Human Trafficking: Information and Facts
Most individuals are disgusted when they hear the words human trafficking.
These words can leave a bad taste in your mouth. Others want to delve deeper
into the subject. People want to know all the little details. They want to know
the: who, what, when, where, why, and how. Many look for these answers, but are
unprepared or even shocked at the results they find. These specifics can help in
prevention methods, as well as other areas of human trafficking. Many are
oblivious to the dangers of human trafficking. They do not realize just how much
it is present in the United States, Africa, Asia, Europe, and other parts of the
world. Victims are everywhere. During any given moment, millions of people are
victims of human trafficking.

However many of these cases go unaddressed by
people every single day as they blend into society. Here are 15 facts and
information related to this horrible crime:
15) Human Trafficking Involves Multiple Methods to Trap Victims
Victims of human trafficking can be exploited in many ways. However, most
commonly victims are misled into the situation. This can happen in instances
where someone is trying to enter a country illegally. Every year people will pay
to try to escape the horrors of their current situation. Afterward, many find
they have entered into something far worse than their prior situation. The
second method used to obtain victims for human trafficking is by individuals
going willingly. Even willing individuals are usually deceived in one form or
another. Many times this occurs when individuals sign debt contracts. Debt
contracts are similar to indentured servants. You are paying for your passage as
well as the risks involved with getting you into the country. Some traffickers
will state one position to the person while discussing terms. Then once the
individual has made it out of the country, they will take them somewhere else.
This forces trafficking victims into paying back the money in ways such as
pornography or prostitution.
Many times victims fall into the third category where deception is used to
trap victims. Traffickers will get unsuspecting tourists or citizens to let
their guard down. This creates the opportunity for traffickers to obtain the
victim either by force, or by deception of other means such as a trip.
Kidnapping is another common form of person procurement used for traffickers,
especially when targeting children. Depending upon the victim, they may be
abused physically, mentally, and or sexually even before they leave their home
country. Many times traffickers use drugs such as roofies or forcing victims to
use heroin getting them hooked and making them vulnerable to manipulation.
Children are most often likely candidates due to their vulnerability and
14) Human Trafficking Doesn't Discriminate Against Age
Young or old, the world of human trafficking does not discriminate. Generally
there is a market for just about anything. However, most traffickers are more
concerned about profits than anything else. Children as young as age three can
be kidnapped or even sold to traffickers. Many child victims tend to be
vulnerable to sexually transmitted diseases. This is due to a variety of
reasons, such as unsafe living conditions or lack of protection. In certain
countries there are even myths that having sex with a virgin can cure sexually
transmitted diseases such as AIDS. Many times in traffickers will loan money to
the parents or be sold the children by the parents. Generally these result in
sexual exploitation such as forced prostitution.
13) Human Trafficking Happens In Every Region of the World
Human trafficking is not specified to one specific country, continent, or region
of the world. This crime is an issue that is plaguing our society in nearly
every corner of the world. Some of these regions go to more extremes than others
with this crime. Family, friends, or even parents have been known to participate
in the trafficking victims in exchange for some sort of monetary gain. Often
times, victims are tricked. These victims are lured with promises of becoming a
maid or waitress in another country. One that will pay well and they can live a
life of luxury. However they are abruptly made aware of the change. In most
cases, victims live the rest of their lives in servitude or prostitution. The
United Nations estimates the number of victims at any one period of time to be
around 2.5 million individuals, although these numbers are inaccurate. This is
due to many cases being unreported or investigated.
One of the reasons human trafficking effects just about every region of the
world is because there are few legislation about the human trafficking crime.
Although awareness is becoming more relevant, for years there was no legal
instrument used to fight the crime. However the United Nations Office on Drugs
and Crime has helped to implement a set standard for all regions. Unfortunately
not all countries have punishments befitting these crimes.
12) Human Trafficking is Committed for More than Sexual
Often times, people forget there are crimes of human trafficking for reasons
other than sexual exploitation or prostitution. Children can be bought for a
variety of inhuman reasons. These can include more less familiar reasons such as
camel jockeys. Camel racing is a popular sport in countries such as Saudi
Arabia, Pakistan, and numerous other countries. Children have been known to be
used as jockeys. Camel jockeys are similar to a horse jockeys. However many
countries now have rules and regulations to prevent the child labor abuse these
children received as jockeys.
Some victims can be sold into slavery. One of the more gruesome reasons for
human trafficking is for organ harvest. These victims can lose organs, but with
help can have a chance to survive. Even when victims agree to organ trafficking,
they can run the risk of complications. Complications can be minimal issues such
as healing time or major issues such as severe allergies. Victims of organ
trafficking generally run the risk of disfigurement, extreme blood loss, or even
death from complications associated with the organ removal. Many times this is
due to the inability to know in advance what organs will be taken, what type of
room you will be in, the education of the person removing the organs, and other
Human Heart Ready for Transplant

Other times victims are unaware the procedure is even being performed,
so they are unaware of the risks or complications involved. Depending upon the
organ trafficking case will determine the likelihood for the individual's
11) Human Trafficking is a Low Risk Endeavor
day the horrors of human trafficking take place. With such an extreme situation
occurring worldwide, you would think risks for trafficking would be
high. However in many cases this is untrue. The number of convictions compared
to the extent of the problem is alarmingly low. Most areas of the world are
unaware how to handle these crimes. Many countries do not have anti-trafficking
legislation. Other authorities are aware of the problem, but lack the ability to
utilize their training and arrest offenders. The majority of cases are not
investigated. People are rarely prosecuted for trafficking crimes. Usually
victims receive this treatment because they appear more like prostitutes than
victims of a sex crime. Other times it is due to mistaken situations where
illegal immigrants are involved. Often human trafficking is the result of
organized crime. Each trafficker is usually responsible for a specified part of
the journey. Unfortunately the monetary benefits far outweigh the low risks
traffickers have.

Unfortunately because it is a low risk endeavor, human trafficking continues
to be attractive to criminals. Corruption of governmental authorities is another
serious problem for human trafficking. Government corruption generally benefits
the trafficker. This can result in low convictions for traffickers, as well as
cases going unreported or sometimes even covered up.
10) Many Cases Go Unreported by the Victim
Many victims can be reluctant to seek help. This reluctance can be
due to a variety of issues. However the majority of times, it stems from fear.
Fear can come from the risk of deportation or the fear of prosecution for crimes
the victim was forced to commit. Other times victims are unaware of who to
trust. Government authorities can be corrupted and easily persuaded to look

Many women who are victims of trafficking may be in a debt bondage. These
women tend to be reluctant to seek help of any kind. This can include help for
health reasons as well. Often times these victims must exploit themselves
sexually to earn their living. This can be in forms of pornography or
prostitution. These debt bondages are required for the victim to work until the
debt is paid off to their trafficker. Many of these victims, however, do not
earn normal wages. In most cases, the victims are never able to earn enough to
pay the debt. This is perhaps one of the biggest deceptions of all in human
9) The Media Plays a Key Role in the Fight Against Human
Some countries can limit or prevent certain types of broadcasts.
Others go even further and limit or prevent any kind of broadcast or news venue
including the internet. The media plays a vital role in the fight against human
trafficking. Educating people about the human trafficking issue and how it is
affecting our society is important to the downfall of this crime. Awareness and
education are two of the most important roles in helping to prevent human
trafficking. By providing education on the issue, important awareness is being
generated. They learn what to look for and what to do should they encounter
human trafficking activities. They also learn what to report to the authorities,
and who the proper authorities they need to report to are.

8) There are Three Categories for
Organ Trafficking
According to, there are three categories for classifying
cases of organ trafficking. However these classes generally affect all forms of
trafficking. The first category consists of cases in which the trafficking
victim agreed to sell their organs. Most often this is done formally with a
signed contract. However informal methods are also used, such as verbal
contracts. Other times, trafficking cases fall into the second category. Cases
in this category involve victims that were forced into the removal of their
organs. This situation has also led to the Urban Legend about waking up in a tub
of ice with organs or body parts removed. Other times cases in this category
involve the victim having been deceived in some way.

The last organ trafficking category pertains to victims who are treated for
various health reasons. During treatment they unknowingly have their organs
removed. Sometimes it can be due to illegal procedures. Generally the victim is
told they are getting treated for some kind of health reason. These issues can
be real or made up. Often they are just used to cover for what they plan on
doing. Once you awaken, you may not even know the organ(s) have been removed.
Many times victims can even go years before finding out. It is even likely that
if no complications occur an individual could statistically never find out the
organs were removed.
7) The Demand for Human Trafficking is Staggering
Each form of human trafficking has its own demands. Victims can be
used to produce goods that are in turn imported into other countries such as the
United States. Unfortunately consumers play a part in this. Think about
economics. In particular, supply and demand. When there is a high demand for a
product, supply is created to fill that demand. If the supply is greater than
the demand, then production is cut down or the price of the goods goes down.
Unfortunately human trafficking is similar. Even by buying consumer products
that may seem completely unrelated can benefit those in the human trafficking
business. Consumer goods can be made from companies that exploit individuals of
human trafficking. Sometimes this can be easily seen, such as right here in the
United States. Vegas and many other cities are known for having prostitution.
This creates a demand for commercial sexual acts. The increase in demand for
commercial sexual acts also increases the need for sex trafficking. These
victims can be as young as age three. These children can be used for things such
as camel jockeys.

Other times victims are older. Virgins can also be put at
extreme risks, as in some cultures it is believed that having sex with a virgin
will cure the individual of serious ailments. Generally this relates to
specifics such as HIV or AIDS. Some individuals may even choose to participate
in the trafficking. They do this by placing themselves in debt to the trafficker
for taking them into another country. Many times they are deceived into thinking
they can work off the debt easily. However more often than not, the positions
pay poorly and conditions are very poor or sometimes even inhumane. Often
victims are treated cruelly and disrespectfully. Those that are able to escape
generally work towards recovering for the rest of their lives. Recovery needed
by human trafficking victims can be physical, emotional, and sometimes even
6) Organized Crime Plays a Vital Role in Human Trafficking
According to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, billions
of dollars are earned through human trafficking every year. This creates a gold
mine for organized crime. Traffickers and other members of organized crime see
each human trafficking victim as a dollar sign. Each person is just another
commodity. Something that can be bought, sold, or traded.
Human trafficking is a very profitable business. With such a staggering
demand for a low risk crime, many organized crime organizations use all forms of
human trafficking. These can include forced labor, sex exploitation, and organ
trafficking. According to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime in 2005
alone, over 127 countries and 137 states reported victims of human trafficking
crimes. The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime released a report providing
how human trafficking trends have changed since 2009. This report also provides
examples and other methods that need to be completed. One area that they are
working to improve is the conviction rate against those who are guilty of human
trafficking crimes.
There are a number of ways to help people understand what it takes to make a
difference in human trafficking. These methods include being alert. Make sure
you are able to report exactly what it is that you saw. It is better to report
an incident that is mistaken for human trafficking, then to let a victim
continue to be imprisoned. Another great example of how to make a difference is
to be responsible of your choices. Research the products you buy, and learn
about the companies that make them. Ignorance plays a big role in human
trafficking. Whether the ignorance is of companies using the labor or not
knowing what to look for, it is easily remedied by educating yourself.
5) The United Nations is Fighting the War Against Trafficking
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime has helped to create and setup a
variety of mandates and protocols. These procedures are to help prevent,
reduce, and punish traffickers. Part of the procedures were to help the victims
of human trafficking. This can include both protection and or assistance. These
protocols are the only international measure used in fighting human trafficking.
Typically countries will work with the United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime
to assist if needed, review if possible, and proceed as necessary. One of the
most important parts of these regulations is to ensure the safety and protection
of these victims and their families. These protocols and regulations against
trafficking are being setup on a worldwide scale. Many laws, punishments, and
programs are also being setup on local or state levels as well.
4) Many Victims Go Unnoticed
Each day victims of human trafficking are passed by without notice.
These individuals are often chosen due to the lack of people surrounding them in
their day to day lives. Traffickers see these individuals as easy prey because
they are loners, or are trying to escape their current situation. Many victims
typically lead low visibility lives. Often having low visibility either at their
job or a job where they can avoid others. Many times the risks of being deported
or prosecuted makes victims afraid to come forward. Other times because of their
situation, their concerns are ignored. A prostitute trying to go to the police
would be a great example of this. The authorities are more concerned about the
profession she or he is currently in, rather than why they are there in the
first place. Many times victims see reporting to authorities like a double edged
sword. Although they can report, typically when the authorities do investigate
the situation, most cases are not given an in-depth look. This allows
traffickers an easy way to hide evidence, and can also lead to harsh punishments
for the victim by the trafficker as well.
3) Victims Can Willingly Get On Board
Many times victims are deceived into going along willingly with the
human trafficking. Traffickers will promise just about anything in order to get
a victim to go with them easily. Deceptions can be about love, and the victim
can think they have found someone who has finally taken an interest in them.
Other times deceptions are about working conditions, or a fabulous job
opportunity with decent wages. Even the job position they think they will
receive can be a lie. These trafficking victims expect they will be making a
decent living, when in actuality they will be making minimal wages. Many times
victims are told they will be given service industry jobs like a maid, janitor,
yard worker, or waitress. However, during some point of the journey, the
passport or other documentation is taken from the victim. The victim is then in
the control of the trafficker. Victims of human trafficking typically are forced
into horrible living conditions, and in many cases into sexual exploitation.
Sexual exploitation is the most common reason for human trafficking. Other times
trafficking is generally about forced labor.
2) The United States Government Has Taken a Number Of Actions
to Fight Trafficking
Over the years the United States Congress has
passed legislation against sexual exploitation. There has even been legislation
passed that was created to ensure prosecution of Americans who prey on children.
These Americans can and will be prosecuted whether the act was committed here in
the United States or abroad. The perpetrator of the crime can be tried and
sentenced up to 30 years in prison in the United States. The United States also
works with a variety of other countries and agencies to fight the human
trafficking issue. It is a worldwide crime that will continue to affect every
country until everyone is working together to prevent human trafficking.
The legislation passed in the United States on human trafficking is not only
for prosecution of these perpetrators, but to help the victims. Some require
healthcare after being forced into sexual exploitation. Many times victims of
sexual exploitation also end up with diseases such as HIV, AIDS, or other
sexually transmitted diseases. Often times, women are forced to get abortions
when they become pregnant. The abortions performed are generally done in unsafe
conditions. This can be due to improper procedure, unsanitary conditions, or
various other causes. Many times improper procedures can result in infertility
or even death.
1) We Can Put an End to Human Trafficking
Human trafficking is a crime that can be prevented. This task is not
something that can be completed overnight. However these changes can be done.
All it will take is a good deal of time, effort from all parties involved, and
international teamwork. One of the first steps to helping to end human
trafficking is to create better laws and harsher punishments for these crimes.
One of the top reasons human trafficking is chosen, is because it is a low risk
endeavor that yields considerable monetary gain. Currently human trafficking is
a low risk crime. This is because many times victims are mistaken for
prostitutes. Instead of listening to what the individual has to say, many people
in the position to help will judge them before all the details are presented.
Every government needs to make traffickers accountable for their actions. This
goes from individuals, to companies, and even governments are responsible for
their actions.
Human trafficking is a worldwide crime. It affects nearly every populated
country in the world. Human trafficking education and awareness are two big ways
to help in preventing future trafficking. Most of these crimes are considered
low risk to the trafficker. This is due to the fact that most authority figures
are unaware of what to look for. In some countries, as sad as it sounds, even
parents have sold their children for monetary gain. Countries around the world
such as the United States, strive every day to work to help prevent human
trafficking by creating better laws and harsher penalties.
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