Tech - Programming
By: - at June 5, 2013

How the Google App Engine Works

Cloud services of Google
Let's go a little deeper into the details of how Google App Engine works. To begin, you should know that Google offers several cloud services:

  • Google App EngineApp Engine:
    Google PaaS service, the star of the house. Large sites like Khan Academy or Pulse use it.
  • Compute Engine:
    IaaS service from Google. If you need raw computing power (to calculate mathematical models, for example), this is what to use.
  • Cloud Storage:
    Service potentially "unlimited” of file storage in the cloud.
  • Big Query:
    Capabilities to analyze large quantities of data in a short time (known as Big Data). Very useful for companies who want to make Business Intelligence (BI) for trend indicators sometimes based on several Terabytes of data.
  • Cloud SQL:
    A distributed MySQL database in the cloud. You do not need to install or upgrade MySQL . Not even need to configure. You can create replicated SQL servers with a few clicks if you need more power.

sql cloud backup

How Google App Engine works?
Applications hosted on Google App Engine are hosted in the same data center and the same physical servers that Google applications like Google Search, Google Mail, Google Docs ... Applications deployed on AppEngine therefore benefit from Google's infrastructure deemed reliable, robust and highly scalable. Originally, the AppEngine architecture was based on a “System 2000" architecture: User sessions in RAM with sticky load balancer. Many problems arose: stopping servers, insufficient memory, slow load balancing, scalability problem. The current architecture solves these problems: instances stateless, state in a MemCache and persistence in a DataStore. As with Amazon EC2, load balancers of Google are configured as simply as possible in round robin, which makes them 10x more efficient than sticky sessions.

The role of App Engine is to "hide" the operation and complexity of Google's servers. When a visitor connects to your site, he comes to the load balancer of Google, which will seek an available server and not too busy to handle the request of your visitor. If your site needs access to data, which is common, it will appeal to a different area of ​​servers called DataStore (this is a sort of the database).

What languages ​​are supported by App Engine?
PaaS platforms like Google App Engine support a limited number of programming languages. Indeed, they provide additional functionality in the form of libraries, it is necessary that Google has developed the relevant features for these languages​​. Here are the 3 languages ​​supported by Google at the moment (this list is likely to grow in the future):

  • Java
  • Python
  • Go

java and python cartoon

In fact, any language that can use the Java virtual machine can also work: The case of Ruby and Scala for example. In practice, most people use either Java or Python. Go is a language created by Google which is specific enough and still experimental.





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