Top 15 Interesting Places to Visit in Puerto Rico
Puerto Rico is a particularly handy vacation spot for Americans due to its
proximity to the U.S. and its status as a commonwealth give it a number of
advantages for tourists. The national currency is the American dollar, and
American citizens will not need a passport to get into the country. Also the
total travel time isn’t as strenuous or lengthy as other sandy beach locations. Many famous
artists and athletes call Puerto Rico home, or at least call it their hometown.

With a
rich culture and diverse history, this island would also have its share of
attractions without its connections to the U.S.
15) Bacardi Factory
The famous alcohol manufacturer
offers a grand tour of its facilities, starting with a reproduction of the
original rum factory used as a museum of Bacardi memorabilia. A tour guide
explains the rum-making process to you, and shows you examples of the oaken
barrels used for aging their product. The tour is large enough that a train is used to get you
from one part of the factory to another. There is another stop with a quick lesson on mix
drinks from a professional bartender, and a display of vintage Bacardi ads at
another location. At the present factory, a guide discusses the current process
of rum making, and then it’s time to relax at the on-site bar for a while after
the tour. You
can send special eCards to folks back home to commemorate your visit, and also two
complimentary drinks are offered to each guest. The gift shop is full of
Bacardi-themed souvenirs at reasonable prices, and while tours done with a tour
operator must be paid for, the basic tour itself is completely free.
Bacardi Rum Factory in San Juan

Many of the limited rums not available outside of Puerto Rico are offered for
sale in the tour gift shop, but it’s important to remember that items like
these are often available in the duty-free shop at the airport that you may
purchase on your way out of the country. Make sure you
spend your money here wisely, and only on the one-of-a-kind items only sold at Casa
14) Old Aguadilla Lighthouse Ruins
Accessible only by crossing the golf course next to Puerto Rico’s airport,
there is very little left standing of the Aguadilla lighthouse. The weathered brick has an eerie feeling to it, with so little of the building left
intact, and not a speck of civilization around it. The Spanish built it in 1889,
naming it Borinquen Point Lighthouse. Like many of its kind, the lighthouse was
an elaborate structure, including living quarters for the light house keeper. An
earthquake demolished the structure and, the U.S.
Coast Guard abandoned the site in 1922 when they chose to rebuild it as a
concrete structure some distance away from the original location.
Ruins of the Old Aguadilla Lighthouse

Aguadilla itself is a pleasant port town, owing its thriving existence to its
historically prime location for trade with boats. It was the site of a national
tragedy in 1944 when a train wreck on a busy general election day occurred in the village. The National Mayoral Association says it
has been awarded “Best Quality of Life Award” twice, and it boasts very
beautiful and a few readily accessible but very private, beaches.
Aerial View of Aguadilla

In fact, there
is one such beach just past the lighthouse ruins, located down a dirt road. Some
of them are noted for their excellent surfing, so if you’re interested in
catching some waves while in Puerto Rico, definitely check this town out during
your vacation. The beautiful crystal clear water is a must see while visiting in
Puerto Rico.
13) San Antonio de la Tuna
Another idyllic beach town is the city of Isabela, found east of Aguadilla:

Nearby lies the remains of the original Spanish settlement on the island that Isabela is descended from. Around 1725, the Spanish founded a community among
the native Taino of the region, and erected a small church near the Guajataca
River. The town they named La Tuna, and the church was named for San Antonio. As
sea trade took off and the Spanish became comfortable, they abandoned the
village here for what would become Isabela, in order to be closer to the coast.
The church is now being preserved for future generations, and has been added to
the U.S. National Register of Historic Places.
Ruins of San Antonio de la Tuna

Relations between the Taino and Spanish were not ideal, and La Tuna is a
symbol of the colonization of the island. Still, both ethnicities have had such
a profound influence on the unique culture that is Puerto Rico today, and many
places like this are markers of that heritage on one side or the other. Isabela
contains many such sites like the ruins at La Tuna, so if learning more about
the culture of Puerto Rico interests you, this should definitely be on your list
of places to visit.
12) Dona Juana Waterfall
Located in Orocovis, the falls at Toro Negro are beautiful, and one of the
largest in Puerto Rico. Despite the large amount of annual visitors, the site
remains fairly clean with the waters clear. There is a pool at the bottom of the falls that can
be used for swimming, and if you’re skilled enough to climb the steep rock faces,
you can jump off into the water basin. The locals often call the falls Salto Dona Juana, or
Dona Juana’s Leap. The area around the falls has several other water features,
including two well- stocked fresh-water lakes that are known for fantastic fly fishing.
Two more falls are found in the nature reserve and they are La Mina, and La Confesora.

The falls are in the highly elevated Jayuya where Puerto Rican coffee is
grown, and where many historic Taino sites can be found. Day hikes are
especially popular here, through the beautiful rain forests and ample preserves
that showcase the biodiversity Puerto Rico has to offer. Being a highland area,
it can get a little chilly here, though, so if you decide to go inland and
upwards, you might want to grab something with long-sleeves.
11) El Morro
Officially named Castillo de San Felipe del Morro, locals refer to this site
as “El Morro” to shorten things up a bit. The 400 year-old fort still watches
over the San Juan harbor; its six levels a testament to Puetro Rico’s strategic
position in the Caribbean, and the struggle to hold it by nations with an
interest in the New World. Having undergone expansion and remodeling after
serving both the Spanish and the U.S. army during various periods of its
existence since 1540, El Morro still has its sentry boxes, cannon water battery,
and a rebuilt lighthouse. The Torre Antigua, which is the oldest tower in the
fort, and from the original construction. El Morro flies three flags: the U.S.
flag, the Puerto Rican flag, and the old Spanish military flag flown during its
initial span as a strategic military base for the Spanish settlers.
El Morro Fortress

When you’re finally done at the park—which could take a while—San Juan itself
is an interesting place that shares quite a bit of history with the fort. For
example, the town bears the name when the island was original christened by
Columbus, upon his landing here the name of the island, Puerto Rico, was
originally the name of the town.
10) Culebra Island
“Snake Island,” as it would be in English, is about 17 miles west of the
Puerto Rico mainland. It is actually the last in the archipelago chain that
makes up the Virgin Islands. Culebra is classified as a nature preserve, and has
both scenic beaches and beautiful forests, but its interest is once again in the
history of the place. Traditionally, it is said to have been the home of a group
of Carib Indians, whom Columbus may have met on his second voyage.
Culebra, Puerto Rico

rebelling, many Taino moved to the island and formed alliances with the Caribs
living there, but this combined force’s random attacks on the plantations still
could not break Spanish control.
Old Tank on Flamenco Beach - Culebra Island

After being abandoned for some time, new regulations in trade made the island
look favorable as a dwelling once more, this time for pirates, and even some
local fishermen. Attempts to clear the island of foreigners, establish order,
and move out any rogues failed, and it was simply the changing times that
finally cleared the area of all but a few mild, but independent locals.
9) Guanica Dry Forest
Nearly 1000 acres in size, this forest only receives around 30 inches of rain
a year by the DRNA’s calculations, as opposed to the 200 some inches a year that
fall in the rainforests on the islands. This marks an unusual variance in
terrain that accounts for the biodiversity found in Puerto Rico, and is seen in
the biodiversity of both
plant and animal life.
Guanica Reserve - Puerto Rico

The area here is arid but not barren, with a variety of
trees, bushes, and even cacti that are found nestled in stone outcroppings or
towering over short grass growing in sandy soil. There is a small abandoned
watch tower on the premises called Fort Caprón out in the distance. There are
other trails as well with some that are less well-marked than
others, and without a map and navigation skills it is possible to get lost while
blazing these trails.
A Look at the Lagoon in the Guanica Reserve

There is a water feature in this forest provided by the Ojo de Agua, allowing a little
circular oasis of more lush botanical life to grow, that creates an interesting
contrast in flora. The area is very hot and despite being so dry, mosquitoes can
be a serious issue. So if you’re going to take the time to properly explore,
make sure to bring some bug spray along as well so that you will be able to
completely enjoy your experience.
8) Art Museums in Bayamon
While many of the things to do in Puerto Rico are about nature and the out of
doors, there are also indoor attractions as well. Bayamon is the second largest
city in Puerto Rico, and only lacks some of the amenities of a major
metropolitan area because of its proximity to San Juan.
Aerial View of the City of Bayamon

Bayamon is very devoted
to culture, and though they are small, there are two art museums of note that
you want to visit. The Bayamon Museum of Art and the Oller Museum of Art and
History are both free of cost, and feature Puerto Rican artists that date back
to the mid-1800s up through contemporary work, so there is a nice variety of
styles to introduce you to the evolution of art in the area.
Bayamon Museum of Art

Courtesy of
The Bayamon Museum is located in Luis Ferre Science Park. It features nine
exhibition rooms and even a small garden with sculpture. The Oller Museum is
located downtown, in what used to be the City Hall. It has two floors for
exhibition, with a focus on the works of famous Puerto Rican painter Francisco
Inside the Bayamon Museum of Art

Courtesy of
Local artists like Juan Santos also have displayed works—as does Thomas Baptista. The museum also houses historic religious art and Taino artifacts.
7) Cemi Museum
“Cemi” is the Taino word for spirit, which could be any number of entities
including gods and ancestors. The word can also stand for the physical
representations of these spirits and gods. The Cemi Museum in Jayuya is
dedicated to preserving Taino culture through artifacts and education. Gathering
for ceremonies in the mountains is an important part of historic Taino culture,
and so a lot of preserved sites and digs are all at high elevations in coffee
country. Jayuya is the main hub for this activity, and the Cemi Museum is meant
to bring it altogether. It is named after sculptures of Cemi found nearby, which
scholars believe may be meant to resemble a nearby mountain range with the humps
on its back.

ganbei [CC-BY-2.0],
via Wikimedia Commons
The museum is built in the shape of a cemi, and is home to a small assortment
of tools, pottery, and petroglyphs from the area. A short informational program
serves as a guide, and the museum itself can easily be browsed in under 20
minutes by most accounts. If you’re looking to round out your day with more
things to do, other Taino sites like Piedra Escrita—another example of
petroglyphs—is nearby, along with the aforementioned Dona Juana Falls and even
some coffee plantations.
6) El Yunque
This 28,000-acre rainforest belongs to the U.S. Forestry Service, and spans
some of the highest elevations in Puerto Rico. It is one of the most stunning
places to visit on the island, with many waterfalls and an impressive array of
plants and animals that includes 400 separate botanical species.
View of Mountains of El Yunque

By Stan Shebs
via Wikimedia Commons
Its tallest
peak—what the areas is named for, el yunque meaning “anvil”—is usually shrouded
in an eerie thin mist that dissipates with the afternoon showers.
El Yunque Rain Forest

By stanthejeep [CC-BY-SA-2.5],
via Wikimedia Commons
Many shelters
have been installed to provide cover for hikers and backpackers, as eventually
you will find yourself caught in one of the distinctive torrential downpours
that marks this area as rainforest—the only one in the U.S. Forestry system.
5) Rio Camuy Caves
This area is actually better known by the locals for its nearby beaches, and
visiting either one should be a rewarding adventure. The caves are wide open
places that were actually exposed when parts of them caved in. Tours are given
with a numbered ticket system in place to limit the amount of visitors in the
cave at one time, and careful education is given in a pre-tour briefing both to
help you know what to expect, and to ensure you support preservation of the cave
by not handling anything within it that might damage the fragile ecosystem. At
one point, you will come to a place in the cave where the floor opens up and you
are able to see the Camuy River running beneath you. In other parts of the cave
system, you can hear the sound of rushing water. There is a spring, one of the
many once called the fountain of youth, and the water is considered potable
enough for you to try.
Entrance to Rio Camuy Caves

The park around the cave is also beautiful, with picnic pavilions and a play
area for children. Locals visit here as often as tourists, and the number of
visitors is limited by the same number lottery system, so be aware and plan
ahead. You might keep in mind, too, that the cave is closed during rain, as
parts of it can be subject to flash flooding. There is a restaurant and a
souvenir shop on site, as well.
4) El Arsenal
This is a former naval station in the San Juan area. The fortress is made
with Romanesque architecture that makes it easily visible as it spreads low and
gray over La Puntilla, which is a strategic defense point at the seaward side of the San
Juan harbor. Originally, the fortress was established out of fear for British
naval attacks on the harbor. El Arsenal was ideal for launching shallow boats
into the mangrove swamps surrounding this little arm of the island, and could
easily patrol to warn the navy of approaching enemy ships. It was one of the
last retreats of the Spanish military forces when the Americans won the
Spanish-American war.
El Arsenal Fortress

The fortress currently serves as the home for the Institute of Puerto Rican
heritage, and has a welcoming visitor’s center to teach you all about the
fortress, the island, and the unique culture of Puerto Rico. There are also
several different art exhibitions featuring local artists. Tours are given of
the facilities, where even the little chapel is preserved from the place’s past
as a military stronghold. Many cultural events are held there on a revolving
basis, so there are definitely plenty of things to do.
3) Arecibo Observatory
Among the places to visit in Puerto Rico, this one is definitely unique. This
observatory houses the William E. Gordon telescope—the single largest aperture
telescope constructed at 305 meters--and is part of the National Astronomy and
Ionosphere Center. The observatory operates under agreement with the National
Science Foundation to allow for research on a competitive basis with a variety
of different science teams. This is the giant dish featured in the movie
“Contact” from back in the ‘90s. The on-site visitor’s center contains bilingual
exhibits that are designed to instruct and pique interest in astronomy and the
night sky. The Angel Ramos Foundation sponsors a short audiovisual show in the
center’s auditorium that lets you experience how the observatory’s labs work on
a daily basis.

The observatory runs a pre-college program that allows the students to work
side-by-side with the scientists over a period of 16 weeks. Some are involved in
group projects, others in individual ones, but all present their findings at a
bi-annual symposium hosted by the observatory. Arecibo also releases beautiful
colorized images taken during observations, as well as abstracts of findings for
citizen stargazers to enjoy.
2) Lagoon Tortuguero
This aquatic reserve located between Vega Baja and Manati is the only freshwater
lagoon in Puerto Rico. It holds 708 million gallons of water over roughly 2.5
kilometers. It is the fourth most
important preserve on the island, and is home to over 700 species of plants in
130 different families. Many of these are considered very rare and maybe
endangered, which is what gives this bio diverse area its supreme importance. A
tour of the area will introduce you to many grasses, ferns, and beautiful
orchids, as well as to a variety of semi-aquatic animals. Freshwater crocodiles
were introduced into the area a few years ago, though, so camping is not among
the things to do here—in fact, it is prohibited.

There is still hiking, mountain biking, bird watching, and fishing, though.
There are also guides you can hire to show you less accessible areas and even
take you mountain climbing. Bird watching in particular is prized here, as there
are 83 distinct species found in the lagoon area, and only 30 are migratory.
Some of the notables include the Moorish Queen and a couple of varieties of
1) Mosquito Bay
Also called the Bioluminescent Bay, this bay area is home to billions of
dinoflagellates that cause the water to glow at night. The area is part of the
Sun Bay Nature Reserve, and must be heavily guarded. The popularity of the
attraction can lead people to try and visit the bay under circumstances that
harm the delicate ecology present and that make the bay so unique and vibrant.
Conservation efforts are constant at the site, and awareness about the rarity
and beauty of the bay is a campaign headed by many concerned individuals who
care about the bay’s preservation for future generations.
View of Bioluminescent Bay

By Phil Hart
If you want to tour the bay, the best thing to do is go with a tour company
who are professionals interested in sharing the experience of the bay in a way
that doesn’t harm it. There are available night tours that utilize an electric
pontoon boat or kayaks which do not disturb the microorganisms. Reputable tour
groups will even advise you not to wear DEET bug repellent, as this could harm
the organisms as much as gas fumes from a motorboat. You can see the ethereal
green glow for yourself best on moonless nights, with extra flashes of blue, as
small fish dart through the waters. On some tours, you can swim in the water,
which is an eerie experience, as the dinoflagellates luminesce in response to
movement, making for a brilliant, personal light show all around you.
Puerto Rico may be popular among U.S. places to visit just because it’s so close
to home, but it’s also very far away in the sense that its ecology and culture
are astonishingly unique compared to the rest of America. Its rich
history, diverse ethnicities, and even more diverse plant and animal life
contribute to Puerto Rico's charm. Whether you are into nature, science, art,
music, history, culture, cuisine, or sports, this small island has plenty of
adventure waiting for you. This list highlights some of the most interesting
attractions—both in the mainstream and off the beaten path—but there are
hundreds more waiting to be discovered by more intrepid explorers. Coming from the U.S., there is
nothing required of you but a photo I.D. and possibly a birth certificate to get
in; no passport is required for entry for U.S. citizens. Come and experience all
of the wonder that Puerto Rico has to offer!
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