Skin Care


Style - Skin Care
By: - at June 12, 2013

Fruits That Will Make Your Skin Glowing Healthier

Use Fruit for Glowing SkinThe secret to a glowing skin is not only expensive creams and lotions but also the cheaper fruits you have in your kitchen. If you are looking for glowing skin without spending hundreds of dollars every year, then you will need to use the following fruits to keep your skin looking beautiful and youthful. The foods listed below can be either consumed for skin purposes or be used in some sort of mask, spray, or any other external application. Fruits and vegetables create all sorts of great changes in the body and can lead to more youthful, healthy skin.

Here are some fruits that will give you glowing skin:

Apples are one of the best fruits that you can use to get glowing skin. In addition to tone and condition your skin, apples help repair your skin and fight acne. Just adding a few tablespoons of fresh apple juice to your bath will cleanse and soften your skin. Apples contain Vitamin C, Copper, and Vitamin A which is part of the family of retinoids which are chemicals responsible for skin development.
Avocados are specifically great fruits if your skin suffers from dryness, in addition to giving you glowing skin. They are great moisturizers. Just apply the pulp that you made by mashing up half of an avocado to your skin. Leave it for 1 minute and then rinse. Using avocados or avocado oil leads to fewer wrinkles and shinier hair. Avocado oil can also be an effective natural sunscreen in addition to a great sunburn treatment.
Avocados for glowing skin
Bananas are great skin cleansers and help to tighten the skin. They moisturize dry skin. Just turn a banana into pulp by mashing it up and then using it as a facial mask. This will make your skin begin to feel shinier and tighter. Bananas contain natural nutrients that your skin desperately needs. Vitamin A is the major nutrient that bananas contain along with high levels of antioxidants and manganese that help alleviate free radicals that are responsible for premature aging of the skin.
Papayas contain Papin enzyme that help to greatly cleanse the skin. If you have oily skin then papayas are perfect in removing excessive oiliness from your skin. They also help in removing dark circles under your eyes and lightening the tone of your skin. People use them to help in healing blemishes and skin rashes. Just apply mashed papaya to your face and under your eyes to get the benefits naturally. Papaya is full of antioxidants that are awesome at clearing out free radicals.
Glowing skin from Papayas

Peaches are not only tasty fruits but also healthy fruits when it comes to taking care of your skin. They will give you a glowing skin by cleansing and toning the skin. Another great benefit of using peaches is it will help in tightening your facial muscles. Use the inner part of a peach and massage your face gently to feel your skin tighten up immediately. Peaches are high in Vitamin A, C, magnesium, and potassium making them jammed packed with energy and antioxidants.
It is a great source of Vitamin C, and offers a range of benefits to your skin. Lemons are well known for their abilities to cleanse skin. It is perfect natural bleach, and will help you lighten your skin tone. Lemons are also useful to remove unsightly blemishes and marks on your skin that may have been the result of acne or pimples. Lemon juice can also just be sprayed on from a small spray bottle for a healthy skin spritz, just make sure not to spray it into any open cuts or wounds. Lemon rind can also be directly rubbed on the skin, infusing the epidermis with nutrients and acting as an exfoliator.
I love this fruit because of its health benefits. Pineapples cleanse and soften your skin, and help in rejuvenating dull and dry skin. When in the shower, use a slice of a pineapple and rub it softly all over your body to feel fresher instantly. Pineapple works as a natural astringent and the natural enzymes and acids inside the fruit absorb free radicals and any other unwanted debris contained in your pores.
Pumpkin helps the skin in a number of ways. It provides antioxidants to prevent aging from the effect of free radicals. It also helps in the renewal of skin cells. Pumpkins are potent antioxidants, and also contain carotenoids that boost immunity and decrease the likelihood of a heart attack. They also have something called alpha-carotene, a substance believed to actually slow the aging process, minimize the risk of cataracts, and stop tumor growth.

Final Words
As you can see, no matter what your skin type may be, you can make use of fruits that will give you glowing skin instead of using expensive creams and lotions that contain chemicals. Fruits are not only cheaper, they are also more effective than synthetic based cleansers and creams. Sometimes expensive chemical cleansers can actually cause more harm than good to the skin, lead to caner, or cause extreme dryness that can lead to cracking and looking much older than you actually are.





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