Skin Care


Style - Skin Care
By: - at May 20, 2013

How to Choose The Right Makeup

Which Makeup Should you choose?Ladies, we have all been there, standing in the makeup aisle trying to determine which makeup out of the hundreds available is right for us. We choose one, only to find out at home that it is not the right shade. It is frustrating and a waste of time and money. The fact of the matter is that not all shades work for everyone and determining which colors work best for you is easy if you follow a few simple guidelines.

Contrary to popular belief, wearing foundation is completely optional. But if you are looking to even out your complexion, foundation can help. So, how do you choose the right shade and formula? First, think about your skin. Is it oily? If it is, look for foundation that says oil free, matte or shine control. This type of foundation will help control oily skin and will not add oil to your skin. If your skin is prone to dryness, look for foundation that says moisturizing, hydrating or moisture infused. These foundations will give much needed hydration to your skin and ensure your foundation glides on smoothly. For combination skin (both oily and dry), try a cream to powder foundation. This type of foundation will hydrate the dry areas of your skin while the powder finish will help to control the oily zones. Mineral foundation works well for all skin types because it is light-weight and oil free. Also, it's important to take good care of your facial skin so you will look much better and healthier. You can go here to learn more about how to take care of your facial skin.

Before and After Mineral Foundation Makeup Kit:
Before and After Mineral Foundation Makeup Kit

Now that we have determined which formula you should use, we need to pick the right shade. When trying foundation, make sure your skin is clean and makeup free. A fresh, clean face will give you the best color match. Women with fair skin should look for cool, pink based foundation colors. Warmer skin tones should choose yellow based foundations which look the most natural. Using the skin tone of your jaw line as a guide, choose a few shades of foundation that look like a good match for your skin tone. Apply one line of each to a cheek and blend into your skin. Be careful not to mix the separate foundation colors as you do this. Then, if possible, use a mirror in natural light to check the foundation. A good color match will blend completely into your skin and will not be noticeable. If no natural light is available, check for the best blend and choose that foundation.

Makeup for The Eyes

Which color makeup makes your eyes pop? Well, that all depends on the color of your eyes. Choosing the perfect shade of eye shadow to compliment your eye color will make your eyes stand out and that is why we wear eye shadow is it not?

Blue Eyes - Shades of orange work best with this eye color as it is the complimentary color to blue. Look for eye shadow colors in golden brown, apricot, peach, and pinks. Gold, bronze, white, caramel and earthy browns also work well. Those with blue eyes should avoid shades of blue-green because this color will make your eyes look less intense. For greater contrast between your eye color and pupil, use dark colors such as navy, dark gray or black on the outer corner of your eye. Blue eyes with orange makeup
Green Eyes - Shades of mauve in all of its variations work best for green eyes. Use purples, pinks and plums to make your green eyes sparkle. Taupe, copper, silver and earthy greens such as sage or moss will also give your eyes a more dramatic and intense look. Women with green eyes should avoid wearing blue eye shadow as this color makes your eyes look too plain. For a more dramatic look, use dark green eyeliner on your bottom lid for definition along with a darker color such as gray in the corners of your eyes. Green Eyes with purple makeup
Brown Eyes - Since brown is a neutral color almost any shade of eye shadow can make your eyes stand out. However, darker colors and colors with more depth work better. Consider deep plums, royal blues, as well as variations of gray and purple. Silver, deep bronze and chocolate browns and dark greens will also make your brown eyes more intense. Add an intense shade of eyeliner that is slightly darker than your eye shadow for more dramatic eyes and do not be afraid to use darker colors in the corners and long the crease of your eyelid. Brown eyed women should avoid using light or pastel colors of eye shadow because they will wash out the natural beauty of your eye color. Brown Eyes with ark makeup
Hazel Eyes - If you are lucky enough to have hazel eyes, you can have a lot of fun with eye shadow color. Different shades of color can highlight anything from your overall color to the beautiful flecks of green or gold that you are so fortunate to have! There are many shades of eye shadow that compliment hazel eyes, but be sure to look for green-golds, chocolates, bone, forest greens and khaki colors. Blue-gray and gray-green will also compliment hazel eyes. Women with hazel eyes should avoid half-tone colors as they simply are not vibrant enough to compliment your eye color. Add a playful eyeliner color and complimentary dark shadow in the corners of your eyes to make your hazel eyes stand out in a crowd. Hazel Eyes with pink makeup

Choosing the Right Shade of Lipstick

I have seen so many women wearing the wrong shade of lipstick! The goal of lipstick is to enhance the natural color and shape of your lips- not to completely change it. No matter how much you may love a color if it is not right for your skin tone it just does not work. When choosing a lip color, you must consider two things- your overall skin tone and the natural shade of your lips. When choosing a lipstick color, try the shade on fingertips. Your fingertips are closer in shade and texture to your lips than the back of your hand. Place your fingers next to your lips and examine the color difference. Ideally, your lipstick shade should be at least two shades darker than your natural lip color. Now that we have established the right way to try lipstick and find the correct shade, let us delve deeper into which shades work best for your complexion.

Fair Skin - Apricots, nude shades, pinks and light corals work best for you. Shell and sand are also complimentary. If you love red, choose a cherry red color as it will compliment the pink undertones of your skin tone. Avoid wearing shades of brown or bright pink as these colors are too harsh against the natural color of your skin. Fair Skin makeup
Medium Skin - Because your complexion is a bit darker, you can choose darker shades. Plum, raspberry, copper and cinnamon all compliment your natural coloring. Rosy pink, cranberry, chocolate, wine and bronze shades also work well. When choosing a red lipstick, opt for a darker red that is closer to wine or cranberry. Avoid wearing neutral shades of lipstick because they are not dark enough for your complexion and will leave you with a washed out appearance. Medium Skin
Olive Skin - Light browns, caramels and berry colors look great with your skin tone. You can also wear fire engine red, brick red and brown based red colors. Because your skin tone is both warm and cool, you can pull off many shades that other skin tones simply cannot. Avoid colors such as orange, orange-red and pink-red because they will give your skin an unhealthy yellow appearance. Olive Skin Makeup
Dark Skin - You can wear the darkest and most vibrant colors because they compliment your skin tone beautifully. Choose shades of raisin, honey, wine, plum and cooper or bronze. Reds such as ruby red and deep red look amazing on you. Avoid any lip color that is orange. Orange lip colors will bring out the yellow undertone of your skin making you look sickly. Dark Skin

Final Thoughts
Choosing the right shade of makeup for your skin can be easy when you know which colors compliment your skin tone and natural beauty. Makeup really is all about enhancing what you already have and making you feel both comfortable and gorgeous. Remember, just because you love a shade does not mean its right for you. Never match your lip color or eye shadow to an outfit just because you think you have to. Play up your best features with the perfect color combinations for you and let your beauty shine.





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