomers are looking for people to help take care of their aging parents, and many small businesses have grown out of this new kind of demand. Many everyday chores like washing clothes, carrying heavy bags, and washing cars may seem like the impossible to an elderly person. People are no longer able to complete these types of tasks either due to health issues or just simply because they are getting older. This is where you and your budget small business will come in, as you will make your living from completing most of these household chores and tasks on behalf of your clients. Things can be a hassle or seem confusing to some senior citizens, and often they are very reluctant to ask for help even when they absolutely need it. The best way for you to go out and get potential clients will be to have an outreach type of marketing strategy, comprised of knocking on the doors of retirement communities or at residences you know for a fact are owned by an elderly person. Making personal relationships will be critical to making this kind of business profitable and actually work for you. You have to gain their trust before any elderly person will ever let you into your house even to do the simplest chores or tiding up. Figure out the things you’ll be willing to do and come up with a price list for your services. Contact local doctor’s offices that specialize in geriatric medicine and ask them if you can advertise your business in the form of a flyer left at their office. Also, make sure to get any certifications that you may need and getting trained and licensed in CPR is an absolute must. If you decide to pursue a senior citizen assistance business it is a good practice to validate and approve all leads firsthand. This is one of the perks of going into business for yourself, and is the only way to know that working with clients will be both safe and comfortable.

Senior Citizen Care

7)  Produce Selling
Do you consider growing vegetables and fruits a personal passion? Have you always had a green thumb and get a great sense of accomplishment from growing food from the dirt? If you consider produce and farming one of your personal passions, then you can start your own business comprised of growing and selling produce to everyday people. People are often discontent with some of the fruits and vegetables found in grocery stores because they use strong pesticides that effect the safety and taste of foods. Also food prices continue to rise as overall quality slowly decreases. Many consumers are beginning to see store-sold produce as a waste of money. Using this food situation to your advantage and starting a business selling produce, will allow you to generate an income from this gap in food quality. You'll want to survey your community to see what people want and then plan your planting scenario to reflect the foods that are in demand. If you have a big enough space to cultivate from, you can even contact restaurants and farmer’s markets to see about selling surplus foods to them for additional profit. When seeking out additional resellers for your homegrown produce don’t limit yourself to just your local community, restaurants, and farmer's markets. Instead use the internet to see if there are any other options you typically would not of considered due to their geographical distance. When selling your produce, give your customers the whole story as far as what kind of soil it was grown in, where the seeds came from, and any other details customers may find intriguing. Selling foods with a story has been the keystone of the organic foods movement. Even details you may not find interesting could be very interesting to your customers. Make sure you let people know everything you have even if you think it’s something that wouldn’t interest them. Making your produce stand apart from comparable produce at the grocery stores will be central to making your produce company a profitable venture as most people are happy to pay a decent price for good produce in comparison to some of the stuff you’d find in grocery stores.

Farmer's Market

6)  Meals to Go
Meals to go is a fun and neat idea for a low budget business if cooking and cuisine intrigues you. Even if cooking isn't your passion don't be discouraged, consider that almost every successful restaurant is ran by someone who knows almost absolutely nothing about cooking. If you can find someone to work with you as a partner for this venture then you can do the planning and coordinating, while they do the cooking. With people who are always on the go, often they do not have time to sit down and enjoy a properly prepared meal. Often mothers who work don't have enough time to cook healthy meals for their husbands or children. Many times people come home from work late or are working more than one job and don’t have time to cook or eat. When they finally get home they will probably be too exhausted to prepare dinner, often resorting to unhealthy and greasy foods as poor substitutes for a healthy, home-cooked meal. This is where you and your new business will come in and by offering home-cooked meals to be delivered in a convenient manner. Your company will not only offer a solution to help get every member of the family back to the table again, but your company will offer a solution for eating much healthier food. You can set your own prices and plan out your meals and everything in between. As with any other business, you’ll have to make sure you get the proper licenses and certifications to sell food, and will most likely be subject to food safety codes whose ultimate authority would be the health inspector. You must also be okay with having the local health inspector visiting to make sure your operation is up to the same standards as any other restaurant

Meals to go for home

5)  House Cleaning
House cleaning is another great low-budget business idea. As people lack the energy or time to clean their homes and don’t want to deal with expensive maid services or hiring untrustworthy people, you will capture this gap in the market to hopefully make a profitable business out of it. You’ll have to make sure that your business capitalizes on something that sets you apart from all the other people who may be offering house-cleaning services. Think of what you specialize in and shape your business to reflect those unique specializations. Let people know how long you have you been cleaning and what you feel sets you apart from all other services that may be out there. When you arrive at a person's house, you need to be completely organized and have everything in its proper place. You want to give your client a reason to hire you, and always take advantage of opportunities where you can effectively market yourself. Advertise your services on local online forums and make your own website to give your home cleaning business that professional touch. Arrive promptly and finish the tasks you said you were going to finish, completing them in the quoted amount of time you initially specified. You want to impress your client so that they’ll call you back. If you’re going to be working with other people, make sure they’re trustworthy and not prone to theft. If you’re going to be working all by yourself, always make sure a friend or family member or really anyone else knows where you are. People can be very creepy and not everyone is on the up and up.

Cleaning a bath tub

4)  Cleaning Services for Businesses
Much like a house cleaning business, a cleaning service for businesses is also a good low-budget business endeavor. Many companies need someone to clean the offices and rooms that make up their place of business, and many don’t want to deal with the more expensive commercial cleaning companies that are available. Depending on the business and what is inside their offices, you might need certain machinery and equipment to perform specific cleaning duties for special machines or instruments. Make sure before you ever actually go out and clean their premises that you have a meeting with a representative from management, making sure their expectations are reasonable and your cleaning strategy matches those expectations. Also quotes should only be agreed upon after both you and the representative from management sit down and mutually agree on prices together. Advertise your business locally and online. Contact local businesses to see if they are satisfied with their current cleaners or to see if they even have cleaners in the first place. Try to price your services as competitively as possible.

Cleaning a place of business

3)  Website Design
Website designing is a neat low-budget business idea if you have some exposure to HTML and web design programs like Adobe Dreamweaver or Microsoft Web Expression. It may appear that making websites is a very easy task, but the reality is there are many specialized skills involved with bringing a website from idea to realistic fruition. Building websites isn't for everyone and lots of effort as well as a brief understanding of codes will be necessary to make even the simplest websites. Lots of experience and lessons learned that can only be learned through trial and error, are essential to making something like website design into a profitable business. Only people who have mastered building websites by using all different types of programs as well as codes, should attempt to make a small business out of website design. Potential jobs could come from companies who have an overflow of work and need to farm it out, corrections being made to a website by a company who again finds more work than they'd like to do on their own, and web startups who are looking for people to generate web pages as quickly as possible. 

Website Design

2)  Cookie and Candy Maker and Cake Decorator
Cookie and candy making, as well as cake decorating, are all fun and tasty low-budget business ideas. Since you’re handling food, you may have to have proper licenses and certifications depending on your operation's location. The upside is that you’ll make enough after selling just a few items to cover these costs in no time. People have been enjoying cookies, cake, and candy for years and that probably won’t be changing any time soon. You can advertise your services on online forums or with local organizations such as community centers and public libraries. Ask your friends and families to tell other people about your services. Offer free samples every now and then so that people know exactly how good your delicious creations are. Who doesn’t love a free sample? Use free samples attached with your bakery company's contact information. You may want to look into classes or even do-it-yourself videos to hone in your baking skills. You want to make sure you’re giving your customers beautiful and mouthwatering treats, and that may take some time and effort. You should research what to charge for your treats. You don’t want to overcharge, but you also don’t want to undercharge. You want to get the most out of your hard work because you deserve it.

Making cakes

1)  Jewelry Making
Jewelry making is a wonderful low budget idea and its also a really fun option to generating some extra income. You can design your jewelry in any way you like and chances are someone out there will appreciate your style even if you don't really have any formal art training. Purchasing art supplies will be the single most expensive component of this business, and once you put together the bare essentials you’ll be able to profit from any pieces that you sell. Look online to see what types of jewelry are popular. There are many varieties of pieces you can learn to make and then sell to the public. You can sell your jewelry online and post flyers in your community about your jewelry-making services. One way to generate extra income will be take specialized orders from customers, and building them custom fashions they are sure to enjoy for years to come. The best part about having a jewelry-making business is that you can make every piece customized and truly unique. People would be willing to pay handsomely for art that they can display on their bodies or give to their friends, family, and loved ones. When events take place in your town, you can see about renting a booth where you can sell your jewelry. You can set your prices based on the materials, effort, and time spent on each piece. Best of all, when birthdays and holidays come around, you can give your handcrafted jewelry as gifts. The more popular your jewelry becomes, the better the chance you’ll have of reaching more customers.

Making Jewelry

This list offers you a few low-budget business ideas that you probably never even considered as a source of sustainable income for yourself. If you have any special talents or are particularly good at something, you might be able to start up your own business utilizing them as well. Maybe you’re an exceptional piano player or a really good guitarist, maybe you can offer lessons to people who want to learn how to play these instruments. Perhaps you have fantastic grammar and editing skills. You can start up you own editing business for writers or other people who have a lot of written content that needs checking. Maybe you’re good with building and fixing computers. You can even start up your own business doing that. The possibilities are endless when it comes to coming up with low-budget business ideas. You just have to be creative, passionate, and dedicated in doing the best that you can. Learn free or low-cost marketing strategies to get your name out there so that people think of you when they think of the service that you provide.





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