Architecture -
15 Biggest Architectural Blunders
- We have drawn up a list of the biggest 15 architectural blunders that resulted
in buildings being destroyed or permanently changed. |
Terrorist -
Top 15 Most Horrifying Terrorist Attacks
- We have created a list of the 15 most significant and terrifying terrorists
attacks that have occurred in the 20th and 21st century. |
Vietnam War -
15 Fascinating Facts About the Vietnam War
- Once you get beyond the lore involved with the war and get into the facts, you
will uncover some spectacular truths. |
Architecture -
Top 15 Amazing Ancient Egyptian Architecture
- We’ve listed the top 15 structures that came from Ancient Egypt that can still
be seen today, ranging from pyramids and status to temples and mortuaries. |
Titanic -
20 Little Known Facts About the Titanic
- There are still many surprising facts about the Titanic and its disaster that
are largely unknown to the world that you will discover here. |
Places -
Top 10 Most Creepiest Abandoned Places in the World
- These abandoned places are creepy but will entertain you with their unique
stories and history. |
Henry Ford -
26 Interesting Facts About Henry Ford
- Details of a variety of facts – good, bad and surprising – about Henry Ford. |
Warriors -
List of 15 Tough Ancient Warriors Through History
- This list is a compilation of the most famous, toughest ancient warriors
through history that deserved to be remembered. |
Emperors -
List of 15 Notorious Roman Emperors and Empresses
- Discusses 15 infamous Roman Emperors and Empresses throughout history
in the order of their reign. |
Pandemics -
Top 15 Worst Pandemics in History
- Here's the top 15 worst plagues in human history that we hope never
happens again. |
Inventions -
15 Things That Remained the Same in the Past 100 Years
- These objects and creations withstand the test of time and prove that
their inventors were outstanding in both their design and
Inventions -
Top 15 Things China Invented First
- Discusses 15 things China invented before anyone else, and the reasons
why they were invented first by the Chinese.
Inventions -
Top 15 Greatest Inventors in History
- Without the successful inventions that these remarkable inventors
created, the world as you know it would look considerably different.
U.S. Presidency -
15 Interesting Facts About Abraham Lincoln
- Abraham Lincoln was arguably the most fascinating president the United
States ever had. There are many little-known facts about this amazing
president that will shock you.
Inventions -
Inventors Who Stole Their Ideas - These famous people's inventions
were inspired by another person's idea, and were never credited for it.
Medieval -
15 Stories of Hilarious Medieval Victories - Discusses 15 stories of
hilarious medieval victories and a detailed account of some extreme examples of
medieval combat. |
Detectives -
15 Detectives Credited With Solving The Biggest Cases In History - Discusses
15 detectives credited with solving the biggest cases in history and information
about some of these famous investigators. |
Pyramids -
15 Fascinating Facts About the Ancient Pyramids
- Discusses 15 Interesting facts about the pyramids beyond their architecture,
including ones from China, Mexico, and other areas around the world. |
Inventions -
15 Inventions That Were the Result of a Mistake - Discusses 15 inventions
that were a result of a mistake that went on to be very popular. |
Execution -
15 Famous Stories of Execution - Discusses 15 famous stories of execution
and the scenarios that encompassed them. |
U.S. Presidency -
16 Rare Facts About the U.S. Presidency
- Fifteen facts about the presidents including some rare information. |
Leadership -
15 Astonishing Leadership Stories that Ended up Successfully
- Fifteen success stories that have changed history. |