Society - Philosophy
By: - at April 5, 2013

5 Easy Ways to Spread Kindness in Your Day

Couple Smiling TogetherMany of us lead such busy lives and we can often forget to slow down and take a moment to spread joy and kindness to one another. It doesn’t take much effort to make a positive difference in someone’s day. Even if you are having a really bad day, taking a moment to focus on the happiness of others can really make a big difference in the way you are feeling as well. Here are my five favorite ways to brighten up the day for my friends, family, and even complete strangers.

Give a Genuine Compliment
“I really love your earrings” or “You have a beautiful family” are two simple phrases that when said to the right person could really make them feel great and give them a reason to smile. Compliments are also great ice-breakers, and can help us spark up a conversation with someone new. Just remember to be genuine about what you are complimenting someone for. I give compliments to random people all the time; at the store, to the neighbors, at my job, even while going through the fast food drive-thru. Making it a habit to compliment every day will add so much joy into others’ lives and also your life too.

Lend a Hand
We can make a real positive difference in someone’s day by helping them out when they are experiencing any degree of difficulty in anything. The little old lady in the grocery store would most likely appreciate some help reaching for that can of veggies high on the shelf. Volunteering your help for charities or organizations can also help people in need and provide you with deep self-fulfillment that will creative a positive experience for so many. Just simply being a shoulder to lean on for a friend who is down can alter the day in a positive way. Instead of saying “no” and turning the other cheek we need to open up our hearts and say “yes” to provide our help for the needs of others. You never know when you may need help too.

Having Patience and Understanding
Couple Walking TogetherIt’s easy to get frustrated from time to time. Life has so many unpredictable events that can occur at any time and for many different reasons. Many people get frustrated when things are not going as routine and planned out. Also certain jobs and careers can create a great deal of stress and anxiety and we may feel at times that we have a short fuse. We need to remember that other people are feeling the same way too. Even if someone is giving you a hard time or things just aren’t going the right way, you can be the difference in how things will turn out. Try closing your eyes and taking a slow deep breath. Staying calm is the key and it can be an achievable trait if practiced and focused on. For an example; if a food order gets messed up at a restaurant, our reaction is usually to get a bit mad at our servers. Some people can get downright snippy. It is more beneficial to everybody involved if everyone just remains calm and kind. If the server did happen to mess up, he or she most likely already feels bad enough for screwing up, but if you are patient and understanding, not only will your dining experience be better but you could be the difference in how that server feels about his or her day. Remember to always tip generously and that everyone is human and makes mistakes. Daily meditation can help to achieve the abilities to remain calm in other stressful events and could help create a sense of calm to others.

Donate/Give What You Can
Donating ClothesMany of us are fortunate enough to have an abundance of necessities. However, there are many people who may be in need of help. Many people have a favorite charity they donate to regularly. Even if you do not have extra funds to give out, there other things you could do to give. Even just taking part of a day to go through your closet to gather up clothes you do not want anymore and donating them to those in need can make a big difference to someone else (and your closet will be much tidier!) If you have the means, “paying it forward” can be a great way to really spread genuine kindness. Offering to pay for the coffee of the customer in line next to you or going a little bit out of your way help the needs of others can really improve the quality of someone else’s life and give you a great feeling of being a charitable contributor to your fellow man.

This is by far the simplest but most effective way to spread joy throughout the day. It might sound cliché, but when you smile the whole world smiles with you. It is a way to let each other know that everything is okay, and life is good. It is easier to be happy if others around us are happy as well. Positive energy is real! We can all tap into these wonderful positive forces if we strive to make a difference in the lives of others as well as our own.

Final Thoughts
Life is too short to waste being so self-focused and negative about things that happen to us. If we want to strive for happiness, we have to think about the needs of others and try to be as patient and kind to those around us every day. This world would be a brighter place for us all if we can try to change it one smile at a time.





Jacques Derrida: Biography and Ideologies
5 Easy Ways to Spread Kindness in Your Day
Man and God and Law
Life, Death and God
Six Proofs That This World is Just Plain Crazy


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