Skin Care


Style - Skin Care
By: - at June 20, 2013

Herbal Face Mask

Herbal face mask facialI will show you how to make a cheap face mask which is good for the skin using ingredients you can pick up at your local fruit and vegetable shops, kiwis and papayas. What I find fascinating is that from shelves of just a regular fruit and vegetable shop you can find all sorts of very interesting pharmaceutical chemicals and one of them is found in Papaya. It is enzyme called papain and what it does is that it helps breakdown proteins. So it is used in everything from speeding up digestion to being used in a commercial meat tenderizer.

I am going to pair up exotic papaya with a very familiar fruit kiwi. Once upon a time kiwi was known as Chinese gooseberry because they taste like gooseberries and surprisingly come from China. But farmers from Kiwi hijacked it and named it after their national bird because of its fuzzy texture and it looks a bit like their feathers.

You can’t grow papaya in Britain but you might be surprised to learn that you can grow kiwis. Most people think of them as rather exotic but they actually come from a climate very similar to the UK. Loads of nurseries sell kiwi plants. Go for a hardy self fertile variety like Jenny. Growing Kiwi in the UK really basic, all you need to do is plant it against the south facing wall just so that it benefits from that little bit of extra heat in summer but they will survive anything the UK winters can throw at them. It needs a decent bit of space with some hooks and wires so that it can scramble its way up and in just three to four years you will eventually end up with a plant which is covered with fruits every autumn.

Kiwi PapayaIngredient qualities
This fleshy kiwi fruit also contains an enzyme very similar to the one that’s in papaya called papain so it breaks down protein but it does it in a slightly different way. So by combining them together you have got a double hit but they act in different ways.

Kiwi is also full of alpha hydroxy acid which you might have heard of in various beauty commercials. They are basically chemicals that exfoliate to get rid of all the dull stuff from the top layer of the skin.  This lets the younger skin layer shine thorough.

Face mask facialTo make natural chemical free face mask we will start with our star ingredient; kiwi. Mash two kiwis to get rid of all the seeds and then squeeze the juice of two limes with mashed kiwi. Take a papaya and scoop out the flesh and mash into a separate container. As the mashed fruits are in liquid form and will be dripping off the face, you need to add vegetable gelatine.

Stir one packet of vegetable gelatine into mashed papaya bowl and put the bowl on top of a pot filled with water and begin boiling the water. Make sure the papaya bowl does not touch the water underneath. As it starts to thicken it will form a gel like consistency and then it's ready. Pour the mashed kiwi over papaya gradually whisking all the time so that mixture does not set. When it's all mixed in and it's cool enough to touch, then it's ready to apply.

You can leave this from about ten minutes to an hour on the skin. The chemicals in them will break down some of the cells but in a very mild way. As it's made from fresh ingredients its best applied immediately or will keep in the fridge for up to two days.

Although this face mask is very mild you should always do a skin test on your wrist 24 hours before to check any allergies.

Enjoy this lovely textured face mask with natural ingredients.





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