How to Get Healthy Glowing Facial Skin Without Breaking the Bank
The three main components in maintaining a clean and healthy glowing face are
cleansing, gentle exfoliating, and moisturizing. It is very important to use the
right ingredients or moisturizers according to which type of skin you have.
Natural Gentle Facial Cleansing
Oily skin:
You can make your own gentle cleanser by using one or a combination of any of
these natural ingredients; apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, oranges, tomatoes,
pineapples, and grapes. All of these are gentle fruit acids that can be used to
make a natural facial cleanser for oily skin. You will have to see which
combination will work best for you, because everyone is different. It is
important to use lukewarm water and rinse well. Hot water irritates and
over-dries the skin, and cold water does not thoroughly cleanse. I like to use
baby washcloths; they are soft and inexpensive and work great.

If the food
ingredient cleanser idea freaks you out, there are some really good inexpensive
products on the market to do the job instead. These include: Basis Cleaner Clean
Face Wash, Purpose Gentle Cleansing, Neutrogena Deep Clean Facial Cleanser, and Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser. All products have excellent ratings and are all
under $10. If you are someone who tends to have breakouts, a great product for
you to try is Neutrogena Oil-Free Acne Wash. This product will cost you around
$6. People with oily skin will need to cleanse a lot more often than someone
with dry to normal skin, at least once a day.
Dry skin:
Dry skin needs ingredients that soothe, heal, and moisturize. Aloe Vera, green
tea, milk, and honey are all good choices for dry skin. Again you will have to
see which combination will work best for you. I myself have dry skin. I only
cleanse my face with Aloe Vera and green tea/honey mixture about 2-3 times a
week. I use just plain lukewarm water on a baby washcloth the rest of the time.
To cleanse with my mixture I just brew some tea (strong like 4 tea bags in a
mug) and a few drops of raw honey, stir and then let it cool down. I add about a
teaspoon of Aloe Vera to the mix and stir.

Now it is ready! I just simply take
my baby washcloth, dunk into the mix, and gently in a circular motion cleanse
my face. Again it is very important to rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water.
Here are some good inexpensive products on the market in case you want an
alternative option: (Do Not Over-Cleanse!!!!)
Gentle Facial Exfoliation Before Bed
Using a soft-bristle infant hair brush or soft-bristle toothbrush is a cheap
substitute for an expensive exfoliater.
Exfoliate with just lukewarm water and the brush, or use a tiny bit of ground
coffee, ground almonds, ground oatmeal, or baking soda (or a combination of
some/all of these) with the brush and water. You will have to figure out which
works best for your skin.
Moisturize According to Skin Type
If you have dry skin: Some natural moisturizers for dry skin include coconut
oil, olive oil, avocado, aloe vera, and honey. Remember, a little itty bitty
teeny amount of coconut and olive oil go a long way. Do not "over-oil". Also, as
with the ingredients for the natural facial cleanser, you may have to play
around with various combinations of ingredients to determine what is ultimately
the best combination for you. Or you may find that just a singular ingredient
from the list works the best for you. The good news is that these are all
harmless natural ingredients so there is no reason to worry about trying them
(unless of course you have some sort of skin allergy or what-not). It is best to
use organic, only because there are no trace pesticide chemical residues of any
Eucerin Aquaphor is a great product for dry skin. It is inexpensive and has
many uses. Its main ingredient is Petrolatum, and the other ingredients are very
minimal. They are Mineral Oil, Ceresin, Lanolin Alcohol, Panthenol, Glycerin,
Bisabolol. I have dry skin and like to use a very small amount on my face and
lips when I get out of the shower. I gently rub a pea-sized amount between my
fingertips and using one hand at a time (right hand for right side of face, left
hand for left side of face) gently massage side of face with fingertips in a
circular motion until product is absorbed (note: your face may feel a little
greasy for a short while but it will go away!) I also use this product to get
rid of the dreaded "under-eye make-up smudges" that happen after showers or upon
wakening. Just take a soft, damp (not wet) microfiber cloth, wrap it around your
index finger with about a half pea-sized amount rubbed into the cloth over the
finger, and very gently daub away the smudge; taking extra precaution to avoid
getting product into eyes, and also trying not to pull or stretch the skin
around the eye area. I also love to use this product on my feet, knees, and
elbows. It works wonders on extremely dry, cracked skin. It is a godsend in the
winter months!
If you have oily skin: You still should moisturize. Pick an oil-free light
facial moisturizer specifically for oily skin. Use a very conservative amount if
you have very oily skin. Everyone should moisturize after a hot shower or
Natural Foods That Help Your Skin
Did you know that certain foods can have a direct and positive impact on the
beauty of your skin? Vitamins, minerals and nutrients in foods can help our skin
regain its youthful complexion.
During the summer it is very easy to get lots of sunlight and regenerate our
bodies while basking in the suns' rays. We really need a little something that
will make us feel beautiful and irresistible. The good news, from my
perspective, is that eating certain foods can bring on that glow sensation
brought on from sunlight! Here are my top 5 tips to look good and feel good.
If your skin starts to dry out along with your mouth during the day, then you
may not be drinking enough water. Hydration, in addition to having an impact on
our performance at work, has an impact on the appearance of our skin. To always
have a soft and well hydrated skin, make sure to drink at least 2 liters of
fluid per day. Water is of course the best option because it contains no
calories unlike many other drinks.
2) Eat foods
rich in vitamin C
Foods rich in vitamin C protect our cells against premature aging and
against damage caused by free radicals. In addition, contributing to the
formation of collagen, vitamin C is known to help maintain the integrity of our
skin and heal wounds. Food sources of vitamin C are very numerous and
deficiencies are rare nowadays.
Improper use can lead to scurvy, however, a set of symptoms including skin
hemorrhages, bleeding gums and delayed wound healing. Eating foods that are rich
in vitamin C daily will give flexibility and elasticity to your skin.
sources of vitamin C:
- Peppers
- Papaya
- Kiwi
- Orange
- Mango
- Broccoli
- Brussels sprouts
- Strawberries
3) Eat foods
rich in omega-3 fatty acids
The appearance of our skin could also be linked to our consumption of omega-3
fatty acids, which mainly known for their heart health benefits. Omega-3 fatty
acids can help keep skin looking and feeling moist. They also play an important
role in the formation process of the skin cells and are essential to maintaining
the integrity of the mucosa.
Rejoice, only two to three fish meals per week are needed to achieve our
omega-3 needs!
Main sources of omega-3:
- Fatty fish (salmon, trout, herring, mackerel)
- Walnuts
- Linseed
- Chia seeds
- Flaxseed oil
4) Eat foods
rich in antioxidants
You know the free radicals, highly reactive molecules that are involved in the
development of age-related diseases? Also called "oxidants", they attack healthy
cells in the body by oxidation. How do we limit the production of these
oxidants? Eat a ton of food rich in antioxidants so you can reduce the impact of
free radicals on your skin, and the rest of your body.
sources of antioxidants:
- Blueberries
- Cranberries
- Strawberries
- Blackberries
- Raspberries
- Apples
- Pecans
5) Eat healthy!
There is a direct correlation between mood and diet. By eating
healthy food your mood will be balanced. Have fun with your diet and as
long as it is balanced and healthy ... you will have more energy and look
better, I guarantee it!
It is important to remember that healthy skin starts from the inside. It is
crucial to eat right with the proper vitamins. Vitamin E is a VERY VERY
important substance for healthy, glowing, radiant skin. Foods with the most
Vitamin E include sunflowers seeds, nuts, oils and some leafy greens. There are
many other important nutrients and substances that are beneficial to healthy
skin and tissue.

Among these are omega 3 fatty acid, zinc, selenium, biotin,
co-enzyme Q-10, B vitamin complex, vitamins C and A. It is also very important
to drink plenty of water and green tea. Finally, avoid overexposure of the sun
and use sunscreen when necessary.
Skin Care
Top 10 Reasons Why Women Wear Makeup
15 Enthralling Facts About Sunscreen
9 Unusual Beauty Treatments
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Creating Your Own Natural Perfume And Body Spray
DIY Natural Acne Scar Treatment Serum
Herbal Face Mask
Fruits That Will Make Your Skin Glowing Healthier
How Can Teenagers Prevent Acne Breakouts
Why Your Facial Skin is the Most Sensitive to Skincare Products
The Dangers of Products Containing Sodium Lauryl Sulfate
How to Choose The Right Makeup
Laser Hair Removal for Unwanted Hair Growth
Fight Acne with Strawberries!
Don't Cut Your Cuticles - Use a Cuticle Stick!
How to Get Healthy Glowing Facial Skin Without Breaking the Bank |