By: Sha - at February 15, 2013 |
Make Money from Micro Jobs Websites
Micro Jobs Online
Micro jobs websites or micro freelance websites, are one of the best places for
freelancers to make money by offering their services to clients. At micro jobs
websites, freelancers post various types of jobs (usually known as gigs) that
they are willing to do for a particular amount of money. Today, micro freelance
websites are very popular for both freelancers and customers. If you have
a skill
in anything, you can list your skill on these websites by creating a gig (posting a job). If any client or customer finds your gig suitable to their
requirements, they will contact you to learn more about the services you might
offer. Some customers will order your gig straight away. If you find the
services that your customers have ordered related to your posted gig, you can
complete the job. Once delivered the client will usually have three days to
approve or disapprove the work. If approved you will get paid by the site on
which the gig was posted and purchased. If the client finds you have not done
the job to their requirements, then they will have to mention what you did not do
right so that you can redo the job. Clients cannot just dismiss your
work right away, so freelancers are protected to some extent.
Payments are made via Escrow Account
You are guaranteed to get paid if the job is approved. Micro freelance websites
use escrow accounts when it comes to receiving prices for the jobs customers want
to get done by freelancers and
paying the freelancers for completing the jobs.
The funds are kept safe with an escrow account. Both customers and buyers are safe
when an escrow account is setup. Financial security is maintained for both
parties involved by offering a third party who can hold the money until final
transfer, similar to when real estate is purchased.
Mega List of Micro Freelance Websites
There are numerous micro jobs websites on the web and more and more sites are
offering micro jobs. Fiverr.com is probably the most reputable and
popular micro jobs website on the Internet. Almost all these websites pay
freelancers via PayPal. But some of these sites also pay via Payza and
international prepaid MasterCard credit card. Fiverr.com now also pays via Fiver
revenue card, which is basically an international prepaid Mastercard credit card
powered by Payoneer.

- Fiverr.com
- Minimartjobs.com
- Fiversworld.com
- Gigbucks.com
- 5dollarwork.com
- Jobsfor10.com
- Tenbux.com
- Fourerr.com
- Beebuc.com
- Gigpayrr.com
- Seoclerks.com
- Dollar3.com
- 3to30.com
- Gigstrade.com
- Writeswap.com
- Tenrr.com
- Gigstir.com
- Microjobsonline.com
- Littlejobshop.com
- Gigzon.com
- Deucerr.com
- Mycoolgigs.com
Micro job sites
have become increasingly popular with the boom of the Internet. Freelancers can quickly and easily post their
profiles and tasks that they are willing to do. These sites are also very
helpful for employers or clients looking for a specific task to be completed by
someone with certain skills and knowledge. The registration process is
also very easy. Freelancers can post specific jobs which are known as gigs, and interact with
clients quickly and easily to discuss the gigs when the customers make a query. For both freelancers and clients micro jobs sites are a great place on the
Internet where they can do business smartly.
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