DIY Body Scrub
a nation we spend 38.6 billion dollars a year on beauty products, but making
your own could really save you some money. I am going to show you how to make a
body scrub using one of the most common garden herbs ‘Peppermint’, which you can
buy from your local supermarket. But the best quality and hardiest plants can be
picked up for couple of dollars at your local nursery.
Traditional Medicine
Peppermint is one of the most widely used plants in both traditional medicine
and modern day medicine. The main active constituent is menthol. We see menthol
in everything from chewing gums and toothpastes, to quite a host of
other important cosmetics and medicinal products.
I am using peppermint in my herbal body scrub which will make your skin look,
feel and smell great without the expensive price tag. Body scrubs are quite a
trendy word going on around scientific communities and even more so in marketing
communities; it is called cosmeceuticals. It is supposedly a mix or halfway
point between a cosmetic and a pharmaceutical product. But really you can make a
cosmeceutical at home and pretty much every remedy that is made that is not just
a cosmetic for cosmetic sake. It's a cosmetic that has a biological
action the makes you look better by improving your health in a certain and very
specific way.
Peppermint Plant:

I am combining peppermint with two other herbs, rosemary and eucalyptus
leaves. The idea is basically to get a mixture of scents but also to rely on
more than one herb for optimal affectivity.

- 50 grams Peppermint
- 50 grams Rosemary
- 50 grams Eucalyptus
- 2 Lemon peels
- 1 tablespoon Black pepper
- 300 ml Olive oil
- 400 grams Granulated sea salt
- 1 Glass Jar
Wash and finely chop each herb. Put fifty grams of each chopped herb into a
pot. Add the two lemon peels and tablespoon of black pepper.
Creating An Oil Base
This will smell absolutely incredible. The mixture of a green foresty scent
with citrus and the deep richness of the black pepper gives it a remarkable
scent. The aim now is to capture all of those scents in an oil base.
Add three hundred milliliters of olive oil to the pot and heat gently. Once
it starts to bubble put the lid on it to trap the essential oils. After two
minutes, take off the heat source and strain thorough a piece of muslin. Hold
the four corners of muslin cloth, twist and squeeze to get the oil out of the herbal
mixture. Make sure all the oil is gone from the cloth. There is always so much more hiding in those herbs than you
think there is.
Sea Salt For Exfoliation
Now you are ready for your exfoliate which you probably already have in your
kitchen cupboard. Add four hundred grams of granulated sea salt to a bowl.
When you buy a fancy sea salt scrub for huge price tag up to two thirds of it
is probably just sea salt. It is astonishing how much they can charge! The remaining
third is oil. When you are buying sea salt scrub, you are paying for salt
and oil.
Next step is to gradually add herb
and oil blend to the sea salt. What you want to do
is stir just enough oil so that you end up with a smooth mixture, with a
paste like consistency. Put the mixture into a jam jar. For finishing touches
sprinkle on some sliced lemon peel, some eucalyptus leaves and some freshly
ground black pepper.
Finally seal with a layer of the remaining infused oil.
Final Words
You have made your own cosmeceutical product with herb oil and salt at a
cost of probably less than a dollar. This is a perfect low cost gift that is
made with all natural ingredients. I want people to know how easy and fun it can
be to make your natural remedies from the plants growing all around you. I am
not suggesting you stop using over the counter products, but why not give
this recipe a try.
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