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By: - at May 23, 2013

Introduction to Design Patterns in Java

head first design patterns in javaThe object-oriented approach tends to break down into simpler applications and reusable components. However, this approach can quickly become a trap when the cutting is done without clear rules. The designer came to be saturated by the complexity of coding (spaghetti effect). Without basic architecture, your application will gradually become unmanageable with the consequent emergence of bugs more difficult to correct (domino effect). To reduce the risk of maintenance, we must use an extra level in the object-oriented design: Design patterns . But beware of the trap of the opposite extreme, these models are common and so useful but only if the use is really necessary.

Some reminders about the design object

Unlike procedural languages ​​such as C or Pascal, the object-oriented design does not divide the space data (attributes) and space treatments (methods). This common space applies to a part of the problem to be managed in the form of a class. A class is an abstract representation describing how to run objects. Objects are built from this class at runtime through an instantiation process (in the Java new operator). Each of the statements in a class can be limited in scope (local or private scope, scope of group or package, scope of descent or protected, global scope or public ).

effective javaA class can be combined with other classes to facilitate reuse. The most common association is inheritance. Inheritance is used to specialize an existing class (link generalization / specialization) by changing / adding new methods and new data. This specialization leads to the construction of new classes (also called subclasses). The concept of inheritance can be seen as a design element "is a kind of". For example, a car can be seen as a subclass of the Vehicle class, car inherits the Vehicle class, it extends the features of the vehicle by additional data and methods (speed, engine .. .). When you read "extend" we must be aware that there is enrichment and that all the possibilities of the children is always at least equal to or greater than the ancestors.

When a method of a class is redefined in a subclass, there is an overload. As we will see later this option gives flexibility to the introduction of generic classes delegating certain behavior to subclasses. This overload is also the basis of the principle of polymorphism (by inheritance because there are several kinds). Polymorphism is a way to standardize access between different objects (type) and based on common access (the common ancestor classes).

Some classes are not completely built to require subclasses to perform overload. This is known as abstract or interfaces (fully abstract classes) classes. The interface is used in Java and in recent languages ​​objects, it is a little more subtle than abstract class in a sense that his character completely abstract avoids collision problems in inheritance between several parents.

Interface is associated with one or more implementation classes . An implementation class therefore contains the code for producing interface. Interface is the "intent" and implementing the "realization".

In the following article, we will propose examples in Java. These examples are easily transposed to C + + or other object language.

Definition of design patterns

Design patterns describe practices organizations of object classes. These organizations are often the result of an empirical design, the designer object tries to facilitate the reuse and maintenance of the code. We can therefore develop an application model as a form of organization transposed into other applications. These systems may appear unnecessary or being complex to beginners, yet it is very important to know more and apply it consistently (in cases recognized as subject to change). The architect object is constructed gradually a "basket" of models.

java programming

Design patterns are not really standardized, but you can cut them into three broad categories:

  • The creation models:  These models are very common to delegate to other classes the construction of other objects.
  • The structure models:  These models tend to develop centers of classes with macro-components.
  • Role models:  These models attempt to divide responsibilities between each class (use is dynamic)

If we wanted to draw a parallel with UML, the first two models are linked to static diagrams (class), while the latter model is more related to a dynamic pattern (sequence).

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We often faced the problem of classes evolution in object-oriented programming. A class inherits from another class to specialize in certain items. We would therefore like an object to belong to a particular class (in the same family by inheritance) without having to search the management class of these objects and the line of code that performs the instantiation. If we imagine a case of creating an object for a given class C, distributed in different parts of the code, if you decide to change the nature of C through a descendant class (a class C 'inheriting C) it is necessary to retake the entire creation code with a loaded class creation, and need only the latter is to renew.

-Factory setting

A factory is a class that has the only role to build objects. This class uses interfaces or abstract classes to hide the origin of objects.


/ ** Interface description of a point * /
 public interface Point 1{
   / ** Returns the abscisse of the point * /
   public int getX ();
   / ** Returns the ordinate of the point * /
   public int getY (); }

/ ** Interface description of a line * /
 public interface Line1 {
    / ** Returns the coordinates of the first point * /
   public int getX1 ();
   public int getY1 ();
    / ** Returns the coordinates of the second point * /
   public int getX2 ();
   public int getY2 ();

/ ** Factory returning objects of type point or line * /
 public class CanvasFactory1{
    / ** Returns a point at coordinates x, y * /
    public Point GetPoint1 (int x, int y) {
     return new PointImpl1 (x, y);
    / ** Returns a line with coordinates x1, y1, x2, y2 * /
    public Line getLine1 (int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) {
     return new LineImpl1 (x1, y1, x2, y2);

complete reference on javaIn this example, we define two interfaces Point1 and Line1 representing two Abstract classes. These classes Point1 and Line1 denote objects returned by CanvasFactory1 class. This class hides the true nature of objects. Here we return by the methods of access PointImpl1 and LineImpl1 objects that implement respectively Point1 and Line1 interfaces. The application will use the CanvasFactory1 class to obtain graphics elements. During an evolution, a user may change easily the nature of objects (with other classes that implement interfaces ... Point and Line).

Sometimes, we have two forms of factories:

  • The abstract factories such as the one we have seen based on the use of generic classes (Point and Line).
  • The concrete factories masking all the necessary methods to the creation and initialization of objects.


A singleton is used to control the number of instances of a class at any given time. It is often very convenient for classes without condition and still providing the same treatment.

A singleton is built with class methods. These methods belong to a class and can be accessed independently of the object.


Public CanvasFactory1 {
    / ** Data class containing the current instance * /
    private static CanvasFactory1 instance = new CanvasFactory1 ();

   / ** Private Constructor prohibiting instantiation outside of this class * /
    private CanvasFactory1 () {}
    / ** Singleton of the current class * /
   public static CanvasFactory1 getInstance () {return instance;}

To continue with the previous example, we add to our CanvasFactory1 class a class attribute with the declaration "private static" representing the available single instance of the class. We add a constructor of private scope "CanvasFactory1 ()" to prevent instantiation of this class. Finally the method "public static getInstance CanvasFactory1" returns to us single instance of the CanvasFactory1 class.

Typically the use of CanvasFactory class will be as follows:

CanvasFactory1 cf = CanvasFactory1.getInstance ();

The singleton limit the number of instances in memory. It can sometimes be seen as a particular factory.


The Builder or editor is a class offering ways to build an object. For example, to build a picture, we must add points, lines, circles.... It should not be confused with the factory.


The problem with a factory setting, is that it does not allows you to define how an object will be built, of course, it is always possible to pass x parameters in the method of creating of a factory, but this is often very reductive for the maintenance.


 / ** Builder for Canvas objects * /
 public CanvasBuilder1 {
     / ** Initialize the canvas * /
     public void initCanvas1 (Canvas1 e) {... }
     / ** Add a point with coordinates x, y * /
     public void addPoint1 (int x, y) {... }
     / ** Add the line coordinates x1, y1, x2, y2 * /
     public void addLine1 (int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) {... }

This example illustrates the use of the editor to build a drawing area (canvas) with primitive. Firstly, we will call the method "initCanvas1" who will designate a factory for a canvas and erase the drawing area. This canvas can be enriched by the methods "addPoint1" or "addLine1". The user therefore does not manipulate an object more directly, it applies a set of operations very naturally. The designer of the Editor may at any time change the nature of the object or the interpretation of the available methods.

Example for use:

/ / Create the Builder
CanvasBuilder1 cb = new CanvasBuilder1 ();
 Canvas1 e = new CanvasImpl 1();
 / / Mounting Canvas
 cb.initCanvas1 (e);
 cv.addPoint1 (5, 5);
 cv.addLine1 (0, 0);
 cv.addLine1 (10.0);
 cv.addLine1 (10, 10);

We can exploit editors in addition to a factory. A factory then uses the Builder to "climb" the returned object.

The structure models

These design models attempt to compose classes in order to build new structures. These structures are not used primarily to manage differently groups of objects and unique objects. Everyone using a vector drawing software is required to group objects.

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Objects designed in that way form a new object that can be moved and manipulated without having to repeat these steps on each object that compose it. This results in a wider structure but still easy to handle structure.


The adapter is a convenient way to run an object with an interface that it does not have. The idea is to create an additional class which is responsible for implementing the right interface (the adapter) and call the corresponding methods in the object to use .


/ ** Interface representation of a circle * /
public interface Circle1{
   / ** Returns the abscisse of the center of the circle * /
   public int getX ();
   / ** Returns the ordinate of the center of the circle * /
   public int getY ();
   / ** Returns the radius of the circle * /
   public int GETZ ();

/ ** Class implementing the Circle interface * /
 public class CircleImpl1 implements Circle1{

/ ** Adapter to convert the circle to a point * /
 public class CircleImplPointAdapter1 implements Point1
   private Circle1 e;
   public CircleImplPointAdapter1 (Circle1 e) {
    this.e = e;
   public int getX () {return e.getX ();}
   public int getY () {return e.getY ();}

java design patternsThis example attempts to convert an object implementing the interface Circle1 to an object of type Point1. A class CircleImplPointAdapter1 will make this connection by charging itself to implement the point1 interface and call the circle1 methods similar to the Point1 , ie getX and getY.

The adapter is used to link independent classes which does not have the right interfaces. This operation is reserved for the special case where the change of a parent class would be impossible or too complex. However, be careful not to recklessly increase the number of class by introducing adapter at all levels. The adapter is a way to make "connections".


Close enough to the adapter, the proxy looks to add a level of indirection between the call of a method of an object and the associated action. To this end, we construct a new class that implements the interface of the object to be manipulated and deporting all actions on another object that implements the same interface. This type of structure is to be able to change the target object without changing the source object.


/ ** Interface representing a drawing area * /
 public interface Canvas1{
   / ** Add a graphic object * /
   public void addGraphicElement 1(GraphicElement1 ge);

/ ** Proxy for drawing area * /
 public class CanvasProxy1 implements Canvas 1{
   private Canvas1 e;
   public CanvasProxy1 (Canvas1 e) {
    this.e = e;
public void addGraphicElement1 (GraphicElement1 ge) {
    e.addGraphicElement1 (ge);

coffee cup java programming languageIn this example, a Canvas1 interface is defined with a method to add graphical objects. The CanvasProxy1 proxy is a class that is responsible for implementing the Canvas1 interface and to call methods on the Canvas object passed as a constructor parameter. As a practical example, we can imagine that the canvas can also exist in its opposite form to act as a gum. Passing through mode "gum", any object added will erase some of the background as a footprint. For this, it will be enough in CanvasProxy1 class to modify or change the Canvas1 object. The operator will manipulate in all cases the same object.

Proxy are widely used for managing distributed objects (RMI in Java for example). The idea is to build Proxy able to communicate with remote objects (use of serialization in Java) without that the operator makes the difference between a local access or remote access.


Composite model seeks to eliminate differences between a group of objects and an object. The simplest example is the group of objects in a drawing program as we saw in the earlier example. The easiest way to manage these models is the use of a single interface for single elements and the "Compound" element.


/ ** Implementation of the interface * Composite Canvas /
 public class CanvasImpl1 implements GraphicElement1, Canvas1 {
 / ** Add a graphic element or a canvas! * /
 public void addGraphicElement 1(GraphicElement1 ge) {... }

Our example is based on the previous example, here we adopt two interfaces for CanvasImpl 1 class:

  • The Canvas1 interface containing the method "addGraphicElement1" to build our drawing space.
  • GraphicElement1 interface to associate the drawing area to a new graphic element. It is therefore possible to add an object of the class CanvasImpl1 in an object of the CanvasImpl1 class.

The use of a common interface limit the need of test of each object, here all the objects are seen in the same manner. This operation is encountered in the DOM tree with XML documents.

Behavioral patterns

Behavioral patterns simplifies the runtime objects organization. Typically, a function consists of a set of actions that may belong to different areas of the implementation class. So we would be able to "delegate" some treatment to other classes. In general, a model of behavior reduces the complexity of managing an object or a set of objects.

- Iterator

The iterator is the most common behavior patterns. The idea is to limit the vision of a collection by a user. Typically a collection contains a set of objects stored by different methods (a table, a vector ...), the operator who accesses the contents of the collection does not wish to be involved in this way of managing objects. The collection provides a single point of access in the form of an iterator interface.


 / ** Class Management drawing space * /
 public class CanvasImpl 1 implements GraphicsElement1, Canvas1 {
    / / Array to store elements of the collection
    private GraphicsElement1 [] ge;
    / ** Returns an iterator to access the objects in the collection * /
 public Iterator1  getIterator () {return ArrayIterator (ge);}

/ ** Interface for all collections of objects GraphicElement * /
 public interface Iterator1 {
     public GraphicElement1 getNextElement ();

/ ** Iterator browsing a table to return objects of type GraphicElement * /
 public class ArrayIterator implements Iterator1 {
    private GraphicElement 1[] ge;
    private int nge;
    / ** Constructor with a data table to run through) { = ge;
     nge = 0;
    / ** Returns each element of the collection or null * /
    public GraphicElement1 getNextElement () {
     if (nge> = ge.length) return null;
     return ge [nge + +];

This example includes an iterator for CanvasImpl1 collection which contains objects of type GraphicElement1. These objects are stored in an array, an iterator ArrayIterator runs the table and offer each item in the collection by getNextElement method. If later you want to change the method of storing objects for reasons of performance or memory costs, simply make a new class that implements the Iterator1 interface.

Design Patterns represent a very rich composition space or simplification of your development object. We studied a few here, but there are many others and you will also be asked to find new ones. Be careful not to get "carried away" by these patterns, too many patterns is an "anti-pattern"; beautiful architecture is always a balance between what is possible and necessary. Good design!





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